Stackemup Enneagram anticipates unveiling the mother of all typology resources in 2020 after having established itself as a Typology Superpower in 2019. Eleanor "All tell and no show" Berdutina, youtube cluckers, Jung deniers, and bullshit socionics society migraters all got crushed when they came up against Stackemup Typology.

Alan Lichtman: LII-Ti 5w6 so/sp (Solitary-Self-Sufficient Gestalt)

Ivette Sangalo: IEE-Ne 2w1 sx/so (Nurturing/Overbearing-Seductive Gestalt)

Ammon Bundy: SLI-Si 6w5 so/sx (The Volatile-Self-Protective Gestalt)

Ralph Lauren: LIE-Ni 7w8 sp/sx (The Enterprising-Non-Conforming Gestalt)