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Thread: What are you?

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    I liked @Aramas post the best... I think 'what a human is', is a billion little specific things like that. Soul/body/mind is way too vague. I wanted to reply to what he said tho. Cuz I couldn't get to sleep tonight.

    1. I am a male. Same.

    2. I am an American. Same.

    3. I was born in the Bible belt, but I am not a Christian. I was born in the mid-west, which is like... half-bible belt. They are trapped in the middle between accepting gays fully and punching us in our ****** faces. Western/Northern MI is a lot more Bible Belt-y, and I live in the more liberal area tho but I've lived in both areas.

    4. I still have issues with Christian beliefs rising into my mind from time to time. This is often disconcerting. Gotta love childhood conditioning, eh? Haha idk, reality has too much sadness/negativity and intense cruelty for me to believe in a God... I just can't put on a plastic happy face like my ESE mom idk, although still- that's probably how I came across to LIEs?

    5. I am technically an amoralist, but I still judge the behavior of others according to my own standards--which standards might not necessarily apply to me. That is to say that I judge others by their effect on me and not necessarily by any principle. Hmm. I just have way more respect for people who are evil and know it - rather than people who think they are good when they are the most evil of all. Genuinely sweet/innocent people (that aren't children) are very rare IME.

    6. I am sometimes a doormat and sometimes an asshole. More frequently, I'm the former. I'm only an asshole according to other people, though. I can fully understand and accept myself as a doormat. Haha hey, I think you can be a good asshole sometimes. You have the 'Gamma bite.' =D

    7. I am not a scientist, but I like science sometimes if it suits me. I was very good at science in school, but I was much more focused on typical IEI stuff like romances/fantasy adventures/daydreaming etc.

    8. I use logic when it suits me, which is to say I'm not really logical at all. Sometimes I get the right answer though. Everybody is like this, only shady people lie and say it's otherwise. Everybody only uses logic to suit their own agenda. People who pretend they are selfless = the people most corrupt.

    9. I am often really really really tired. And at the end of the month, often hungry. Hey, me too. Fag energy? =(

    10. I sometimes imagine myself having a boyfriend. At other times, I imagine myself rich, alone, and in my own McMansion, as comfortable as possible. I imagine having the best food I can possibly eat. Most likely I'll be alone... and poor lol. But still surviving.

    11. I find myself incapable of developing career goals. Ideally, I could survive and live well without doing much of anything at all. Ideally isn't reality, though. I have my 'dream job' but I have this deep, deep belief that it will stop being so meaningful to me if I was paid for it, so I don't ever pursue it. I guess that's very backwards and self-defeating and all that- but hey, I do have Te polr. =p I'd rather find something I can be 100% neutral about.

    12. I realize I'm not attractive physically, but I still look for partners who are probably much more attractive than I am. Well, if I'm compatible with somebody even objectively average guys can be really hot to me- but I could never be with somebody completely hideous.

    13. I tell myself that I would like to have a boyfriend or friends sometimes. I tell myself that the reason why I don't have any IRL on a regular basis is just that most people are dumb, have different interests and tastes, or some other reason. Yeah...

    14. I realize that life is probably just a game of chance, but I still like to think it's not -- sometimes. I sometimes like to think it's a game of chance I can win. ime, you mostly 'win at life' by telling the lowest-common denominator people what they want to hear. (I wish the answer was idk... better than this, but it's really not.) Personal skill and hardwork mean nothing compared to people manipulation skill sadly.

    15. Sometimes I tell myself that the most horrible things will happen, and that perhaps, by some act of magical thinking, I'll get the exact opposite. The most horrible & sad thing *does* always happen because that's life and the harsh gritty real world. We still magically think something else will happen anyway, cuz it's only human. <3 And in this strange way, we win against the negativity.

    16. At various points in my life, I have thought to myself that I wanted to be a meteorologist, a writer, a computer programmer, a professor, or some solitary minimum wage thing that wouldn't have to deal with other people, a forester, and other stuff. lmao @ minimum wage comment. Yeah I always wanted to be a writer or artist.

    17. So far, all I've done is succeeded in getting a college degree that makes sense based on my history. I read then, and I read now. Right now, I read about fairy tales. I haven't done it much in the past few days, though, because I've been tired or other reasons.

    18. I am the product of a family that would be stereotypically considered "dysfunctional." I don't like the idea of families, and I don't want one. Interesting. I've wondered about the push for gay men to be more like low IQ suburban dumb-asses. If that's what being accepted is... count me out.

    19. No kids. Not now, not ever. Agreed. Kids are for breeders. Tho I still have the urge from time to time to make a mini-me. I'm a little straight. =(

    20. Animals are nice, but not as pets. I have seen enough dirt in houses -- among other things. I like pets but can't afford one right now.

    21. It would be nice to win the lottery. Yeah definitely, although you have like a ten times more likely chance to die in a terrorist attack than win it. /debbie downer music plays.

    22. I am not really willing to change. If I can re-arrange life so that I can live better though, I will. And if I can discover more about myself, which could be the act of self-creation, that would be nice. Hehe this is Ni > Ne valuing to me.

    23. I can't tell the future. I had some big dreams a long time ago, and I've only managed to fulfill one of them. That was going to college. Now that that is done, it doesn't seem like much. College is an Illuminati Trap really... for most people these days.

    24. I thought college would be a gateway to freedom and happiness. I learned a lot, and I'm more confident now than before, and perhaps I don't feel quite as trapped as I used to, but I'm right back where I started physically. Except I'm more tired than I was then.

    25. I am not that afraid of spiders, but I will kill the big ones. And sometimes the little ones too. You kill big spiders? My manly hero. <3 I can only kill the little ones.

    26. If I had to pick a motherfucking career, I'd rather be an author. Notice I said author and not writer. I'd rather write my own bullshit, not someone else's. Of all the careers, it seems like the best, because I can do it by myself without ever entering an office building or doing manual labor.

    27. I'm a lot better at noticing the Socionics types of others than I am my own. Some would take that and say, "He doesn't really know Socionics." Oh well. A couple years down the line, and I still don't know what it is. I might never know. So far, no one has managed to convince me, including myself. I think I'm good at socionics (I'd give myself a B+), but I can't 'mentally masturbate' over it the way thinking types do. I just can't... do that shit.

    28. In my experience, the ones who look at least as good as I do have a chance of being at least as intelligent as I am. Anyone who looks about my level of good looks is probably 10 times dumber. Less than that, 100 times dumber. Good looks don't equal intelligence, though.

    29. I've never met a "mental health professional" I liked. Yeah totally, and the one I thought I "liked" was me just IEI Fe sugarcoating, in truth I only hated her a little less than most the others. Fuck The*Rape*Ists/social workers etc and fuck them all to Hell!
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 11-12-2018 at 09:34 AM.

  2. #2
    Aramas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    I liked @Aramas post the best... I think 'what a human is', is a billion little specific things like that. Soul/body/mind is way too vague. I wanted to reply to what he said tho. Cuz I couldn't get to sleep tonight.

    1. I am a male. Same.

    2. I am an American. Same.

    3. I was born in the Bible belt, but I am not a Christian. I was born in the mid-west, which is like... half-bible belt. They are trapped in the middle between accepting gays fully and punching us in our ****** faces. Western/Northern MI is a lot more Bible Belt-y, and I live in the more liberal area tho but I've lived in both areas.

    4. I still have issues with Christian beliefs rising into my mind from time to time. This is often disconcerting. Gotta love childhood conditioning, eh? Haha idk, reality has too much sadness/negativity and intense cruelty for me to believe in a God... I just can't put on a plastic happy face like my ESE mom idk, although still- that's probably how I came across to LIEs?

    5. I am technically an amoralist, but I still judge the behavior of others according to my own standards--which standards might not necessarily apply to me. That is to say that I judge others by their effect on me and not necessarily by any principle. Hmm. I just have way more respect for people who are evil and know it - rather than people who think they are good when they are the most evil of all. Genuinely sweet/innocent people (that aren't children) are very rare IME.

    6. I am sometimes a doormat and sometimes an asshole. More frequently, I'm the former. I'm only an asshole according to other people, though. I can fully understand and accept myself as a doormat. Haha hey, I think you can be a good asshole sometimes. You have the 'Gamma bite.' =D

    7. I am not a scientist, but I like science sometimes if it suits me. I was very good at science in school, but I was much more focused on typical IEI stuff like romances/fantasy adventures/daydreaming etc.

    8. I use logic when it suits me, which is to say I'm not really logical at all. Sometimes I get the right answer though. Everybody is like this, only shady people lie and say it's otherwise. Everybody only uses logic to suit their own agenda. People who pretend they are selfless = the people most corrupt.

    9. I am often really really really tired. And at the end of the month, often hungry. Hey, me too. Fag energy? =(

    10. I sometimes imagine myself having a boyfriend. At other times, I imagine myself rich, alone, and in my own McMansion, as comfortable as possible. I imagine having the best food I can possibly eat. Most likely I'll be alone... and poor lol. But still surviving.

    11. I find myself incapable of developing career goals. Ideally, I could survive and live well without doing much of anything at all. Ideally isn't reality, though. I have my 'dream job' but I have this deep, deep belief that it will stop being so meaningful to me if I was paid for it, so I don't ever pursue it. I guess that's very backwards and self-defeating and all that- but hey, I do have Te polr. =p I'd rather find something I can be 100% neutral about.

    12. I realize I'm not attractive physically, but I still look for partners who are probably much more attractive than I am. Well, if I'm compatible with somebody even objectively average guys can be really hot to me- but I could never be with somebody completely hideous.

    13. I tell myself that I would like to have a boyfriend or friends sometimes. I tell myself that the reason why I don't have any IRL on a regular basis is just that most people are dumb, have different interests and tastes, or some other reason. Yeah...

    14. I realize that life is probably just a game of chance, but I still like to think it's not -- sometimes. I sometimes like to think it's a game of chance I can win. ime, you mostly 'win at life' by telling the lowest-common denominator people what they want to hear. (I wish the answer was idk... better than this, but it's really not.) Personal skill and hardwork mean nothing compared to people manipulation skill sadly.

    15. Sometimes I tell myself that the most horrible things will happen, and that perhaps, by some act of magical thinking, I'll get the exact opposite. The most horrible & sad thing *does* always happen because that's life and the harsh gritty real world. We still magically think something else will happen anyway, cuz it's only human. <3 And in this strange way, we win against the negativity.

    16. At various points in my life, I have thought to myself that I wanted to be a meteorologist, a writer, a computer programmer, a professor, or some solitary minimum wage thing that wouldn't have to deal with other people, a forester, and other stuff. lmao @ minimum wage comment. Yeah I always wanted to be a writer or artist.

    17. So far, all I've done is succeeded in getting a college degree that makes sense based on my history. I read then, and I read now. Right now, I read about fairy tales. I haven't done it much in the past few days, though, because I've been tired or other reasons.

    18. I am the product of a family that would be stereotypically considered "dysfunctional." I don't like the idea of families, and I don't want one. Interesting. I've wondered about the push for gay men to be more like low IQ suburban dumb-asses. If that's what being accepted is... count me out.

    19. No kids. Not now, not ever. Agreed. Kids are for breeders. Tho I still have the urge from time to time to make a mini-me. I'm a little straight. =(

    20. Animals are nice, but not as pets. I have seen enough dirt in houses -- among other things. I like pets but can't afford one right now.

    21. It would be nice to win the lottery. Yeah definitely, although you have like a ten times more likely chance to die in a terrorist attack than win it. /debbie downer music plays.

    22. I am not really willing to change. If I can re-arrange life so that I can live better though, I will. And if I can discover more about myself, which could be the act of self-creation, that would be nice. Hehe this is Ni > Ne valuing to me.

    23. I can't tell the future. I had some big dreams a long time ago, and I've only managed to fulfill one of them. That was going to college. Now that that is done, it doesn't seem like much. College is an Illuminati Trap really... for most people these days.

    24. I thought college would be a gateway to freedom and happiness. I learned a lot, and I'm more confident now than before, and perhaps I don't feel quite as trapped as I used to, but I'm right back where I started physically. Except I'm more tired than I was then.

    25. I am not that afraid of spiders, but I will kill the big ones. And sometimes the little ones too. You kill big spiders? My manly hero. <3 I can only kill the little ones.

    26. If I had to pick a motherfucking career, I'd rather be an author. Notice I said author and not writer. I'd rather write my own bullshit, not someone else's. Of all the careers, it seems like the best, because I can do it by myself without ever entering an office building or doing manual labor.

    27. I'm a lot better at noticing the Socionics types of others than I am my own. Some would take that and say, "He doesn't really know Socionics." Oh well. A couple years down the line, and I still don't know what it is. I might never know. So far, no one has managed to convince me, including myself. I think I'm good at socionics (I'd give myself a B+), but I can't 'mentally masturbate' over it the way thinking types do. I just can't... do that shit.

    28. In my experience, the ones who look at least as good as I do have a chance of being at least as intelligent as I am. Anyone who looks about my level of good looks is probably 10 times dumber. Less than that, 100 times dumber. Good looks don't equal intelligence, though.

    29. I've never met a "mental health professional" I liked. Yeah totally, and the one I thought I "liked" was me just IEI Fe sugarcoating, in truth I only hated her a little less than most the others. Fuck The*Rape*Ists/social workers etc and fuck them all to Hell!
    If you can't understand how to fix yourself, you're not really fixed imo. People go to therapists and psychologists to do things for them, when they could pick out some books and do things on their own without spending money on a therapist. They've been trained to believe that only experts can help them, though. So they've been conditioned into giving their power away to other people. Part of it is that people want easy fixes and they think others explanations are better than their own. A lot of the time, though, the mental health industry bullshits about different lies of human nature that don't exist, because it benefits society at the time for people to believe it. People say, "Well, they have degrees, so they know better than I do. I couldn't possibly challenge them."

    Most people have a very strong desire to be accepted and loved. This will make them destroy themselves if they have to simply to gain the approval and love of others. In essence, it becomes a need to be controlled. People want the easy way, to be told and reassured about who they are. Without this, many fall apart. In other words, the best some do is to plead with others to be allowed to be themselves, or a small fraction of it. Those who don't notice this in themselves are often the least aware.

    In college today, students are often told in humanities courses that there is no such thing as self or identity. All the better for people who want to control you. The knowledge that you can be who you want to be -- they leave that out.
    Last edited by Aramas; 11-12-2018 at 10:06 AM.

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