Quote Originally Posted by Neokortex View Post
Are you referring to The Matrix (1999)? According to Sidneyeve Matrix, it deliberately played into the ICT industry at a time when computer companies realized the cyberpunk genre would increase their sales.
I'm not surprised. There were at least three movies dealing with themes of virtual reality, mindbendage, philosophy, reality twists, etc. that came out that spring of 1999. You had the Matrix (1999), eXistenZ (1999) and the Thirteenth Floor (1999). Obviously the best of these was the 13th Floor (1999). Second place eXistenZ (1999). And then wayyyy down at last place, in third place... you had the Matrix (1999).

In Enneagram alpha/beta matters: which guy do you feel more safe with? the asthenic ectomorph that is integrated into society, has friends or the "anti-social" loner who has no social capital?
I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but it's beside the point, as I see it. Labeling people as 'beta males', to me, reeks of a sort of "Look at this beta male pussy ****** loser cuck. What a fucking ******. Look at this cuck.. Let us all point at him and call him names and make fun of him, for his inability to get laid. What a loser. Fag." Not extremely mature or civilized, if you ask me.

Quote Originally Posted by Blue View Post
That's a fair point. I still think there is an anger to the subtype, however that may show up. They are more likely to turn their pain into anger, or be more conscious of anger in their personality, and that doesn't mean treating others like an ass or being disrespectful to others, as seems to be how that quality of "aggression" is being interpreted here. You can release your anger and frustration out on things other than people right? Even turn it in on oneself perhaps? 4s in general, like all image types, are said to be a type that has issues with hostility and identity fwiw, or so says Riso-Hudson below.

I don't think people who are Se PoLR can escape this as 4s, honestly.

You're certainly not sx last. Haha the way you wrote this is almost sp (well-being, health, stocism)/sx (intimacy, romance, passion), and so last (and maybe even for some recognition). Was that deliberate? You have the idea, so it's a matter of just determining which is your priority.
Yeah that was deliberate, hehe. It was me trying to say that I relate to all the instincts. Which I do, but I also simultaneously don't. I relate to stuff in all of them, and non-relate to stuff in all of them. With Socionix, I feel fairly certain I'm EII. In Enneagream, I relate to the 4 and the 9 as well. But in terms of the instincts, there isn't any of them that makes me say, "Yeah that's definitely me." Nor is there any one of them that makes me go, "That's definitely not me," as I recall. I thought I was So/Sp, partly because that's what the first test gave me (4w5 5w4 [9w1?] So/Sp). I can't be sure, but I'm thinking So blindspot is possible. I do relate to stuff from there, though, as well.. such as the inner conflict between wanting to be accepted and wanting to be different.