Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
I didn't realize how dead this subforum was. If you want others to see this post, I recommend moving it to the "What's my type" subforum. I can copy and paste my response there.
That's alright. Thanks for your responses.

Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
This seems like type 9 and type 3 conflict more than variant conflict. Type 3 wants to make itself known whereas type 9 wants to go under the radar. Do you have 3 and 9 anywhere in your tritype or core type?
I do believe I'm a 4 core with a strong 9 fix. And EII. Probably not ESI. I relate to having Se PoLR. I'm an extremely gentle person, which is one of the reasons I've tended to think I'm Sx-blindspot (the other two reasons being that I'm not impulsive either, and the fact that the first test gave me So/Sp. (But other tests since then have given me other results)).

Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
Your art comments leads me to think 4w3 since there's an element of performance to it that the 3 wing would prefer rather than the 5 wing. My sister is similar.
Yeah I'm very artistic, but I tend to think I have a 5 wing, as it's double-reserved and anti-conformist.

Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
unaffected by the world's politics
Hmm, unsure of this one.

Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
Behaviour-wise, this individual [SP] would be more timid and withdraw under criticism as a first defense. (Note: 4 is a withdrawing type to begin with, but this variant would be especially sensitive to criticism)

Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
They may be highly individualistic but not necessarily independent.
Hmm, not sure. I want to be independent, and hate asking for help, but maybe I'm not as independent as I'd like to be.

Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
they would be combative when criticized or judged.
I dislike being criticized alot, but I wouldn't say I'm very combative. I'm very gentle, like I said. Though Olimpia said that the stereotype of Sx 4s being aggressive comes from the fact that most of them have an 8 fix. I myself have a strong 9 fix and am Se PoLR.

Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
The SO variant would affect this motive by wanting to express their identity to the outside world...
to "show the world who they are". They want to be known as a person with a unique identity.

Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
Behaviour-wise they can be preachy in a way, like the person who deliberately wants to make themselves known as unique.
Hmmmm.. maybe sometimes.

Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
While they want to be unique, they also want to integrate within a community that accepts them and tend not to fit the social climbing attitude that I described before.
Yes, I do have a desire to be the most strange, weird and unique person in the universe, but another part of me (as much as I absolutely hate to admit it) wants to be accepted. Not sure how much I want to be part of a community, though. Yes, I do feel like I don't feel at home in the country where I live, and want to move to a different country, but I'm not sure how much I would want to participate in a 'community'. I do feel like I'm more driven to desire a romantic connection with that special someone, but I can't be sure.

Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
perhaps negativist in socionics - maybe ESI rather than EII?)
Hmm, how is that?

Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
It eventually comes once you begin to see traits that you like and dislike in others.
Reading up on the blindspots made me realize that I dislike people of all instinctual variants, haha.

I dislike how the Sx instinct is described as the interesting one, and the other two as boring. Even just going by the names. The "sexual instinct" sounds a little more interesting than the "self-preservation instinct" or the "social instinct."
I have a desire to be Sx, I suppose, (admittedly), and it's manifesting in unhealthy, obsessive ways, for me.

Once again, thank you for your thorough insight.