Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
Tbh might be the most aesthetic person I’ve ever seen in my life.
You are very kind.

Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
EIE for sure buds.
For curiosity's sake, what are you seeing that makes you so certain?

Because as far as I can discern, though you all were pretty close, you're wrong. And the unanimous choice of EIE/ENFj is a fascinating one for several reasons:

1.) Though my pops had never been *officially* typed, by way of my own typing, he was an ENTJ (>Architect/Civil Engineer by trade; almost always chose objective external logic over objective external ethics, to his detriment; was a bull in a china shop concerning other's feelings and damn sure wasn't an empath; could only spare a leftover fuck here and there to maintain/encourage interpersonal group harmony; and his on/off again "why won't this work?/but we're so alike!" *activation* partner, my SEE mother). I've been officially typed as an ENTJ, and more specifically, an LIE-Ni in Socionics.

2.) After considering the feedback, you all have me thinking that perhaps I'm more of an LIE-3Ni and my pops was an LIE-1Ni or something along those lines. Initially, I thought that you all were simply seeing the "dreamy Ni eyes" but obfuscating them with a bit of "Fe-liveliness"; But then I remembered that according to Meged and Ovcharov's subtype theory based on contact/inert functions, an LIE-Ni (creative/contact) would have strengthened Ni, Fe, Fi and Ne and, therefore, experientially/behaviorally come off like an NF more so than an NT. Perhaps, then, these strengthened functions also manifest phenotypically.

3.) Having said that, in reaffirming that I'm not lie-ing about my pop's being an LIE, I came upon this thread about Ganin spreading LIEs concerning VI: http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...-for-reference

Here is a mash up I did where I put the sketches side by side, including a mashup of the two, and two previously posted pics of my pops (rendered in B&W); Now step back and watch it get freaky > https://i.postimg.cc/j2ZvT43b/ENTJGanin-Pops-MASH.jpg

It's almost uncanny; he seems to be a composite of both LIE sketches.

HOWEVER, I'm still willing to be convinced otherwise. And thanks again for participating.