If there were ever to be an "experimental test" of Socionics, then it must show that "types" stay consistent across different times, situations and cognitive circumstances.

So for example, if there were a type that has been unquestionably typed as "LIE" by all typists, then:

A) Does the LIE act consistently over time?

B) Does the LIE act consistently across all different situations that he is put under?

C) Does the LIE act consistently, if we try to change his beliefs?


I think the answer is that obviously, who does actually act consistently and predictably under all those different circumstances? Especially C) is almost logically impossible, since it is the particular belief that translates into particular behavior. Someone with say, a capitalist belief is going to be acting completely differently than someone with a communist belief. And if you say that people are "born" with certain beliefs, then that can't be explained by how genes cause certain beliefs. In fact, how can something like belief in capitalism be evolutionarily guided by genes? That has been created post-birth.