Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
If you want to give Socionics a start in making it scientific, you need to take one of its small, specific concrete claims, such as “people who act in x way (implying they’re of a certain type(s)) will also later act in y way more than the control”, and find a way to reliably measure it. That’s how Big 5 / OCEAN built a name for itself. It took many years though
Again, I have no problem with factor analysis models like the big 5. I would love for socionic methodologies to be so precise, if you analyzed them with factor analysis, you would generate a structure isomorphic to Model A, but we are no where near that point. If that means people chose to spend their time studying other theories, that's fine with me. But I'm interested in socionics, and I assume everyone on a socionics forum is as well. What I am proposing is not directed to the general psychological community, only to the socionics community.

If you just did factor analysis of every potential definition in socionics without taking into account the structure, you would be testing thousands of variable that all might decompose into sub factors. It would be way too much work, especially for a theory that has not demonstrated its empirical utility. You also risk falling into the trap of the MBTI which applied Jungian principles too simplistically and lost most of its meaning, which can never be generated with empirical testing.

Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
... Not being an institutional leader yourself, I don’t see how you expect to inject your own.
Well at the very least, we could integrate the analysis I am creating into a wiki source that could help us amateurs try and figure out what theories work best, or maybe even make a good online test for people just getting into socionics. There is a lot of negativity on this forum. If people actually want to fix the problem, I think we could do it together. However, if they are trolls and just want something to complain about, then I have a legitimate reason to ignore them.

In terms of impacting the way socionics is done in Russia, both Bukalov and Gulenko seemed open to reviewing my paper when I'm finished and publishing in one of their academic journals. Depending on how user friendly and convincing I can make it, hopefully some socionic researchers will apply it to their research. If they do, and they produce a better version of socionics as a result, maybe other schools will follow suit to stay competitive. That's all hopeful speculation. Regardless, none of that will happen if I can't figure this stuff out.