Quote Originally Posted by ajsindri View Post
Learning anything requires a feedback loop. Science is based on this principle; knowledge is generated and refined with the scientific cycle. In a lot of ways, socionics is still at the starting line because the lack of empirical trials is a lack of evolution. This kind of circularity is good because it converges on the right answer.
It’s not good. These statements make me think you might devalue Se and value Te. A right answer within a system that is fundamentally wrong, is not good.

It makes the answer wrong too.

This is why I think you’re starting backwards. What you’re doing, while complex, is easy in a way. It won’t get Socionics very far. But if you wanna try to get your work published as a mathematical analysis project, go ahead. You might and it is better than nothing to have on your CV.

Sorry that I didn’t have the time and mental energy to reply to you earlier.