Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
Well, there are several models and I recommend learning all of them.

But then I come to the problem where lots of rationals (and bit less irrationals) fail to fuse complete mesh and framework where they can switch between and compare...
Once you've mastered model A, I agree that learning other perspectives in socionics is a good thing and you can learn a lot.

The problem is when two schools of thought don't agree, like when Gulenko types Donald Trump as SEE using his energy model, but Jack from WSS types him SLE using model A. Does this mean one model is right and one is wrong, that they are different theories and are both right in the context of their own model, or that there is no definitive type? I think we've done a good job (as a community) to say the MBTI does not translate well to socionics. Is that also true between different schools of socionics? What if someone types themselves with the Reinin dichotomies, can you trust that? These are all questions we can speculate about, but I think we'll only get answers if we test it.

If you are familiar with statistics, there is something called a T test, which determines if two data sets have significant enough means to not be the same. I think we need something like that for socionics: if you get evaluated by school X, and then you want to read descriptions by school Y, can you assume you can use your diagnosis from X?