Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
Starting a site doesn't say much. In fact, even making a lot of sense on your site doesn't sat much either (if you can do that). Neither one of those shows that what you are talking about reflects reality. And that's important. Any of us who want to take the effort can create a website about anything like socionics, and put a bunch of good sounding, apparently coherent and convincing stuff on there, but that doesn't mean that we'd be right.
Im going to have to part with you on this one. Producing a site like Ganins does say something. Most of his points make sense or at least give me something to think about and compair to reality. Thats a far cry from nothing. I didnt know anything about socionics until I came across his site. I imagine I am not alone because it was one of the few sites in english that delt with socionics. If anything his site gave me a jumping off point to observe reality and do further research. I know for myself it would take a great deal of effort to create a site like that and I am grateful for his efforts even if his site is not perfect. Nothing about socionics reflects absolute reality. It cant. Its a paradigm, a lense to try to make sense of what we percieve.
Oh and I like Ricks site too. He's done a great job.

EDIT: that came off very ENFP didnt it?