Quote Originally Posted by Bastard View Post
Underlined is not stereotypical SEI thought.

Easiest distinction between the two couples is to ask who the "people person" is. IEEs and SEIs fulfill this role, as SLIs are usually mistrustful of people and ILEs are terrible people persons.
I wouldn't describe myself as "mistrustful" of people. I'm not really a private person and I am happy to share whatever. I'm not very good at keeping secrets and am prone to oversharing. I do stay away from large groups of people and crowds, but that doesn't mean I hate them. I'm an uber introvert. I'm nice, but I'm also confrontational as fuck. Like sort of a "momma bear"thing if I see that someone is hurt, I can be viciously mean.

I can't really tell where I fall on the friendliness scale. I do have friends, and people sometimes would even consider me a sort of therapist. I'm good at getting people to open up and talk to me. I do get tired of people fairly quickly though. I can function with no friends, but I probably need some kind of social stimulation.

I can be super empathetic, like crying at movies and stuff like that. People say I have an expressive face. I dont really care much about people's feelings ourside of that tho, like what I can feel. Not sure what Fi HA would be like.

I sometimes feel like I don't have an auxiliary function. Like, I feel like I operate on some combination of Si and Fi. I think it's good Fi tho... I'm pretty sure I'm 80% In my head and I at least type like an ethical type, typing as in, online. Idk do you think I could be any other type than SLI or SEI? I feel like it's one of the two...

Not sure what to think Hmmm.

Also the consensus thing, I want to know why there is no consensus on this issue. I feel like if I figure it out, I can bridge the gap and come to a clean conclusion.