hmmm I'm trying to remember my impressions and I don't think I have much useful stuff. I would not consider myself knowledgeable enough in typing to do it from one meeting anyway unless you displayed something REALLY obviously.

So like, yes NF for sure. I love/d all our conversations about incompetency in the real world. I have the same insecurities about just not managing the practical life and even after having a few more years practice at it than you. When I was in your position of living away from home for the first time I was so so dumb with all the practical management stuff.

You seemed introverted but also I think I was the same way at your age not because I was introverted, but because I had loads of social anxiety. The fact that you post here so frequently, with such long responses and love the excitement of meeting new people all seems extraverted, just possibly clouded by the NF tendency for anxiety. I was always on team IEE I think but the post you made above sounds quite EIE. Or, at least, sounds like something I could have written It's quite a dramatic retelling of what you're experiencing, which I'm sure is because everything you're experiencing is very dramatic to you. I feel like my IEE friends would be equally upfront about their emotions but tend to state them more matter-of-factly. I can never write anything (or literally do anything) if I'm in a bad mood, like you. My emotional landscape and way of relating to stuff is also dramatic.

You said there was a person who you got on with at Uni who is probably ST? Probably a good thing to help you would be to identify what sort of ST and what exactly he is giving you.

All my bfs have been sensors (ESE, LSE and now LSI). ESE was great but we ended up having more of a buddy relationship after a while. The LSE I couldn't mother fucking handle. LSI is my dream boy. The victim / aggressor dynamic plays out wonderfully between us - and is not as rapey as the descriptions would have you believe. I once asked LSI about how he got so disciplined and what I could do to emulate it and he literally said, "just stop being a little bitch about it" and it's probably the most helpful advice anyone has ever given me lol. I had the feeling before meeting him that what I really wanted was a dude who wasn't afraid to straight up tell me, bluntly and honestly, when I was acting out (or being a little bitch, in his words). I wanted deep, near-offensive, Fi-lacking feedback to keep me accountable. Anything short of that I don't really respond to. And when dating, I preferred men who were forward and confident and was put off by anyone who was clearly second-guessing themselves.

So, without sounding like Sol, intertype relations were definitely the number 1 thing I used because it's very difficult to abstractly think about what IEs you use but when you use them with other people they become clear.

I maybe want to lean toward Beta NF?? Though when we used to talk on the chatbox more you seemed Ne so who knows.