Quote Originally Posted by Baboooshka View Post
Speaking of which, my experience with weak spots and PoLR IEs is as follows: I constantly feel incompetent, which is why I don't partake in the more serious threads on here. I have impressions, beliefs, thoughts and feelings about certain things, but I just can't.
It's very frustrating. I feel like a child who still hasn't learned how to talk sometimes. Moreover, I seem to be a sponge for others' argumemts and styles of reasoning. Whenever I make an argument, there is a gag-reflex that causes me to regurgitate things that have already been said. This is a bit damaging to my self-esteem because it practically means that I posses 0 critical thinking skills.
lol me too. I always thought it had to do with me being a sensor and not understanding theories. It has to be specific, examples help me a lot.