Quote Originally Posted by Feathers View Post
wow, thanks!
The cussing bit is more or less true, actually. Not sure why you scratched it because it is 70% valid, in my experience.
And no worries- If I was so uncomfortable about having my behaviour under a microscope then do you think I would make a whole video and thread about it? Like I said, it's okay to dissect me like a lab rat, but please do so in the least gruesome manner (which you did <3 ).

The bit out there about delta NFs is also very much true. I think if an LSE came to me for counsel they would rip their hair out when they see how I treat Fi. I think it's still strong, but it's not something I keep track of thaaat much.
Someone once came to me for relationship counsel. They told me they never had a fulfilling relationship and I replied with a meme ("This is so sad, Alexa, play despacito"). Luckily, the said person really appreciated the joke. And i KNEW (more or less) that they would, otherwise I wouldn't gamble with someone's feelings like that.
I'm glad you like my analysis - the thing is, I am not certain I am on the right path when I type people because it's not something I have been trained to do (obviously) so I'm happy to have feedback the person being typed feels is accurate.

Yeah, I don't see any in your posts or video or shoutbox messages.

What do you think about my analysis of you using , mainly with respect to how you see the future? And do you relate to being "romantic"? Not necessarily in a cheesy romcom way (though I get you enjoy that ) but more like envisioning a hamonious future that unfolds according to your dreams and plans? Do you think your approach towards having a career as a writer could indicate , mainly in that it is a goal to attain that requires willpower to bring into being? You don't have to address all these questions in a systemaic manner btw, just let your thoughts on this subject flow.