Quote Originally Posted by Feathers View Post
Yeah I struggle with it but not an awful lot. It just makes me feel awkward whenever I try to explain things as if a janitor tried teaching you about rocket science.
As for the "Everything goes in" part, I disagree in certain cases.
For example, i will under no circumstance accept conspiracy theories such as the Queen being a reptilian alien or the Earth being flat. This being said, I will also not stand the attitude of someone who is not acting at least half like a decent human being, as I mentioned in the video. They will be judged if they are dicks, that is to be expected.
But other than that, I don't have strong opinions about ANYTHING because I found out that they are always changing
That's not what I meant tho. Those are actually judgements (albeit bad ones lol) not perceptions. I was talking about perceptions, sensory and intutive. Beliefs about the queen being a reptilian or the earth being flat are judgements, because they state their differnece with another judgement (ones actually based on fact).

Also, judging people does not exclude you from being an irrational type, I think alot of people want others to be half-decent human beings.

A few more things, I noticed you cuss alot, which is something that is absent from the speech of deltas I know. It's like they are afraid of being provocative, and it's like you do it not because you are angry, just to add a little bawdiness and atmosphere maybe? Like, slight provocation? Not sure. I know this sounds silly, I'm not saying there is some rule that says deltas can't or don't cuss, just that I notice they always try to appear "proper" and "educated" and not come off as provoking others. Which generally means not swearing. Not that you appear uneducated or improper, you just have a more provocative style than deltas I come across. edit: I do know an EII who says provocative things, so maybe I'm on the wrong trail with this...

I know this might seem awkward for you btw, to have your behaviors put under a microscope like that, and I don't mean to make you uncomfortable, just something to consider.

With all that I think IEI is more likely, though not certain. Delta NFs are the "psychologists", they give relational advice, come off old and wise in their attitudes even if they are young, lol. Their advice is often telling people to not react to provocation, like for example in conflicts. You also talk alot about your plans of becoming a writer, about success, etc, and this seems more . The romanticism you have towards life and the future (at least it seems that way to me) strikes me as beta. The way you talk about your trip to London for example, it's very vivid, it expresses yearing to be there again, to have future and career there (!) and yet you poke fun of the negatives in a way that is funny.

I relate to you, based on this kind of youthful yearing for the future you seem to have, in other words through . I do not get semi-dual or benefactor vibes from you.

Another possibility is EIE, though seem softer and more introverted so I'd go with IEI.

Even though I scratched out the cussing argument, the rest still stands.