Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
Feathers' molt appears to be orderly-ish. IEE's usually loose it and farmer (SLI) has to clean the cognitive henhouse (goes into pseudo rebelondeck mode).

Orderly-ish is the key word. Whenever I have to write a serious, detailed post about my thought process or add actual, constructive content (like in the post replying to Xai and others above) I die a little inside. That post got edited three times, I kid you not, and it's because I kept omitting details that I wanted to mention because my mind would just go "oooh shiny" and forget what I even wanted to reach with that post. It's visible in the video too, I think, when the rambling gets more intense near the end. And it's apparent in real life as well.
I have "epiphanies" sometimes or insights. But i cannot share them with others because it's just so damn hard doing so. It's like I'm in a sea (my mind) and I kept getting swept right off my feet by waves that keep rolling and crashing into me (the thoughts that make up the epiphany). The picture, realisation, whateverthefuckitis makes perfect sense to me, but it takes some mental effort in order to put it into words that don't confuse people more than anything.
But yes, I like thinking that despite how hard it is, I'm doing a good job when compared to other Ne egos