*Pulls glasses down bridge of my nose* can I be hot too, when I do this? ...maybe? No?...darn, had to try>-<

I'm sorry as for your type, I'm going to throw out a different one here- EIE? Look at the EIEs in these videos. The first EIE man (MIKA) already reminds me a lot of you. Ezra Miller and Johnathan Heidt VI a lot like you, too.
the way the education system works here makes all of them unenjoyable and a chore. It used to be literature and language up when we could actually do compositions of our own and share them with the class and teacher.
Jeff Bliss is included in the EIE videos talking about how he didn't like a class because the teacher wouldn't get involved personally with the students. You're kind of expressing the same values.
London and I absolutely adored it. The atmosphere, SO MANY PARKS, so much stuff to do. My only complaints were:
1) I couldn't see Frankenstein the Musical
2) The weather was unusually hot (30+
degrees celsius) and it made me want to die. It's so bad when you have to walk from Buckingham to Victoria while sweating pinballs.
3) Very crowded, perhaps too crowded for my tastes.
I went on vacation with a confirmed EIE and she had this amazingly long list of possible activities she wanted to do, and only ended up getting to do about 10% of it (not that we didn't do a ton, it's just that she was always planning and getting excited for every possible thing). Is this at all like you?
I am very insecure about taste and appearance and critique in this field hits me like a van.
Might be an example of Si PoLR?
But generally speaking, I feel like I need some time to prepare for rapidly changing circumstances. I need a plan of action more or less, even if it's not a plan and something more like a shitty doodle. This is why I felt pretty itchy when I made the video, as I didn't rehearse it AT ALL this time.
This could suggest rational > irrational, at least.

Also, I know everyone is typing you EII, but you just seem way more open and comfortable discussing your emotional attitudes with complete strangers on the internet, than Fi-doms usually are. You're very eloquent when expressing yourself this way, and easily draw in other's sympathies. I could be wrong, but I'm guessing you're quite strong in the Fe department.