I also think you displayed lots of Fe in your VI, I should know since I am seeking it xD. I also think EIE is possible but not probable. I think this is a good analysis of EIE:

He comes across as a Johnny Depp style 4w3 EIE the "introversion" comes from the Enneagram type's focus on personal image rather than cognitive style the actual passion is expression, however. Energy is almost constantly devoted to how one feels, observing how others feel, and expressing that feeling
I can't confirm or deny that it applies to you. I am sorry if I am causing more confusion. Both EIEs and IEEs have strong Fe and Ne. They can both be direct in different ways according to my view, well at least compared to me. EIE likes to appear powerful, decisive, Se like, but they are nothing like a Se-base. I sometimes get a vibe that they want to appear dominating but they don't like when someone calls them dominating, it is fair since they are really not. IEE use Se just to snap at someone/something. They can snap at you if mess with their values or they can appear Se like just to lay down the external facts confidently. EIEs don't appreciate vagueness as much as IEEs. It is like EIE can use Ne, but it can't perceive Ne. One EIE finds it diffucult to understand me and EII-Ne when we talk about only external connections of things without mentioning anything concrete (full Se polr style). I think your Ne is concious as I understand by the way you describing things. For example, you made a joke that your hair is fulffy because of your plug experience (Ne association), immediately you said it was joke(self explanation for Ne reasons).

IEI also can self-explain but because of Fe reasons. After your answers, I think you are probably IEE and not IEI. IEIs tend believe that they have a free will and even if they say that they don't, they don't perceive the events of life as a part of their fate/destiny. They believe they can change it. I think it is because their function allignment. I don't know enough IEIs in order to make a solid generalization, so I checked and it is confirmed by this article:http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...Victor-Gulenko. However, I can change my view , if someone could explain otherwise. Overall, I think you are IEE, I am not %100 sure, but if this was a bet, that I have to invest, I would go with IEE.