I relate to so much of this hard and it seems we are in the same dilemma on our typings (although I don't necessarily think it means we are the same type at all). Your Fe seems more accentuated, but I wonder about societal/life factors shaping things differently for us as well. I'm also looking at the fact that we have the same enneagram type (4, though in my case I think, sx/so, though the "cooler" version as they are almost 50/50). Interesting... I want to actually say IEI, but I can't really explain why (I want to say Fe, but IEE has demonstrative Fe so to me it's kind of what YOU feel like you value more between Fi and Fe). I relate to so much of what you say here, but you seem to be able to verbalize it better. NF seems pretty obvious to me, also can't explain why, but it does.

Quote Originally Posted by Baboooshka View Post
I think people have control over a LOT of things in their life. It's not an impossibility to surpass your unfortunate condition and become Hot Stuff (TM). What pisses me off, though, are the vanilla celebrities giving cliche "Started from the bottom now we're here, through hard work and blah blah" speeches, when they actually didn't do shit. Or if they did, luck and Fate played a huge part in their success. I do believe Fate loves to fuck with us, and that it's unfair to have so little to say about aspects of your life that determine your rate of success. Without a doubt, someone born in Germany, the States, Austria, UK will have an easier time achieving certain goals than someone born in Uganda.
I may be biased, sure, being someone who was born and currently lives in a crumbling post-communist second-world country filled to the brim with degeneracy and political turmoil, in a colorless industrial town. I am more or less trying my best to GTFO, but...why do I need to? It's not fair thinking that some people don't need to work their bottoms off because they were lucky enough to be brought up near the mountaintop by favourable circumstances while others have to start from the very bottom indeed (Screw you, Drake).
So yes, I believe in fate. Fate sits down at a table playing a dice game of her own design while we try our hardest to make sense of what is happening around us, unaware of how little control we actually have over life.

Oh Gods, yes. Although I wouldn't say it's completely unrelated-- It does make sense, in my brain. The most apparent manifestation of this are the numerous song references you'll get on a daily basis if you chat with me (@mrrrmaid is already a victim, but she got used to it). Everything you say can and WILL be used as a media reference at one point, trust me.
The most recent example would be a discussion I had with a friend last night, on Discord. She was complaining about a douchey guy with practically 0 emotional awareness; She told me that, after doing a certain thing, the guy just said: "Undo this". All I could think of was that Cybermen scene from Doctor Who where they go "DELETE, DELETE, DELETE, DELETE" over and over again and I sent her a link to the video for comparison. Why? Because the guy sounded like a robotic dickwad and it just seemed like the right side-to-side comparison for my brain.

Okay, this is a bit more tricky. Here are a few examples of analogies that I can remember:

"Philosophy in itself doesn't interest me. It rarely does. It's nothing more than mental masturbation, imo. But sometimes, it's pretty pleasurable. Just like actual masturbation."
Friend: "What about actual sex? What would that be then?"
Me: "Any STEM subject because the humanities aren't actual sciences." (I myself am a humanities student so yeah, love me some self-deprecating humour from time to time)

"Dealing with someone who confessed their romantic feelings to you is like a game of Operation; It might seem easy at first and from a distance, but once you get in the thick of it you have to tread carefully in the fat guy's belly or you'll hear that annoying, embarrassing "BLEEEEEEEEEEP" and it's game over for you. "

I don't think I am actually that consistent when it comes to metaphors.
Another thing is that I'm not a dream interpretation buff. I love dreams, best thing ever. Hamlet was right, sleeping is much better than living. However, I don't look inside my dreams for meaning, unless they are really obvious and hit close to home. Mostly, they are dreamy-feely fodder for me to bask in whenever I like, and use as writing material if they are good enough (I once had a dream about a Tilda Swinton lookalike living in a Utopia. The town she was living in, full of prolific scientists, was bombed by an enemy nation and she was the sole survivor. She managed to survive by taking shelter under the family's grand piano. The bomb radiation gave her superhuman strength and she set out on a journey to after the sunset, west, carrying supplies and belonging in the grand piano which she used now as a suitcase. Ultimately, she arrives at a lighthouse owned by a pathetic fisherman who could fish up nothing but boots and whose dream was to become an haute couture fashion designer. The lighthouse was inherited from his uncle, an average explorer who never had the luck to actually stumble upon any great discoveries because everything he thought he discovered has already been discovered by someone else, hours ago. The two get to live happily until a bomb destroys the lighthouse and kills the fisherman. Left alone, the woman rebuilds the lighthouse and gives it a purpose: War orphanage. She takes war orphans under her care that she trains to be part of a rebellion which seeks to overthrow the utopian government in the name of peace under the premise "If you want something done, do it yourself". I really liked the dream.)