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Thread: Donald Trump is the best president since Reagan

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  1. #38
    Tenebris's Avatar
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    He has definitely been one of the most entertaining. Seeing Radical Leftists lose their marbles has been quite entertaining, and proved some of my suspicions about the radical rot festering in the Democratic party, and it has left me displeased. I ended up switching sides for the first time ever. As I am heavily opposed to anything against Freedom of speech, and "hate speech", just another label against dissent. Too many possibilities for abuse in that respect. I also believe in enforcing our existing laws, such as border security. As good ol Abe once said, "The best way to get rid of a bad law, is to enforce it."

    I do not think he is bad, but I guess it depends on where you stand on the issues at hand. Much of it is disinformation and media shenanigans. So I am hesitant to believe anything the media says, as I have often found them in a lie more so in this election than any of the previous ones. It is a testament to his outsider-ness. He has not affected me negatively, and in fact the opposite. I no longer have to pay that fee at the end of the year, so that is nice. I get about 30 dollars more back on my paycheck. I can get more forms of insurance now as well. I am also noticing quite a lot more higher paying jobs opening up around me, and I am hoping to take advantage of this.

    But I do think he can be more professional, but at this point I highly doubt the Democrats will give half a shit even if he did. They hate his guts, and want nothing more than to see him beheaded at the hands of some illegal immigrant that managed to sneak in. So while Trump continues to be ****** in the public eye, I'll be sitting here quietly reaping all the benefits I can before the end of his term. (But I do think he has a high chance of being re-elected, his fan base is insane)
    Last edited by Tenebris; 12-27-2018 at 04:09 AM.

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