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Thread: Donald Trump is the best president since Reagan

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    Default Donald Trump is the best president since Reagan

    This man is making strides. Lowest unemployment ever, 4.1% GDP increase, peace with North Korea, appointing 2 supreme court justices, stopping the flow of illegal immigration from the south, bringing back masculinity to the white house. I'm very proud of my president, a true patriot.

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    yeah, I think most everyone here would agree with that

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    What are you doing in the Balkans then?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Train Wreck View Post
    This man is making strides. Lowest unemployment ever, 4.1% GDP increase, peace with North Korea, appointing 2 supreme court justices, stopping the flow of illegal immigration from the south, bringing back masculinity to the white house. I'm very proud of my president, a true patriot.
    ok, troll

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    He at least killed the TPP, but so would've Stein or Sanders. Could be doing better right now.

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    I think he is alright overall. If you believe the mainstream media (conglomerate corporation news) then he is the worst president ever, but if you look at it objectively with little bias in either direction, he has done both positive and negative things for the country.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Avebury View Post
    What are you doing in the Balkans then?
    I work for the U.S. Military, tax free.

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    wow Im super jealous of all that money you must be saving on taxes. my taxes are so damn high. I hate taxes. i have a lot of anger built up inside toward taxes and just thinking about how there's someone out there living the tax free life enrages me. i tried to get on that tax free gravy train myself once, but I learned tax breaks for military are confined to active combat zones, so it wasn't that easy. i also wonder what you're doing in the balkans, sounds badass though

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    Quote Originally Posted by Train Wreck View Post
    I work for the U.S. Military, tax free.
    Prove it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    wow Im super jealous of all that money you must be saving on taxes. my taxes are so damn high. I hate taxes. i have a lot of anger built up inside toward taxes and just thinking about how there's someone out there living the tax free life enrages me
    I support cutting the government. I collect the money because the taxpayer is stupid enough to keep supporting these dumb politicians. Why not just exploit what's already there?

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    yeah I agree, we should all be working to undermine the systems that support our civilization mainly out of petty resentment and greed. to be fair I would support any system that unfairly allocated me a greater share than what I really deserved, so I can see how the fat cats on top like it this way. my real aim is just to become one of those fatcats, and if I can do it on a small scale by taking the system for all its worth in petty unprincipled ways I totally would too

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    Quote Originally Posted by Train Wreck View Post
    This man is making strides. Lowest unemployment ever, 4.1% GDP increase, peace with North Korea, appointing 2 supreme court justices, stopping the flow of illegal immigration from the south, bringing back masculinity to the white house. I'm very proud of my president, a true patriot.
    President Dump is about as bad as any other president. They all suck.

    He asserted 20-30% unemployment while campaigning. Now he says 4.1% and agrees with status quo statistics when he didn't before now. He's obviously bullshitting to make himself look good. Unemployment doesn't go down 16% in 2 years. It doesn't happen that fast and wouldn't even if it were that high. I'm not saying it is or isn't. I'm just pointing out that massive inconsistency in the numbers he uses. He campaigned on the idea that the USA has massive problems and wants us to think they've now disappeared immediately under his term. Of course, he doesn't even do a good job of trying to hide those inconsistencies and lies. He's full of crap.

    Nice troll, though.

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    America has been slowly losing steerage since Kennedy and now the rudder is completely off. Politicians seem to have a knack for taking credit for what others have done and deflecting their own incompetence. And, it's much easier for voters to chant tenets than to actually seek the truth........

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    Please, corporate bailouts are far larger and more parasitic than any one freeloader off the streets. They're no doubt contributing more to poverty too. Maybe if we quit pumping life back into dying trees, new ones would rightly spring from the ground-level and replace them, maybe even making progress to breaking down some of those demographic economic barriers people complain about. But noooooooo, that causes instability and that's bad, m'kay?

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    Bringing back masculinity? lol Obama was/is waaay objectively more masculine than him.

    All the redneck str8 dudes in my town think he's some alpha male god though, cuz he got away with bullying some mentally handicap person and said some uncouth things about women that they agree with, or something. It's sort of like if they themselves became president, so they feel powerful that he's in a charge. Sorry dude, but you're still a blue collar minimum wage loser that the elite easily uses as pawns, and Trump doesn't really care about you. =/

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Bringing back masculinity? lol Obama was/is waaay objectively more masculine than him.

    All the redneck str8 dudes in my town think he's some alpha male god though, cuz he got away with bullying some mentally handicap person and said some uncouth things about women that they agree with, or something. It's sort of like if they themselves became president, so they feel powerful that he's in a charge. Sorry dude, but you're still a blue collar minimum wage loser that the elite easily uses as pawns, and Trump doesn't really care about you. =/
    It's funny you mention that they feel like they themselves became president. One of the most powerful ideas in rhetoric is identification. Really, what you're doing is getting people to live vicariously through media and assuming an equality between themselves and whatever media they consume. Read Burke sometime. It's a bit of a slog, but he's good. It's basically just identification and repetition. That's the soul of rhetoric.

    It's true that Trump uses the idiot rednecks. It's also true that the left's candidates use people too. America is a country of parasites, top to bottom. It's rotten to the core. Happens to every empire. All the wealth and extraordinary grandeur go to people's heads and destroy their hearts, literally for the rich, and hypothetically for the poor, because they imagine themselves as rich and do anything to become such. It will end one day and might already be ending. A huge military and cheap oil are the only two things that float it.

    Every other country on Earth hates the USA. They're not jealous of our success. They hate that we gained success at their expense like a leech.

    It's funny how people buy into the idea that they can one day be wealthy. The fifties and sixties are long gone. Everyone is snowed out on something, whether literal drugs or figurative ones. Wild success is it's own undoing.

    But that's just life. If it hadn't been America, it would have been something else. Another power would have arisen, and it would have been exactly the same. America is not specifically bad.
    Last edited by Aramas; 09-13-2018 at 11:25 AM.

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    Yeah I do feel politics is this narcissistic thing where everybody is just basically voting for the person most like them (or the person that's the least not like them), to be in power- because we all individually feel that we know what's best. I think ... this isn't a totally negative thing really, it's kind of like human nature. And definitely a way for people with so little power to feel like they have some.

    It's some huge mind control stuff where people can feel rich in their heads even when they're not. You can even feel lucky and meet your favorite celeb on a reality tv show, and be a star too! Being truly rich though, there's actual tangibility to it of course , you can't fake your real wealth but the way the system is constructed is if you aren't really homeless or struggling- you're still gaslighted to live inside your head enough where you can feel that you're richer than you really are, yes it's this mass delusion- made popular by the 'secret' and the 'think and grow rich' books.

    The middle class is dying they always say, because people are corrupt a-holes but also maybe because the entire level is some neurotic mental mindplay that cannot sustain itself anyway. The poor has to face reality to survive, the rich fully enjoys embracing their reality because they have the nicest stuff that feels the best to the senses, and the middle is what? Some lost mind game where you don't have to face harsh reality to survive but you can't enjoy the best things either. You just get the leftover crumbs the rich create for you, but they keep all the great stuff for themselves of course. You just exist... it's lifeless, bland and boring. So to make it appear not so, you escape in your head, in an imaginary matrix-y world that's doomed to fail. Where you make-believe relate to twitter celebs but not really actually. Come on try a little there has to be something better than IN THE MIDDLE haha.

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    How is it bad to think you're wealthier than you are exactly? That implies that you're contented to live worse than you are without realizing it, and that you're actually consuming less than you try to show off that you are. If someone has enough wealth to have a bit of time on their hands and a little bit of options given some imagination, there's no reason to be that much wealthier. Middle-class people work for more money because they want a safety net of savings in case shit hits the fan; preserving that standard of living, not going needlessly higher above it, is the goal. No one should be deliberately showing off their wealth, they should just be using it to their benefit. But at the same time, no one should have to devote all their time 24/365 just to surviving another day, because life becomes pointless and demoralizing when you're just living every day to keep up the same impossible process; and at that point there's little stopping you from snapping and dropping out of the whole thing to your peril. The issue is that the way it's set up, it's nigh impossible to sustain the middle class without destroying something elsewhere in the world or else just powering the country by debt, and then you have an economy that relies more on artificial demand than supply and produces nothing, which makes the task of sustaining this class even more impossible. Of course the independently wealthy won't stand to have any group of classes below them pull them down so they flee the country when society tries to make them cooperate, and what you end up with is the lower-class and the middle-class at odds with each other under an untouchable upper class that has the agency to influence the political sphere, when the former two classes just want the same thing and have more in common with each other than either has with the latter class.

    If we could develop efficient enough systems and good enough energy sources we might be able to stabilize and stop depending on increasing debt, but of course the problem is that would threaten those whose monopoly depends on demand for the less efficient amenity rather than simply the presence of supplies. So in essence, we're most fucked because the middle and lower classes hate each other more than anything when they should be allied.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    President Dump is about as bad as any other president. They all suck.

    He asserted 20-30% unemployment while campaigning. Now he says 4.1% and agrees with status quo statistics when he didn't before now. He's obviously bullshitting to make himself look good. Unemployment doesn't go down 16% in 2 years. It doesn't happen that fast and wouldn't even if it were that high. I'm not saying it is or isn't. I'm just pointing out that massive inconsistency in the numbers he uses. He campaigned on the idea that the USA has massive problems and wants us to think they've now disappeared immediately under his term. Of course, he doesn't even do a good job of trying to hide those inconsistencies and lies. He's full of crap.

    Nice troll, though.
    It's been a while since I've posted on this side of the forum. Last time I was here, you plastered the forum with videos that dovetailed with Trump's "conservative" zeitgeist.

    What happened? Were you just being facetious back then, or did you have a change of heart?
    Last edited by Desert Financial; 09-24-2018 at 01:18 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by A Moderator View Post
    It's been a while since I've posted on this side of the forum. Last time I was here, you plastered the forum with videos that dovetailed with Trump's "conservative" zeitgeist.

    What happened? Were you just being facetious back then, or did you have a change of heart?
    I used to be a registered Republican (before the Bushes), so it is possible for people to learn. Bad parenting and poor associations are not forever.

    I recently read that one difference between conservatives and liberals is that conservatives have a stronger reaction to things they find disgusting. So if some Republicans are questioning the actions of Trump, it may be because he triggers their "Disgust" reaction, rather than their having an actual moral epiphany that all people are equally worthy.

    In other words, don't count on them to embrace someone whom they think is "out-of-tribe". They are still all for Purity of Essence.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 09-24-2018 at 12:04 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I used to be a registered Republican (before the Bushes), so it is possible for people to learn. Bad parenting and poor associations are not forever.
    Despite Trump's low approval ratings, a surprisingly wide spectrum of people supported his ascendancy. I've heard of at least a couple of folks on the hard left who cheered Trump on only because Trump's administration would, in all likelihood, corrode the stability of America's institutions and reduce America's stature in the global arena. Ie. his policies would enlighten people about the perils of capitalism the hard way. So, as far as peoples' reasons are concerned, you never know until you find out.

    But since you have more experience on this forum than I do, I'll take your word for it, as it concerns Aramas.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Train Wreck View Post
    This man is making strides. Lowest unemployment ever, 4.1% GDP increase, peace with North Korea, appointing 2 supreme court justices, stopping the flow of illegal immigration from the south, bringing back masculinity to the white house. I'm very proud of my president, a true patriot.
    I don't think Trump is a stereo-typically "masculine" guy. You catch him in his most natural state, and he just focuses on personal chemistry, value judgments, "good" v. "bad", and personal issues. He creates drama where there is none and creates a fantasy world for his supporters in which his "masculinity" amounts to just another fantasy. All image, no substance.

    So, frankly, if the White House somehow harbors any new force of "masculinity", it comes from someone other than Trump - someone liable to be fired soon.

    Your other "points" have been addressed by other members.

    I don't understand why anyone focuses on this narcissist at this stage. His administration makes most of the decisions, so their presence holds the most gravity in terms of this administration's policies. Meanwhile, we have events happening on the state level. Moreover, he won the Oval Office largely due to his willingness to create publicity stunts (so, if we don't want the troll to win, why feed it?).

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    ive heard it said hes a dumb man's idea of smart, a poor man's idea of rich, etc-- and to extend that you seem to be saying he's playing to his supporters (weak men, perhaps?) idea of a "strong man", etc. in short he's highly image based and its about presenting the image that plays to the audience by way of covering for their own insecurities by replacing genuine values with less threatening substitutes.. I think this is why they love it when political opponents feel "threatened" by Trump, because it validates the image--that the replacement of authentic merit with a thin veneer of self confidence is what their opponents find threatening in principle, is sort of lost on them, and they assume it is because Trump is what he purports himself to be... the irony is as time goes on Trump will have done more favors for the Democrats than Hillary ever could have, and this is precisely why you need at least a little more than a wink and a handshake from your leaders.. in essence, the principle Trump flouts is indeed a "threat" but its not because Trump is "strong" its because he's weak. Scaring people by being an idiot is not a replacement for "strength" or "leadership", when a society starts to lose track of that its when its on the way down, because things degenerate into nothing but a circus, as we've witnessed firsthand. it literally is when TV has come to replace reality, all these x idea of y is precisely that. the more people say "get triggered snowflake" or something to that effect in response, just goes to show how it is they have absolute faith in the state to take care of them and that this sort of thing is of no consequence and can't possible go wrong. they've lost touch with whats at stake in a democracy and are just off in their own world. in a way its a consequence of people checking out of politics in general, but instead of not voting they've simply installed a clown. "we've intentionally trained him wrong, as a joke"

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    Quote Originally Posted by A Moderator View Post
    It's been a while since I've posted on this side of the forum. Last time I was here, you plastered the forum with videos that dovetailed with Trump's "conservative" zeitgeist.

    What happened? Were you just being facetious back then, or did you have a change of heart?
    So your options are: 1) sarcastic, or 2) pro Trump then change of heart?

    Can't you think of any others? :P

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    So your options are: 1) sarcastic, or 2) pro Trump then change of heart?

    Can't you think of any others?
    Other options:
    You supported Trump for counterintuitive reasons, like the hard leftists I mentioned earlier.
    Your account was hijacked by someone who wanted to post such content.
    You were really, really high on a regular basis.
    You had a crush on Trump, but he has placed a restraining order on you and now it's time for REVENGE.
    I was really, really high on a regular basis.
    Last edited by Desert Financial; 09-25-2018 at 04:10 AM.

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    What impresses me the most about Trump is how much he has been able to achieve in spite of resistance both from the permanent bureaucracy, who are responsible for putting the policies an administration sets into practice, and from neoconservative "RINO" staff within his administration, who are responsible for determining what gets to the president's desk in the first place. Trump also has to contend with unwavering hostility from the media, who are determined to undermine his presidency by reporting on it negatively, thus reducing public morale. Lastly, he is over 70 years old, and look at what most people are doing at that age.

    So however you feel about Trump as a person, at least give the guy some credit for his tenacity. He also takes on more personal risk than most of you realise when he makes negative comments about MS-13, Islamic terrorists, Antifa and the #MeToo movement (all of which believe that might makes right, involve people who regularly incite violence, and are protected from criticism by the elite liberals in the media and in universities who consider them allies). Multiple people have tried to send Trump letters that contain ricin and anthrax, or tried to bomb the White House. And his staff and allies are regularly doxxed. You don't hear about it because the media doesn't want you to know.

    More than anything, I support Trump because I see himself in me. The same coercive, sanctimonious mob shaming used against him is used against me, and by the same groups. The "resistance" are hysterical, vindictive, sadistic people. They don't respect due process, free speech and many other basic principles of law. All they care about is vengeance and the power to punish the wicked. If they can't bully others by force, they are determined to shame us into becoming as mediocre as them.
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    The women involved in the #MeToo movement would've been protesting the right to drink alcohol if they were around in 1918. They would've been protesting the right to have a mistress if they had been around in 1818. They would've been protesting the right to produce "profane", secular music if they were around in 1718.

    You get the idea. There is a particular type of woman who has an inflated and hypocritical sense of moral virtue. Actually, there are men who profess the same sentiments, but they are only doing so for sex. Both types of Pharisee have been around as long as civilisation, and are generally found in evangelical movements or on Title IX tribunals, trying to regulate who can do what. When confronted with creatures such as these, it is wise to express the following Hungarian expletive:

    lófasz a seggedbe - [edit]
    lofo'sso shaeg'aed ba
    Literally a horse dick in your ass
    It is mainly used if the person is fed up with whatever stupid thing the other one is saying.

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    I don't even really like Kavanaugh, if I had to pick a judge he probably wouldn't be the one. That being said, this whole process has been complete bullshit. It is a stain on American politics. The way he was treated by the Democrats(them sitting on accusations til the last minute, trying to obstruct at point along the way) was absolutely awful. Everything Lindsey Graham in his rant was spot on.
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    Check out the credits for Zoolander. A guy from a Ben Stiller movie is now president of the United States.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Check out the credits for Zoolander. A guy from a Ben Stiller movie is now president of the United States.
    It just proves what we were told in grade school. Any idiot can become president.

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    IMO, if you think about it, Donald Trump becoming president goes to show that half the country still wants a patriarchy over a matriarchy. It is basically a rebellion against the now mainstream matriarchy.

    I am not saying that Repeblicans represent the patriarchy and Democrats represent the matriarchy. It is not that simple. It is that Donald Trump represents the patriarchy and all the other candidates didn't.

    You can look at it as a good or bad thing, it doesn't matter, but I think that is the main reason Donald Trump won.
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    My take on this:
    Sadly... the progression of the society seems so slow to me.

    People feel either clueless what to do or already formed an point of view or refuse to form an opion on their own.
    So they prefer to rely on a "Big Daddy" who ought to solve their preceived problems for them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dalek Caan View Post

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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    IMO, if you think about it, Donald Trump becoming president goes to show that half the country still wants a patriarchy over a matriarchy. It is basically a rebellion against the now mainstream matriarchy.

    I am not saying that Republicans represent the patriarchy and Democrats represent the matriarchy. It is not that simple. It is that Donald Trump represents the patriarchy and all the other candidates didn't.

    You can look at it as a good or bad thing, it doesn't matter, but I think that is the main reason Donald Trump won.
    What about Bernie Sanders? Bernie Sanders doesn't represent the patriarchy or the matriarchy. Bernie Sanders plays the guitar and smokes weed. Bernie Sanders wants independence from mom and dad. Why can't we live in a nation of adolescents like the Germans and French and British instead of a nation of children?

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    Fuck that's disgusting.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    What about Bernie Sanders? Bernie Sanders doesn't represent the patriarchy or the matriarchy. Bernie Sanders plays the guitar and smokes weed. Bernie Sanders wants independence from mom and dad. Why can't we live in a nation of adolescents like the Germans and French and British instead of a nation of children?
    Lol, during the election, I only supported Bernie Sanders and then when he lost to Hillary Clinton, I kind of just become apathetic to the whole election. I viewed Hillary and Trump as two extremes that were both awful in completely different ways. Hillary representing the worst of the matriarchy and not just because she's a woman and Trump representing the worst of the patriarchy and not just because he's a man. Why would I settle for Hillary to avoid Trump when both would of caused problems, but in very different ways. Hillary was likely better overall, but not by much. I never liked the lesser of two evils argument, it seemed like such a cop out for accepting a different kind of oppression.
    Last edited by Raver; 10-16-2018 at 07:39 PM.
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    I find it ironic that this thread was started by a user with the name "Train Wreck".

    Given your name, the stance makes sense.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    Fuck that's disgusting.
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