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Thread: Ne-PoLR of ESI/ISFj - Examples?

  1. #81
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    idk if I physically force you to do something is that blowing up your rationale, assuming its not something you've already agreed to do? if I tell you "its better this way" does that make it so, from your point of view? the fact that one is on the conceptual level and the other is concrete doesn't really change the fundamental dynamic. so this idea that Ne is "harmless" from the point of view of xSI is naive, because it presupposes that rationale is unimportant compared to bodily integrity, but people are free to feel the opposite, and in fact the people who feel that way tend to get their way because they feel that way and the reason they get their way speaks to the truth of their method, which is to say power speaks for itself.. this idea that Ne is more true is actually backwards, Ne is less true, because the proof is in the pudding. this whole idea that Ne is concerned with "doing things the right WAY" is misleading, because it skews what is "right" at the root and begs the question on its own validity, which is precisely how it "steals" power from xSI. it invites people to be weak because it is in fact weak, it lulls people into a false sense of morality centered around pacifism and steals the rational highground on little more than an irrational preference. if you don't see this as problematic perhaps you ought to engage your Ne some more. the bottom line is the conflict is in some sense intractable, and this is what gives rise to centrality and peripheral quadra. peace is a lie, in short and anyone selling peace is simply propping up their own laziness first of all, and second of all they're trading the future for a present payoff, because that kind of fattening up is always for the slaughter. in essence these people can take themselves out of play, but no one has to abide their lies. they spend their entire existence trying to pass these lies off on their own environment as a form of self defense and it all comes at the expense of everyone else. its fake benevolence. parents undermine their own children with this bullshit. you see it happening a lot in the culture of participation prizes and so forth, where the dumbest people band together and occupy the positions of prominence on a lie until the whole thing falls apart under the weight of its own corruption and incompetence. its true whats good for you isn't good for them and its not because you're somehow more concerned with "right" its because you're weak
    Last edited by Bertrand; 09-20-2018 at 09:45 PM.

  2. #82

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    idk if I physically force you to do something is that blowing up your rationale, assuming its not something you've already agreed to do? if I tell you "its better this way" does that make it so, from your point of view? the fact that one is on the conceptual level and the other is concrete doesn't really change the fundamental dynamic. so this idea that Ne is "harmless" from the point of view of xSI is naive, because it presupposes that rationale is unimportant compared to bodily integrity, but people are free to feel the opposite, and in fact the people who feel that way tend to get their way because they feel that way and the reason they get their way speaks to the truth of their method, which is to say power speaks for itself.. this idea that Ne is more true is actually backwards, Ne is less true, because the proof is in the pudding. this whole idea that Ne is concerned with "doing things the right WAY" is misleading, because it skews what is "right" at the root and begs the question on its own validity, which is precisely how it "steals" power from xSI. it invites people to be weak because it is in fact weak, it lulls people into a false sense of morality centered around pacifism and steals the rational highground on little more than an irrational preference. if you don't see this as problematic perhaps you ought to engage your Ne some more. the bottom line is the conflict is in some sense intractable, and this is what gives rise to centrality and peripheral quadra. peace is a lie, in short and anyone selling peace is simply propping up their own laziness first of all, and second of all they're trading the future for a present payoff, because that kind of fattening up is always for the slaughter. in essence these people can take themselves out of play, but no one has to abide their lies. they spend their entire existence trying to pass these lies off on their own environment as a form of self defense and it all comes at the expense of everyone else. its fake benevolence. parents undermine their own children with this bullshit. you see it happening a lot in the culture of participation prizes and so forth, where the dumbest people band together and occupy the positions of prominence on a lie until the whole thing falls apart under the weight of its own corruption and incompetence. its true whats good for you isn't good for them and its not because you're somehow more concerned with "right" its because you're weak
    I don't know where I said physical force or anything. But pointing out alternatives does not translate to automatically blowing up someone's rationale.
    All the rest of this just sounds like it just boils down to survival of the fittest. And that kind of world doesn't seem like a better alternative.

    And I think being concerned with the right way is more of an Si process. Ne coming up with all these alternatives, but Si checking how something has been proven to work, which would be the right or correct way to do something. Like if you wanted to nail a nail in a wall, the "right" way would be to use a hammer, since that is how it has been done time and time again.

  3. #83
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    that's my point, the world as it is is inferior to your replacement for it. that this might not be "right" seems lost on you. you're literally positing an artificial replacement for the universe as it really is to people who are trying to make their way in it according to reality and trying to pass it off as a help when all it does is undermine their chances of success, and you do this not because you care about them but because this method suits you in light of your own inability to reckon with the world as is. its just a will to power in misrepresentation of itself and at the expense of others while presenting itself as compassionate, a form of false prophecy. the only way it can not be hypocritical is to be a willing victim, all this infantile shit is a kind of naive and dangerous mental state lacking in responsibility for itself, despite whatever rhetoric it spits out in self defense

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    that's my point, the world as it is is inferior to your replacement for it. that this might not be "right" seems lost on you. you're literally positing an artificial replacement for the universe as it really is to people who are trying to make their way in it according to reality and trying to pass it off as a help when all it does is undermine their chances of success, and you do this not because you care about them but because this method suits you in light of your own inability to reckon with the world as is. its just a will to power in misrepresentation of itself and at the expense of others while presenting itself as compassionate, a form of false prophecy. the only way it can not be hypocritical is to be a willing victim, all this infantile shit is a kind of naive and dangerous mental state lacking in responsibility for itself, despite whatever rhetoric it spits out in self defense
    I mean, you make it sound like the world is dominated by Ne or something. Like Se can't get by because all the Ne's out there hold you down. I doubt this is the world at large though. Reality is still here Idk why you act like people are stopping you from living it.

  5. #85
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    first of all, Im not describing all Ne, mostly delta Ne. second of all, whether the world is dominated by something is irrelevant to how stupid your claims are, because what makes them wrong or right, logical or illogical, real or unreal, is not their status as dominant, in fact, if we took your position they would never be fair game for criticism because by definition they are peripheral values, and yet this totally ignores whoever is in fact subverted by their influence as if one individual doesn't matter, and isn't worth troubling about. that's not how this works, the whole point is not to leave anyone behind if it can be helped, the second we take your point of view with respect to that the corruption has already begun to set in. its this slow descent into apathy that is part of the problem

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    first of all, Im not describing all Ne, mostly delta Ne. second of all, whether the world is dominated by something is irrelevant to how stupid your claims are
    Yea sounds iike you are talking about delta Ne for sure.
    I'm just saying you position yourself as some victim of Ne, like Ne destroys your chance of success and tries to turn you into a weak pussy. And I'm asking what world do you live in where you can't use Se because Ne keeps getting in your way?

  7. #87
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    you're getting in my way right now

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    you're getting in my way right now
    Idk, vote Se users into positions of power or office or something, idk man.

  9. #89
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    actually what happens is a violent revolution, but you get the idea

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    peace is a lie,

    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    the whole point is not to leave anyone behind if it can be helped,


  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    This goes both ways though. This picture is a good example of the difference between the 2. The tradeoff of strengths and weaknesses.

    Attachment 13933

    You're sort of mixing things up here. The first perspective is more of an Ne-Si perspective. Like you said putting everything in place to get it right the first time. The Second is more of an Se-Ni perspective, trying an approach failing then trying again until it works.
    The first one may be related to Si, but it's not Ne.

    "trying an approach failing then trying again until it works"

    This has elements of various extroverted elements to it - Ne, Se, Te.

    It's typical of the very Ne-heavy Silicon Valley "fail fast" culture.

    And carefully preparing in advance so that things work out (or "stop and think", "expecting to die") is not at all Ne, it's Ni.

    @Aramas's post was closer to being correct up until the "Think before you do" part. So really this is about the "conflict" between Ni and Se (deliberation and action).
    Last edited by Exodus; 09-21-2018 at 01:38 PM.

  12. #92

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    The first one may be related to Si, but it's not Ne.

    "trying an approach failing then trying again until it works"

    This has elements of various extroverted elements to it - Ne, Se, Te.

    It's typical of the very Ne-heavy Silicon Valley "fail fast" culture.

    And carefully preparing in advance so that things work out (or "stop and think", "expecting to die") is not at all Ne, it's Ni.

    @Aramas's post was closer to being correct up until the "Think before you do" part. So really this is about the "conflict" between Ni and Se (deliberation and action).
    This makes sense, maybe what I was really addressing was the Si-Se difference. And The stop and think, I don't think think is the right word, I think he really means consider, Ne considering all the possibilities, while Se needs to gain feedback from action, Ne can see all the ways something could go before taking action, unless that's just Ni again.

  13. #93
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    Just look at Jung's introduction to Erich Neumann's work

    Attachment 13899
    This foreword also made an impression on me when I read the book. Great foreword and great book.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  14. #94
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    What i was thinking reading this thread is "what has this forum come to?". All i see here is near incoherent ramblings and a whole heap of stereotyping. When anyone discounts a whole type i think they have lost their way. They have let their own personal issues cloud their view of reality. I am very unlikely to use religion or politics to manipulate anyone because i'm an atheist and i find it hard to subscribe to any side of politics. I think i owe that in part to my Ne actually.

    I actually think whats happening here is some people are intellectualizing too much and not actually stepping out in the real world and interacting with real people.

    I get it, socionics can lead you to dislike people from your opposite Quadra. I've done this in the past (shout out to Kristiina who i still feel bad about being mean to). I've always been afraid of this and i think its socionics most dangerous element. For this reason i don't promote socionics that much because many people aren't emotionally well rounded enough to deal with it. I live with my LSI father and i see him as a good man. Its really hard for us to connect and he does upset me greatly sometimes, but i see his good qualities. As others said you can get unhealthy versions of every type but IEE's are very different from the picture that is being painted here.

    Anyway, my parents are LSI and ESI. My mother is quite judgmental and xenophobic. "why cant aboriginals just get a job?", "why don't X people go back to their own country". "That person is an absolute derro". As someone says she can have a tendency categorize people in a way that minimizes structural reasons why they might be the way they are and blames them for their problems. Don't get me wrong, i actually agree with her in part - people are responsible for themselves but it's a little in between. When you think like this you are discounting a persons humanity and creating an abstract concept about them in its place. (its kind of ironic that people in this very thread bashing Ne are doing exactly this). But my mum's actually really sweet, she made friends with the buildings vietnamese cleaner (SLI) and i think that went a long way to changing her perception of asian people. Similarly she was very scared of the mentally ill but the more i talk about their lives and difficulties the more empathy she seems to be building towards them.

    Both my parents are rusted on right wingers. Its ok to be right wing but from my perspective they will discount anything politicians from the left suggest even if its probably a good idea. They tend to subscribe to pretty simple narratives to explain the world, then discount any evidence indicating their beliefs might not be 100% accurate.

    I don't really care that much about my parents lack of Ne, i used to argue as a teenager and now i realize that there is almost nothing that could ever change their minds on some topics. I mean i get it, humanity needs people who strongly believe in something in order for anything to get done. Conversely when people are totally unable / unwilling to change their viewpoint it can lead to some pretty horrible societal problems too.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Me: "I'd love to date a sexual predator".

    ESI: "You are such a disgusting, creepy person."

    Me: "Some people have no sense of humor. Btw SEIs are much hotter than you. They send me softcore porn of themselves dressed as an anime character."

    Ne PoLR cannot entertain more than one possible reason for any idea, statement or feeling. So they take everything you say literally. They refuse to accept that there might be other possibilities worthy of consideration. Naturally, most of them are feminists.

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spermatozoa View Post
    Me: "I'd love to date a sexual predator".

    ESI: "You are such a disgusting, creepy person."

    Me: "Some people have no sense of humor. Btw SEIs are much hotter than you. They send me softcore porn of themselves dressed as an anime character."

    Ne PoLR cannot entertain more than one possible reason for any idea, statement or feeling. So they take everything you say literally. They refuse to accept that there might be other possibilities worthy of consideration. Naturally, most of them are feminists.
    It took me a long time to learn this. I still have to look out for double meanings at times.

    P.S. I'm not a feminist.

  17. #97
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    They have a hearing deficit. I need to medically confirm this but I'm 99.99954 % sure of it.

    It happens when you tell them things they already think they know.

    I think it also calls for pathological perseveration diagnosis.
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  18. #98
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    there's a pathology for everything these days--it just dilutes psychology and therapy because of how we can now medicalize any deviation from whatever free floating norm society has adopted... its literally the oppressive drug-state in its early development. this sort of medicalization is "insight" in the totally wrong direction. doesn't matter though, any group that adopts this way of thinking about the issues is bound to implode because they're literally going to drug themselves into such a state of one sidedness the result can only be mutual and collective self harm. the problem solves itself, although the bodies will be piled high, and the real delusion is that this is all a more "humane" way to go about causing mass deaths. as if this sort of thing is any better and it not in many ways significantly worse and more pernicious than the atrocities of the 20th century. in some sense we just have to let people have the world they create for themselves though, because there is little to no "answer" to this problem until people see for themselves the first hand consequences of it. because people can't foresee the problems arising out of their own position as a consequence of their own compartmentalized and overly concrete attention, they have to live the consequences of their ill formed ideas before they genuinely consider them. that this is the cause for harms to others and not only themselves, is completely concealed by the empty slogan driving the entire thing, which is pseudo-care for others

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    there's a pathology for everything these days--it just dilutes psychology and therapy because of how we can now medicalize any deviation from whatever free floating norm society has adopted... its literally the oppressive drug-state in its early development. this sort of medicalization is "insight" in the totally wrong direction. doesn't matter though, any group that adopts this way of thinking about the issues is bound to implode because they're literally going to drug themselves into such a state of one sidedness the result can only be mutual and collective self harm. the problem solves itself, although the bodies will be piled high, and the real delusion is that this is all a more "humane" way to go about causing mass deaths. as if this sort of thing is any better and it not in many ways significantly worse and more pernicious than the atrocities of the 20th century. in some sense we just have to let people have the world they create for themselves though, because there is little to no "answer" to this problem until people see for themselves the first hand consequences of it. because people can't foresee the problems arising out of their own position as a consequence of their own compartmentalized and overly concrete attention, they have to live the consequences of their ill formed ideas before they genuinely consider them. that this is the cause for harms to others and not only themselves, is completely concealed by the empty slogan driving the entire thing, which is pseudo-care for others
    It's a pretty cushy job. All you gotta do is sit back, cross your legs, listen, maybe prescribe a few pills, blame side effects on patients, and let the money roll in.

    Went with a friend to his psych office once. It was uber nice, decked out in a good part of town with a fresh building and new pavement. The style of it looked like a spa or something.

    Most of those people are assholes who don't even pretend to care. Lol

    Societally, it's about reinforcing social norms. Individually, it's about collecting the big bucks for the least amount of effort.

    They have to pass it off as biological otherwise the justification wouldn't exist for their paychecks.

    It's interesting how many people talk about the chemical imbalance hypothesis even though it's only a hypothesis. It hasn't been proven. Not even in mainstream established science. But everyone echoes it like it's holy doctrine.

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    Also, the whole "fight the stigma of mental illness" bullshit is just a massive ad campaign for the industry to get people in the door and take their money.

    Most people don't have mental health problems anyway. They have money problems and poverty problems. Give a "mentally ill" person a guaranteed regular sack of money and those problems would go away instantly because they suddenly wouldn't have to deal with a bad situation like living with an asshole or working a shitty job that makes their lives hell. They could also afford actual medical care.

    Also, the "raising awareness" crap is a way of indoctrinating people into telling their friends and family that they need to see some mental health industry pro. If the other bullshit wasn't bad enough, now your family and friends are after you telling you that you need to seek help from the mental health industry. It's a load of bullshit Bernays himself would be proud of.

    Don't worry, though, folks. This unenlightened self-interest will eventually derail itself. No need for karma. The chickens will and are coming home to roost. Recent news of the Puget sound indicates that the fish are swimming in pharma waste. Waterways everywhere are polluted with it. If it isn't helping to drive us all crazy and making us sterile, I'll be surprised. Wouldn't it be funny if it were an infinitesimal molecule of some SSRI in Trump's brain that set off a chain reaction making nuclear war seem like a pleasant idea?
    Last edited by Aramas; 10-05-2018 at 06:33 PM.

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    ESI kayakers ATTACKED by ILE seal.

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    Whenever I see ESI it looks like internalized version of this.

    I mean, as a spiritual aggressor (such a wonderful term) I have to twist people's minds into new configurations.
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    I disagree that mentally ill people just need money to make their mental illnesses disappear.

    Not true what-so-ever.

    Also, mental illness is a legit real thing, not simply a failure to integrate into a supposedly sick society.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hag View Post
    How does it manifest? What kind of situations are apt to trigger a PoLR-related sense of threat or discomfort? What would be avoided? And so forth.

    Real-life examples would be appreciated.
    I define Ne as the intuition of many possibilities. In practice, it seems to me that Ne users consider every possibility and never want to come to a single conclusion. I would then assume that being Ne-PoLR would mean that a person can see lots of possibilities but does not feel confident in either choosing the best one (which is something that LIE’s excell at) or they aren’t confident that they are seeing every option that exists.

    One example of this was when I was talking to a male ESI at work, and he said he could see lots of future possibilities but couldn’t choose which one was best.

    A second example seems to be the ESI reaction to my online dating profile, which is non-existent. I ran it up to near the 4000 character limit with what I feel is a very complete description of me, physically, psychologically, financially, operationally, and intentionally, and I asked a female ESI whom I know for her opinion. She replied, “Too long. It should be shorter.”
    She was right. So far, the responses I’ve gotten have been from female ILE’s or SEI’s.

    Evidently, giving an ESI too much to think about isn’t constructive.

    I should pare those 4000 characters down to: “Man with job, car, apartment, seeks female traveling companion for fun and profit. Call Adam. 866-555-1212.”
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 05-31-2019 at 11:34 AM.

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    Ne PoLR in ESI: dogma. Appreciation of experts to their own futility. This is not same as holding on a system [might be more Ti] which might need revision [it is important to note that there can be parallel systems and those systems can be revised under different name and so on or proven wrong and those systems can have limited valid interpolative and extrapolative range]. Not thinking for themselves methodology wise. Underlying reason here is about not going deep looking for imperceptible connections.
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    Here’s a great example of Ne Polr as displayed by my ISFJ friend of long time.

    She posted a man standing up from his wheelchair at a taco stand to pay for his tacos and the caption said “Don’t let anyone tell you that tacos don’t work miracles!” I responded to the post with my usual Ne way because once seeing that man in a back-brace plus standing up from a wheel chair opened the door to many possibilities that handicapped people don’t come in one shape and size or one situation and that’s what defines handicap. I responded to her saying “just because he can stand up sometimes doesn’t mean he can do it for a prolonged time I’m sure.” I don’t know if it’s my sympathy or greater understanding???
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    Se types are blind to how their state of mind affects their chosen course of action. That's why they get a reputation for hardcore druggies: they're always looking for the right state of mind that can be found through Ni. Perhaps success for them doesn't lie in considering Ne but learning how to adjust their mental states according to their needs. Big occultist, Aleister Crowley, engaged in rigorous exploration of many altered states of mind using drugs and Indian practices of meditation. He's a good example because he lived quite a colorful life.

    A lot of Se is about obtaining pleasure or a sense of fulfillment. Their problem (one of them) is that they can be doing the right thing for them, but not realize it because they aren't in the right state of mind to be able to get the sense of pleasure or fulfillment from their choice. They end up pursuing a lot of other alternatives, each as unfulfilling as the last, not realizing that the problem is just inside their heads. Or they could be doing the wrong thing for them, but an exalted state of mind leads them to believe that they are doing the right thing. Probably the thing Se needs most in layman's terms is equanimity. Reinin calls it "internal harmony," and that might be right, but I like that word. The power of this equanimity is that all mental states exist in equilibrium with each other and cancel out any potential for a misleading state leading to an incorrect internal feeling from acting on impulse.

    LIEs and EIEs have extraordinarily dogged and unmatched focus because they can't be distracted by their own mental states. Want proof? Try to interrupt them sometime. They remain focused on what they're doing, completely unimpeded. They have the Ni necessary to ensure the right mental state and the energy needed to complete actions. They typically choose correctly from the beginning and blaze through life. When they do something, their success comes from the fact that they always have the equanimity needed to ensure that a trial succeeds. Their problem comes about when they miss external, peripheral environmental cues that cannot interfere with their extraordinary internal focus. It's the little ancillary things to whatever task they are focused on that fuck with them. That's their Si polr.

    Ne advice doesn't work for Se egos because impulsive trial and error is necessary for them -- contrary to what I said above. They have to learn how to enter the right state of mind to ensure that the response they feel from whatever course of action they take is the right one. That's Ni powering Se. Ne is about conscious consideration. With Ni and Se, there is simply "right mental state" and "action". There is no deliberation. Ne wastes energy for Se egos for this reason. They can't determine a correct path through conscious consideration of alternatives. The more time they spend thinking about alternatives, the less time they can actually try them out.

    There are therefore two reasons Se egos fail:
    1) Wrong mental state
    2) Trying to Ne, usually due to advice from Ne types.

    "Think before you do" is pure NeSi. Think and deliberate 99 times and let the one action you take be perfect. You can see how contrary that mode is to NiSe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    I can see how Se fails when given "Stop and think "advice.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Also Se sometimes likes to tell you "Push harder, try harder." And Ne doesn't need that advice as well, because Ne is like "If I'm doing the WRONG thing trying harder or pushing harder won't help, if I was doing this the RIGHT way I wouldn't even need to push harder."
    I also don't appreciate this (e.g., demo Se from an ESE to me as an ESI, when my Se is already plenty strong.)

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