excellent, hopefully you're inoculated now from a lot of snake oil socionics. I recommend getting chrome and just starting with model G, since it was intentionally made to be simple and to work. some will say its too complex, but I think they're simply too attached to whatever prejudice model A has come to validate in their mind and unwilling to let go the advantages that entrenched position has conferred. in other words, they will grasp at any pretense to defend whatever "system" however inaccurate, and however poorly they really understand it, if it protects their own "investment" in whatever stereotypes they think it allows them to perpetuate. the less you get sucked into this world of theirs the better, and I think gulenko does a good job of being fair in that respect. obviously people will personally attack him and his supposed motives at this point, but my point is now you see the game. If you come to understand model A, understand it as a history lesson, and the same goes for Jung. Like anything else understanding the development of a concept is important to deeply understanding whatever is current, since everything is on a trajectory in addition to being in a static position. But as far as "finished" products go, model G is lightyears ahead of the rest (available to the west anyway) and to my knowledge