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Thread: IEE Difficulties SLI and subtype (ENFp and ISTp)

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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    Traveller! I had to look up your username. Nice to see you too man!
    Thanks, I'm glad you remembered me!

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    I think she would like you a lot more

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    Man, you are 100% right. I started thinking about it a lot over the past few days, I am 100% Fi-sub. I think its been kind of hard to reconcile for me, being such a strong feeling male. I feel like a bit of an oddity. I kind of found what seemed to be my true state over the past couple of days. I had this calm, kind, confident aura. I noticed a lot of my interactions went very smoothly. Its pretty obvious i'm Fi by how much i speak about people on here and my interactions with them. I also talk about myself too much!
    Exactly, I can relate to having the ups and downs in terms of confidence as well btw. It must be an IEE trait, but I think Ne-IEEs are less socially confident than Fi-IEEs. It seems ironic because we're more extroverted, but it's important to note that we have weaker , than the Fi-IEE sub, which help with socializing. Of course instinctual stacking plays a role as I am so last as an sp/sx.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    I have lost almost all feeling for that ISTp now. I interacted her a little today and now feel very little. She made some phonecalls and she was just quite competent when dealing with clients. She asked her client very tactfully if they wanted her to come or not. I wasn't particularly impressed because i can do the same. I actually suspect that she might have been more attracted to me when i was this anxious, internal, scattered mess. I'm certainly not implying that Ne types are like this but i predict that now that i've come out of that funk any attraction she had will dwindle. Another marriage safe from the meatburger - phew!
    I can relate to being naturally anxious, internal and a scattered mess to an extent, not all the time, but it depends on my mood. I find Si-SLIs tend to be receptive towards me when I am like this because they find it entertaining and funny, while Te-SLIs I have to tone down my behavior because they find it more annoying and odd.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    I read the theory in the post by Avebury and i just cant quite see it. I feel the Si ISTp's I've met can be easy to speak to, but they don't seem as interesting to me. Interest and flowing conversation is very important to me. I really do think subtypes make a large difference now. Perhaps if i got to know Si types more, or if there were other factors involved like strong mutual interests or a lot of attraction. ISTp Te subtypes tend to have this kind of harsh, mean girl quality to them. I think i like it

    My best mate is an LSE and i think hes a Si type though. I actually really enjoy his Si+Te (i guess activation is different).
    Subtype does make a big difference because if you think about it an Ne-IEE is just as close to be an Ne-ILE as an Fi-IEE is as close to being an Fi-IEE. So I've noticed I've gotten along better with Si-SLI for this reason in terms of socializing and interest. However, with Te-SLIs I've noticed that when it comes to intellectual matters we tend to be pretty good at conversing, it's the other areas that aren't as good though, but of course this varies for each individual and cannot be attributed specially to subtype.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    Do you think Subtypes are genetically determined, learnt or can change? My parents are ISFj & ISTj, so it kind of makes sense i might have learnt to avoid my Ne somewhat with them. Makes me wonder if one can actually change subtypes (not that i necessarily want to). I cant see myself ever being an Ne sub though. I remember reading a post before where two Ne types posters ("glumped") each other jokingly. The word glumped even slightly annoyed me lol.
    I think subtypes are generally more fixed and determined by birth or perhaps at incredibly young age. I do think our functions do improve over time depending on how much we focus on them due to environmental reasons or out of our own volition.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    11 years Raver. What's changed over that time? Its interesting that both our signatures are basically the same though
    That is an interesting coincidence in terms of our signature. 11 years has flown by! Quite a bit has changed for me, my twenties were a crazy rollercoaster ride to say the least, lots of ups and downs and lessons being learnt the hard way. I've stabilized somewhat in my early thirties though, but there is still more improvement left to be done. How about you?
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    One things I admire the most about IEEs is their ability to empathize and connect well with both the "******" and the "redneck." Two very different types of people that are kind of organically opposed, the IEE is able to find common ground with both of them in their delta psychology today-ness ways. This makes them excellent therapists, counselors, guidance people and mediators. They have a way of making everybody feel that they aren't biased.

    However, the downside to this is it makes them appear two-faced. Where does their loyalties truly lie? If a real war broke out- what side would they choose etc. This also really really relates to their Ti polr, their brains don't even concretely categorize people into fags and rednecks in the first place, even when it's quite obvious to almost everybody else when a ****** is fagging and a redneck is redding. Well, I think they will recognize such things, but due to their polr- they shy away from taking it too seriously/dwelling on it too long or something because it's an area of mental pain for them. Idk Ti polr is really interesting. I think it would be cool if the forum talked more about Ti polr.

    Ti is about internal logical categories and to have that as a polr, kinda fascinates me. I'm not the best at Ti either, but I'm good at it enough that it really helps me get through my day and covers up my Te polr weakness really well. (also its my mobilizing function so if I use a lot of Ti, it tends to motivate me into a more advantageous position.) Without my 2 dimensional Ti I really would just float up into space or something.
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 09-04-2018 at 05:03 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    Exactly, I can relate to having the ups and downs in terms of confidence as well btw. It must be an IEE trait, but I think Ne-IEEs are less socially confident than Fi-IEEs. It seems ironic because we're more extroverted, but it's important to note that we have weaker , than the Fi-IEE sub, which help with socializing. Of course instinctual stacking plays a role as I am so last as an sp/sx.
    Yeah its perplexing to me, I've wondered how the subtypes would appear socially. I would say i am socially confident, I have no issues interacting with anyone and actually recognize that i have quite a lot of social skill. Yet, i'm often finding myself fairly quiet these days. I can chat with people when i want, but i don't feel compelled to chat with people that much. I can go a whole weekend just speaking to my parents on occasion and it doesn't seem to perturb me that much. I've seen quite a few Fi-IEE's say they are quiet too. I think you're right that having greater Ne i would lead someone to be more extroverted. Greater-Fi, being an introverted function i suspect actually leads people to be more effected by their own emotional state which leads them to be more quiet in general. I actually find my 'feelings' can actually get in the way, they disrupt my cognition sometimes so I feel i have to devote a part of my brain power attending to them. I know an Fi-EII and she is one of the most introverted people i have ever met.

    What i have noticed is that i expend a lot of energy trying to close the distance between people and myself. Even when i'm buying a burger from Macdonalds i'll try to be friendly to the person behind the counter, perhaps slightly over the top with friendliness ('cheers mate' - nice smile) to someone who i'll probably never see again. Lately i've pondered how much energy i expend doing this and if its worth it.

    I'd love to get your thoughts on two people - Elayna from Vagabond sailing and hi-carb Hannah. Firstly, do you agree they are IEE's, and if so what type would you think? I suspect Elayna is IEE-Ne and Hannah is Fi. I am more similar in my energy levels to Hannah.

    If you watch this video and watch her face, you can see a slight unrest / uneasiness. You can see her lip / mouth changing in response to what i suspect is a stream of Fi. Shes keeping her gaze, shes a bit bored and effected by her emotions. She has this kind of deer in headlights look about her at times. More remarkable though is her patience, she sits with him (i presume) the whole time as she probably doesn't want him to be offended. Could an Ne type do that?

    Alayna on the other hand is clearly more energetic. She actually seems to show more Fe to me. She doesn't appear particularly internally disrupted at all. I saw a video the other night where her Ti polr was apparent when she gave up trying to complete immigration papers. Shes a quicker thinker and speaks faster than Hannah. Probably more confident and unconstrained. Shes more flighty, i get the impression she would care less about people liking her.

    Am i nuts? What do you think? I remember reading a thread on subtypes and someone said that subtypes don't exist and that the creative subtypes are just less self confident versions of the same type with Polr's that need a bit more care. I'll admit when i watch someone like Alayna see seems happier and less tortured. All this being said, she is quite attractive and sailing a million dollar Catamaran around tropical islands for a job sooo.... I'm just focused on trying to achieve the best version of myself i can be (and the happiest). What does the most actualized version of each subtype look like?

    Subtype does make a big difference because if you think about it an Ne-IEE is just as close to be an Ne-ILE as an Fi-IEE is as close to being an Fi-IEE. So I've noticed I've gotten along better with Si-SLI for this reason in terms of socializing and interest. However, with Te-SLIs I've noticed that when it comes to intellectual matters we tend to be pretty good at conversing, it's the other areas that aren't as good though, but of course this varies for each individual and cannot be attributed specially to subtype.
    An observation i have made is that on a whole i'm more comfortable with Gammas. I have a really close ENTp friend but Fe in general kind of creeps me out. I just don't like displays of emotion and don't know how to respond effectively to it. If i have the choice between alpha humor (Hamish and Andy) vs gamma humor (Kate, Tim and Marty) i find the latter heaps funnier. Alpha's to me can tend to feel a bit too silly and childlike. Often alpha humor just seems very simplistic. My mother is an ESI though.

    I can relate to being naturally anxious, internal and a scattered mess to an extent, not all the time, but it depends on my mood. I find Si-SLIs tend to be receptive towards me when I am like this because they find it entertaining and funny, while Te-SLIs I have to tone down my behavior because they find it more annoying and odd.
    I'm very interested in what your experience of Ne is. I've noticed lately (now that i'm reading about socionics) that i'll just swap into Ne mode. Its kind of like i just relax and let my brain go and bam, it just starts sifting through things i've read, social experiences, how i felt at the time in what i guess is some attempt to form a rounded understanding of something. Its actually tiring me out and i'm finding im staying up later at night because of it but i'm compelled to do it.

    I think subtypes are generally more fixed and determined by birth or perhaps at incredibly young age. I do think our functions do improve over time depending on how much we focus on them due to environmental reasons or out of our own volition.
    I think you're right, i don't think they change either really. I do wonder If i'd grown up with say Alpha parents rather than my Se dominant ones if i would have been a different subtype).

    That is an interesting coincidence in terms of our signature. 11 years has flown by! Quite a bit has changed for me, my twenties were a crazy rollercoaster ride to say the least, lots of ups and downs and lessons being learnt the hard way. I've stabilized somewhat in my early thirties though, but there is still more improvement left to be done. How about you?
    It's been a bit of a struggle to be honest but there's been some good times. I agree, always room for more improvement

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandcamp
    One things I admire the most about IEEs is their ability to empathize and connect well with both the "******" and the "redneck."
    You know its even more confusing to me because i'm both a ****** and a redneck. I absolutely think men are gorgeous, i love me some hot man meat. Getting sandwiched between two massive hunks is my idea of a fun night. Yet i also like to brew moonshine, shoot guns and talk with a southern drawl. Sometimes, when i see a really hot looking Crocodile, that i type as ISTp i feel myself getting quite turned on. Only the Te-ISTp Crocodiles though as they are a bit broodier and more bitey. I think to myself, can i successfully mate with a crocodile? Is having a romantic encounter with a crocodile really that different to one with an ISTp? Its really confusing being an ENFp.
    Last edited by meatburger; 09-04-2018 at 11:32 AM.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  4. #4
    Raver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    Yeah its perplexing to me, I've wondered how the subtypes would appear socially. I would say i am socially confident, I have no issues interacting with anyone and actually recognize that i have quite a lot of social skill. Yet, i'm often finding myself fairly quiet these days. I can chat with people when i want, but i don't feel compelled to chat with people that much. I can go a whole weekend just speaking to my parents on occasion and it doesn't seem to perturb me that much. I've seen quite a few Fi-IEE's say they are quiet too. I think you're right that having greater Ne i would lead someone to be more extroverted. Greater-Fi, being an introverted function i suspect actually leads people to be more effected by their own emotional state which leads them to be more quiet in general. I actually find my 'feelings' can actually get in the way, they disrupt my cognition sometimes so I feel i have to devote a part of my brain power attending to them. I know an Fi-EII and she is one of the most introverted people i have ever met.
    Yeah, I see what you mean. I personally think the Ne-IEE has the potential to be more introverted than the Fi-IEE based on their subtype. Like I am so last as an sp/sx so I am more likely to be introverted compared to an Fi-IEE so/sx, but of course an Ne-IEE so/sx will be more extroverted than an Fi-IEE sp/sx.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    What i have noticed is that i expend a lot of energy trying to close the distance between people and myself. Even when i'm buying a burger from Macdonalds i'll try to be friendly to the person behind the counter, perhaps slightly over the top with friendliness ('cheers mate' - nice smile) to someone who i'll probably never see again. Lately i've pondered how much energy i expend doing this and if its worth it.
    I can relate to an extent as well, but perhaps not as friendly. I find I can be more friendlier around strangers than non-strangers though, but a lot of it is automatic rather than much thought put into it, but perhaps that's how unconscious works out.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    I'd love to get your thoughts on two people - Elayna from Vagabond sailing and hi-carb Hannah. Firstly, do you agree they are IEE's, and if so what type would you think? I suspect Elayna is IEE-Ne and Hannah is Fi. I am more similar in my energy levels to Hannah.

    If you watch this video and watch her face, you can see a slight unrest / uneasiness. You can see her lip / mouth changing in response to what i suspect is a stream of Fi. Shes keeping her gaze, shes a bit bored and effected by her emotions. She has this kind of deer in headlights look about her at times. More remarkable though is her patience, she sits with him (i presume) the whole time as she probably doesn't want him to be offended. Could an Ne type do that?

    Alayna on the other hand is clearly more energetic. She actually seems to show more Fe to me. She doesn't appear particularly internally disrupted at all. I saw a video the other night where her Ti polr was apparent when she gave up trying to complete immigration papers. Shes a quicker thinker and speaks faster than Hannah. Probably more confident and unconstrained. Shes more flighty, i get the impression she would care less about people liking her.

    Am i nuts? What do you think? I remember reading a thread on subtypes and someone said that subtypes don't exist and that the creative subtypes are just less self confident versions of the same type with Polr's that need a bit more care. I'll admit when i watch someone like Alayna see seems happier and less tortured. All this being said, she is quite attractive and sailing a million dollar Catamaran around tropical islands for a job sooo.... I'm just focused on trying to achieve the best version of myself i can be (and the happiest). What does the most actualized version of each subtype look like?
    Yeah, I think your typings are correct. I noticed the Fi-IEE tended to talk in a more controlled and thoughtful way compared to the Ne-IEE that talked in a way that was more scattered and stream of consciousness, which correlates to the Fi-IEE having a more rational feel due to stronger rational functions and the Ne-IEE having a more irrational feel due to stronger irrational functions.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    An observation i have made is that on a whole i'm more comfortable with Gammas. I have a really close ENTp friend but Fe in general kind of creeps me out. I just don't like displays of emotion and don't know how to respond effectively to it. If i have the choice between alpha humor (Hamish and Andy) vs gamma humor (Kate, Tim and Marty) i find the latter heaps funnier. Alpha's to me can tend to feel a bit too silly and childlike. Often alpha humor just seems very simplistic. My mother is an ESI though.
    Yeah, this correlates to Fi-IEE being more similar to Fi-SEEs and gammas and Ne-IEEs being more similar to Ne-ILEs and alphas.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    I'm very interested in what your experience of Ne is. I've noticed lately (now that i'm reading about socionics) that i'll just swap into Ne mode. Its kind of like i just relax and let my brain go and bam, it just starts sifting through things i've read, social experiences, how i felt at the time in what i guess is some attempt to form a rounded understanding of something. Its actually tiring me out and i'm finding im staying up later at night because of it but i'm compelled to do it.
    Yeah I do the same thing roughly. I take it an extra step sometimes though and let it wander with imagined people and environments that I conjured up in my mind from scratch, kind of like imaginative storytelling with visuals.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    I think you're right, i don't think they change either really. I do wonder If i'd grown up with say Alpha parents rather than my Se dominant ones if i would have been a different subtype).
    Possibly, I do think Socionics type is predominately influenced by genetics and infancy, but perhaps there is an influence from early childhood parental upbringing that impacts it as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    It's been a bit of a struggle to be honest but there's been some good times. I agree, always room for more improvement
    Yeah, life is a rollercoaster with many ups and downs and it's always best to enjoy the good times and prepare for the bad times. However, if you work on improving yourself, the good times are more numerous and the bad times are less numerous.

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    One things I admire the most about IEEs is their ability to empathize and connect well with both the "******" and the "redneck." Two very different types of people that are kind of organically opposed, the IEE is able to find common ground with both of them in their delta psychology today-ness ways. This makes them excellent therapists, counselors, guidance people and mediators. They have a way of making everybody feel that they aren't biased.

    However, the downside to this is it makes them appear two-faced. Where does their loyalties truly lie? If a real war broke out- what side would they choose etc. This also really really relates to their Ti polr, their brains don't even concretely categorize people into fags and rednecks in the first place, even when it's quite obvious to almost everybody else when a ****** is fagging and a redneck is redding. Well, I think they will recognize such things, but due to their polr- they shy away from taking it too seriously/dwelling on it too long or something because it's an area of mental pain for them. Idk Ti polr is really interesting. I think it would be cool if the forum talked more about Ti polr.

    Ti is about internal logical categories and to have that as a polr, kinda fascinates me. I'm not the best at Ti either, but I'm good at it enough that it really helps me get through my day and covers up my Te polr weakness really well. (also its my mobilizing function so if I use a lot of Ti, it tends to motivate me into a more advantageous position.) Without my 2 dimensional Ti I really would just float up into space or something.

    I generally agree, but I do think that dominance ties into this for the IEE too. It's the combination of dominance that results in the IEE looking at two completely opposite views and accepting and rejecting them simultaneously in conjunction with PoLR that prevents the subjective logical break down of different people. This is why SEEs and ILEs don't engage in this kind of behavior despite sharing PolR and dominance respectively.

    Also, I'd add that I'm pretty tolerant of rednecks until their behavior and views become too sadistic and then I begin to discredit them like most people would. I suppose the opposite scenario where I lose my tolerance of LGBTQ when they use their minority status to play the victim card a little too much. I'm accepting of most people and individuals until they branch off into extremes basically and my dominance and PoLR won't allow me to tolerate them anymore.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    Yeah, I see what you mean. I personally think the Ne-IEE has the potential to be more introverted than the Fi-IEE based on their subtype. Like I am so last as an sp/sx so I am more likely to be introverted compared to an Fi-IEE so/sx, but of course an Ne-IEE so/sx will be more extroverted than an Fi-IEE sp/sx.
    You could be right, I have the most experiences with Fi-IEE's. I know one girl who is very similar to Elanya and she married an Si-ISTp that i knew. She appeared quite bubbly and scattered and her desk was filled to the brim with trinkets, fish tank, origami figures, photos etc etc. My desk on the other hand was totally empty. lol. While she appeared very interesting and talented i didn't notice that she was noticeably highly intelligent (but perhaps there was lot more depth behind that scattered curiousness than i realized). I would be really interested to meet some more bright Ne-IEE's in person and see what the differences are.

    So i started reading about Enneagram (never actually looked into it) after my post and i realized that their behavior could possibly be explained by this. Without knowing much about it Elenya to be seems like a classical type 7 (the Archetypal ENFp) in my mind. Do you think that Ne dominant IEE's would be more likely to be this variant? That would make sense to me but maybe i'm wrong. I don't understand this So/px thing at all so i'll have to look into it, is that more important than the base ennegram type?

    Yeah, I think your typings are correct. I noticed the Fi-IEE tended to talk in a more controlled and thoughtful way compared to the Ne-IEE that talked in a way that was more scattered and stream of consciousness, which correlates to the Fi-IEE having a more rational feel due to stronger rational functions and the Ne-IEE having a more irrational feel due to stronger irrational functions.
    I noticed that as well.

    Yeah I do the same thing roughly. I take it an extra step sometimes though and let it wander with imagined people and environments that I conjured up in my mind from scratch, kind of like imaginative storytelling with visuals.
    That's really cool, i definitely don't do that. I have never created a fictional landscape like that in my head, the Ne i do have seems to only base itself in reality. I guess I see it as there being almost a passive and and conscious/passive Ne mode. So Ne will always provide information for both of us during the day, but slipping into that dreamy mode is a different step. It almost sounds like what you are doing is mixing your Ni and Ne together?. I'd imagine you might slip into this second mode more than me perhaps. The shower to me is the perfect place for Ne wanderings, i almost go into a trance where i stand there and just give my mind free reign to do whatever it wants. I wonder why that happens, is it related to the pleasure of the shower and Si in some way?

    I've actually noticed that when i am stressed/unhappy/bothered i slip more into Ne mode, its when i'm pondering something deeply or cant get something out of my mind that it happens. I saw some friends last night and i was quite present, no particular insights that i noticed. What did seem to happen though is maybe a more subtle use of Ne when i was watching them. An LIE girl was talking about my clothing 'colour type' and saying how green suited me and i was very conscious of her ILI husbands reaction to it all. I seem to pay a lot of attention to facial expressions and what they could potentially mean. I noticed in the past that when i got really anxious i found peoples facial expressions and my sensitivity to it quite unnerving. Id feel wobbly, then id notice how i was ever so slightly effecting their own internal state, this could make me more self conscious and disrupt my state further creating a bit of a feedback loop. Id like to think sometimes my insights about peoples emotions are mostly accurate, but perhaps i'm just a bit nuts. NeFi doesn't mean we can read minds

    Do you relate much to that?

    Yeah, life is a rollercoaster with many ups and downs and it's always best to enjoy the good times and prepare for the bad times. However, if you work on improving yourself, the good times are more numerous and the bad times are less numerous.
    That's the goal my friend. After reading about Ennegram i had a bit of a shock to my system. I suspect (although secretly hoping this isn't the case) that i am a 4 type. The only strange thing though is i don't relate to the creativity of it at all really. I don't get impulses to create very much at all. So for a day i became upset thinking - ok so i'm probably a type 4 without what seems like the best parts (creativity). Then i started thinking ok but presumably with my extra strong Fi i can reach quite interesting depths of understanding of my emotions etc. The good thing i really liked about Ennegram though is it gives you some hints as to what you can do to grow.

    Hey are you an Aussie? I vaguely remember that you were. If you ever come to Adelaide let me know and we can have a beer!
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    You could be right, I have the most experiences with Fi-IEE's. I know one girl who is very similar to Elanya and she married an Si-ISTp that i knew. She appeared quite bubbly and scattered and her desk was filled to the brim with trinkets, fish tank, origami figures, photos etc etc. My desk on the other hand was totally empty. lol. While she appeared very interesting and talented i didn't notice that she was noticeably highly intelligent (but perhaps there was lot more depth behind that scattered curiousness than i realized). I would be really interested to meet some more bright Ne-IEE's in person and see what the differences are.
    Yeah, I think Ne-IEEs can come across as dumber than they really are on first impression because of PoLR and spaceyness, but of course general intelligence is NTR and specific intelligences can be boosted or weakened via type.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    So i started reading about Enneagram (never actually looked into it) after my post and i realized that their behavior could possibly be explained by this. Without knowing much about it Elenya to be seems like a classical type 7 (the Archetypal ENFp) in my mind. Do you think that Ne dominant IEE's would be more likely to be this variant? That would make sense to me but maybe i'm wrong. I don't understand this So/px thing at all so i'll have to look into it, is that more important than the base ennegram type?
    I think IEEs in general tend to lean towards 7w6 regardless of subtype, but Ne-IEEs have higher proclivity to it.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    That's really cool, i definitely don't do that. I have never created a fictional landscape like that in my head, the Ne i do have seems to only base itself in reality. I guess I see it as there being almost a passive and and conscious/passive Ne mode. So Ne will always provide information for both of us during the day, but slipping into that dreamy mode is a different step. It almost sounds like what you are doing is mixing your Ni and Ne together?. I'd imagine you might slip into this second mode more than me perhaps. The shower to me is the perfect place for Ne wanderings, i almost go into a trance where i stand there and just give my mind free reign to do whatever it wants. I wonder why that happens, is it related to the pleasure of the shower and Si in some way?
    Yeah, I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head here, I can relate to all of this.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    I've actually noticed that when i am stressed/unhappy/bothered i slip more into Ne mode, its when i'm pondering something deeply or cant get something out of my mind that it happens. I saw some friends last night and i was quite present, no particular insights that i noticed. What did seem to happen though is maybe a more subtle use of Ne when i was watching them. An LIE girl was talking about my clothing 'colour type' and saying how green suited me and i was very conscious of her ILI husbands reaction to it all. I seem to pay a lot of attention to facial expressions and what they could potentially mean. I noticed in the past that when i got really anxious i found peoples facial expressions and my sensitivity to it quite unnerving. Id feel wobbly, then id notice how i was ever so slightly effecting their own internal state, this could make me more self conscious and disrupt my state further creating a bit of a feedback loop. Id like to think sometimes my insights about peoples emotions are mostly accurate, but perhaps i'm just a bit nuts. NeFi doesn't mean we can read minds

    Do you relate much to that?
    Yeah, is often an escape from the trials and tribulations of real life. The issue with this it can make us look spaced out to sensors especially for Ne-IEEs. I can relat to paying extra attention to people's facial expressions to, sometimes it makes me more paranoid than I need to be and other times it is correct.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    That's the goal my friend. After reading about Ennegram i had a bit of a shock to my system. I suspect (although secretly hoping this isn't the case) that i am a 4 type. The only strange thing though is i don't relate to the creativity of it at all really. I don't get impulses to create very much at all. So for a day i became upset thinking - ok so i'm probably a type 4 without what seems like the best parts (creativity). Then i started thinking ok but presumably with my extra strong Fi i can reach quite interesting depths of understanding of my emotions etc. The good thing i really liked about Ennegram though is it gives you some hints as to what you can do to grow.

    Hey are you an Aussie? I vaguely remember that you were. If you ever come to Adelaide let me know and we can have a beer!
    You can possibly be a 4 or maybe it is just in your tri type rather than being your main enneatype, it's hard to say. I am Canadian btw so unfortunately our meeting can't happen. However, Canadians and Australians are known as being mirror images of each other. Also, if I ever happen to be in Adelaide in the future, I will make sure to give you a shout!
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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post

    Both women IEI.
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

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