Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
Hmm...in answer to your title, Fe-leads are no more or less true and genuine than any other type. I can't judge whether or not he's lying to you, here.

But you're right to be wary of the fact that if an ESE is not genuine, it's easy for them to manipulate you through sweet talk D:

Do you get gut feelings? Trust whatever your gut is telling you about his intentions.

From what I've seen, when an Fe-ego has feelings for somebody, you can literally feel it radiating off of them and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt how they feel about you. I dunno if they can fake this emotional energy, but probably not. But not everyone is attuned enough to 'auras' or whatever spiritual presence you believe in to notice this consciously. If you are, then you'd know if you hung out around him.

Edit: I just remembered that I have felt an ESE mirroring my emotions back to me, before xD It would have been easy to fool myself into thinking they came from him in the first place. So sorry, I guess this 'emotional energy' thing might not be very helpful for you, after all.

Your gut is still a good indicator, though.
Hmm yes. But i think my gut says green flag though i just kind of cringe sometimes 😂😂 because he's too corny