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Thread: Fe leads: How true or genuine they are

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    idontgiveaf's Avatar
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    Default Fe leads: How true or genuine they are

    Sorry, I'm having relationship problem and doubt issues 😂

    Like can someone explain me if i should trust someone online that easily because I'm really really fukin confused. He pleases me well, he's a very sweet guy who knows what to say.

    Like i kind of fell for it because my ex bfs were mostly introverted logical types so my exes are easy to read.. But this Fe lead i don't know how to approach this well..

    If i should really put my guard down.. Or not.. He said he's serious about me..

    And just this morning he said,

    **gm <insert my name>. Did i tell you i love u yet <3**

    Like.dude what the actual fuck.

    If a guy tells you that, it feels good right?!

    But im fukin confused if i will really believe on this words.

    Enlighten me of the Power of Fe.


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    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Hey, girl. He's as good at Fe as you are with Se. What do you think he's going to do? He's going to read your emotional desires and feed them back to you.

    I'd recommend studying him. Take notes. Take pictures. You will find them useful in the future.

    In the meantime, bask in the warmth of his fires. Bring marshmallows.

  3. #3
    Disbelief Jung
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    Ethical types can say such kind of things to appeal to your emotions/feelings at the beginning of relationships, do they really feel that way? doubtfully...
    If the guy is indeed Fe, its likely that he's having such emotions but with the same easiness he could feel completely the opposite about you, because emotions are ephemeral and unfortunately the word love is usually misused when ppl just want to say that they like you or they feel attracted to you.
    Advice? Use common sense. If you want to avoid disappointment don't take things for granted and don't trust strangers no matter how sweet their words are. Talk is cheap, true love is a decision and its manifested over time, chickie
    Last edited by Faith; 08-25-2018 at 04:57 AM.

  4. #4
    Feeling fucking fantastic golden's Avatar
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    Fe or no Fe, love on the Internet goes only so far. To me, “did I tell you I love u yet” is not the same as a serious “I love you”—the “did I tell you” preface and the “u” make it somewhat light and even a little flippant, ymmv.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

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    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Xaiviay's Avatar
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    Default answer to your title, Fe-leads are no more or less true and genuine than any other type. I can't judge whether or not he's lying to you, here.

    But you're right to be wary of the fact that if an ESE is not genuine, it's easy for them to manipulate you through sweet talk D:

    Do you get gut feelings? Trust whatever your gut is telling you about his intentions.

    From what I've seen, when an Fe-ego has feelings for somebody, you can literally feel it radiating off of them and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt how they feel about you. I dunno if they can fake this emotional energy, but probably not. But not everyone is attuned enough to 'auras' or whatever spiritual presence you believe in to notice this consciously. If you are, then you'd know if you hung out around him.

    Edit: I just remembered that I have felt an ESE mirroring my emotions back to me, before xD It would have been easy to fool myself into thinking they came from him in the first place. So sorry, I guess this 'emotional energy' thing might not be very helpful for you, after all.

    Your gut is still a good indicator, though.

  6. #6
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    yes I think I assumed for too long Fe was about disingenuously altering one's own feeling expressions purely in order to manipulate others for one's own personal gain, and at their expense. But I think the precondition for strong Fe valuing is you never do this, since strong ethics takes into account norms by definition, and the above is essentially a lie or a scam. I think what happens is Fe people can be mistaken or confused, but they don't go around spreading feelings in order to profit, they do it because they genuinely feel for people. I think in that sense Xaiviay is dead on, which is to say, when a Fe type loves someone, it really shows, and its not just "for show" its something as plain to see as the palm of your hand and it can fill the room in a way no one can really deny. of course over time things can change and so love today can be hate tomorrow, but that goes for everyone. in truth, if someone has a strong time sense as well as Fe, I do not think their love really ever dies, its something they carry with them forever, but the status of their interpersonal bond changes. its not really the same thing in the sense that just because two people fight and break up doesn't mean they didn't love eachother and at least one doesn't continue too. pairs get broken up all the time when they both love eachother. it is Romeo and Juliet

  7. #7
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    watch his actions not his words

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    that sounds good on the surface, but it leads to people thinking buying someone something means they love them and its this sort of logic we see so prevalent in the world today. which is to say it replaces the feeling with a gesture. one can, in that sense, in fact "buy love", relations run the risk of being reduced to mere prostitution. one could also say it unfairly privileges the rich in relationship to the poor, it makes them more "genuine" people in virtue of spending power, which is something of a pernicious untruth that robs the joy of the poor who are made to believe that is the standard. in truth, the bible indicates the poor widow loved most. a better way to look at is emotional expression is an action to be evaluated on the same level as any other action. the second we say it is of inferior rank we set the stage for materialism to supersede love and material calculations to be the basis for ethical relations, bonds between people who don't really like eachother but stick together for financial reasons and so forth, which is a kind of manipulation of the food supply in order to be "loved" in return. in the end, it can degrade into a form of coercion that hems people in on the basis of controlling their basic needs. these are the same people who tend to hate taxes, and especially anything that would tax in proportion to income, because it erodes their locus of control, without which, their intrinsic unlikeableness would leave them bereft of human relationships
    Last edited by Bertrand; 08-25-2018 at 04:03 AM.

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    Fe or not, people show you how they feel about you through their actions not words. It can align sometimes though. I always liked the saying 'words are cheap' and they also are a bunch of hot air. Lately in society people have been giving them waaaay too much weight. So to me it's not so much a matter if he's being real or not, it's also a 'so what' either way. What else does he have to offer besides sweet sentiments etc.

    I can cutely exaggerate if I really like somebody, maybe come on too strong/dorky at times. It's still very much genuine. Maybe because I'm used to being annoyed by almost everybody and not really getting along with them so if I do really like somebody, I can go overboard. Plus I just have a big heart and I'm not afraid to show affection to those I feel earned it/need it. I am especially impressed by people trying to see the hidden layers and meaning in everything, in a way that's not self-righteous.

    Although I am wary of this thing sometimes in guys because it can be a fake thing they are doing to just get in your pants and then leave you and that's really sleazy and manipulative and evil. Much more honest to just be like 'hey let's fuck and have a one night stand. is that okay?' Ugh like that asshole Parker in that season four Buffy episode, playing on her deep feelings when all he wanted to do all along was hit it and quit it. Not saying that this guy is doing that though. Then they pretend to be more complex and interesting then they really are and it makes you just wanna roll your eyes and punch them in the face.

    ((or like on Family Guy this is why I kinda respected Quagmire's approach more than Brian's- although to an extent as he could really be way too inappropriate lol))

  10. #10
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    He's just in very romantic phase and bullshits with one-liners because he feels like that. But as there is socionics incompability this wont result in dualization but rather in some sort of conflict. The thing he says he's serious is not serious, how can he be serious after 2 months? He just says those things because of his emotional state, and that state will go into another phase and he will stop doing all those things and will revert to grumpy ESE male and it wont be so pleasing for you and he will start seeing faults in you. You want to make this happen faster, try discussing with him things but not about him or you because this he can manipulate emotionally, like he's poor and needy and so on, that's also bullshit, he just appears to be emotionally vulnerable, weak, and so on, while in fact he is emotional predator.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Hey, girl. He's as good at Fe as you are with Se. What do you think he's going to do? He's going to read your emotional desires and feed them back to you.

    I'd recommend studying him. Take notes. Take pictures. You will find them useful in the future.

    In the meantime, bask in the warmth of his fires. Bring marshmallows.
    Lol dang i just don't like it when he wants me to take pictures of what i wear whenever i go out or take selfie like what the fuk. I don't usually do that. 😑

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aki View Post
    Ethical types can say such kind of things to appeal to your emotions/feelings at the beginning of relationships, do they really feel that way? doubtfully...
    If the guy is indeed Fe, its likely that he's having such emotions but with the same easiness he could feel completely the opposite about you, because emotions are ephemeral and unfortunately the word love is usually misused when ppl just want to say that they like you or they feel attracted to you.
    Advice? Use common sense. If you want to avoid disappointment don't take things for granted and don't trust strangers no matter how sweet their words are. Talk is cheap, true love is a decision and its manifested over time, chickie
    Yes that's right. I'm using common sense thanks

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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    Fe or no Fe, love on the Internet goes only so far. To me, “did I tell you I love u yet” is not the same as a serious “I love you”—the “did I tell you” preface and the “u” make it somewhat light and even a little flippant, ymmv.
    😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 oh fuk lol he's such a fukin normie tbh. But I'm kind of enjoying it because i feel like we're kind of opposites. But i think he's genuine

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post answer to your title, Fe-leads are no more or less true and genuine than any other type. I can't judge whether or not he's lying to you, here.

    But you're right to be wary of the fact that if an ESE is not genuine, it's easy for them to manipulate you through sweet talk D:

    Do you get gut feelings? Trust whatever your gut is telling you about his intentions.

    From what I've seen, when an Fe-ego has feelings for somebody, you can literally feel it radiating off of them and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt how they feel about you. I dunno if they can fake this emotional energy, but probably not. But not everyone is attuned enough to 'auras' or whatever spiritual presence you believe in to notice this consciously. If you are, then you'd know if you hung out around him.

    Edit: I just remembered that I have felt an ESE mirroring my emotions back to me, before xD It would have been easy to fool myself into thinking they came from him in the first place. So sorry, I guess this 'emotional energy' thing might not be very helpful for you, after all.

    Your gut is still a good indicator, though.
    Hmm yes. But i think my gut says green flag though i just kind of cringe sometimes 😂😂 because he's too corny

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    yes I think I assumed for too long Fe was about disingenuously altering one's own feeling expressions purely in order to manipulate others for one's own personal gain, and at their expense. But I think the precondition for strong Fe valuing is you never do this, since strong ethics takes into account norms by definition, and the above is essentially a lie or a scam. I think what happens is Fe people can be mistaken or confused, but they don't go around spreading feelings in order to profit, they do it because they genuinely feel for people. I think in that sense Xaiviay is dead on, which is to say, when a Fe type loves someone, it really shows, and its not just "for show" its something as plain to see as the palm of your hand and it can fill the room in a way no one can really deny. of course over time things can change and so love today can be hate tomorrow, but that goes for everyone. in truth, if someone has a strong time sense as well as Fe, I do not think their love really ever dies, its something they carry with them forever, but the status of their interpersonal bond changes. its not really the same thing in the sense that just because two people fight and break up doesn't mean they didn't love eachother and at least one doesn't continue too. pairs get broken up all the time when they both love eachother. it is Romeo and Juliet
    Dude like bro.. 😂😂 he types his feelings very very long omg

    Like probably we usually talk about how his love for me vice versa lol 😂


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    Quote Originally Posted by Guillaine View Post
    watch his actions not his words
    Yes make sense. I think he likes me lol 😂

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Fe or not, people show you how they feel about you through their actions not words. It can align sometimes though. I always liked the saying 'words are cheap' and they also are a bunch of hot air. Lately in society people have been giving them waaaay too much weight. So to me it's not so much a matter if he's being real or not, it's also a 'so what' either way. What else does he have to offer besides sweet sentiments etc.

    I can cutely exaggerate if I really like somebody, maybe come on too strong/dorky at times. It's still very much genuine. Maybe because I'm used to being annoyed by almost everybody and not really getting along with them so if I do really like somebody, I can go overboard. Plus I just have a big heart and I'm not afraid to show affection to those I feel earned it/need it. I am especially impressed by people trying to see the hidden layers and meaning in everything, in a way that's not self-righteous.

    Although I am wary of this thing sometimes in guys because it can be a fake thing they are doing to just get in your pants and then leave you and that's really sleazy and manipulative and evil. Much more honest to just be like 'hey let's fuck and have a one night stand. is that okay?' Ugh like that asshole Parker in that season four Buffy episode, playing on her deep feelings when all he wanted to do all along was hit it and quit it. Not saying that this guy is doing that though. Then they pretend to be more complex and interesting then they really are and it makes you just wanna roll your eyes and punch them in the face.

    ((or like on Family Guy this is why I kinda respected Quagmire's approach more than Brian's- although to an extent as he could really be way too inappropriate lol))
    But actually he doesn't really asks me for nudes.. That's why i liked him.. He doesn't even send me dick pic immediately.. Like he never did actually 😂

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    Quote Originally Posted by falsehope View Post
    He's just in very romantic phase and bullshits with one-liners because he feels like that. But as there is socionics incompability this wont result in dualization but rather in some sort of conflict. The thing he says he's serious is not serious, how can he be serious after 2 months? He just says those things because of his emotional state, and that state will go into another phase and he will stop doing all those things and will revert to grumpy ESE male and it wont be so pleasing for you and he will start seeing faults in you. You want to make this happen faster, try discussing with him things but not about him or you because this he can manipulate emotionally, like he's poor and needy and so on, that's also bullshit, he just appears to be emotionally vulnerable, weak, and so on, while in fact he is emotional predator.
    Nahh he's different.. He's genuine i can see it.. i know toxic people.. I feel it.. But it's like three months already i never felt toxic because he always respect what i say and he is neither pushes me into doing something i don't like.

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    lol stay safe, "he's different" famous last words. but not impossible

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    Actions speak louder than words.

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    Okay bruh yolo

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    Don't trust us, we're demons.

    But do it anyway. Yolo.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    Okay bruh yolo
    Did I piss you off?

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    omg so like how did it go?

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    Fuck yolo.

    I just did stupid shit for this dumb dude:

    Guess whose dumber? Me.

    1. I shared my name, and every thing about me.
    2 I shared my pictures.
    3. I masturbated on video call
    4. I sent my pussy
    5. I sent a video masturbating

    Who won? I fuking lose. T.T i don't wanna reside on the Internet anymore

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    Nothing wrong with that, unless the guy's too dumb to appreciate all your efforts.

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    I do not think Je are fake. They are adaptable to what people are expressing and 4D Fe people are especially very tuned to feelings. But it also seems a lot of high politicians have been Je and as such being dragging all the Je population in a bad light.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post

    Nothing wrong with that, unless the guy's too dumb to appreciate all your efforts.
    I see i think i actually got mad at him lol 😂😂😂

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    I have sent this to him. Am i bad or what or he's just stupid and i can't bear it?
    Last edited by idontgiveaf; 08-30-2018 at 10:30 AM.

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    I think they're more people pleasers
    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerfadder View Post
    I do not think Je are fake. They are adaptable to what people are expressing and 4D Fe people are especially very tuned to feelings. But it also seems a lot of high politicians have been Je and as such being dragging all the Je population in a bad light.

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    Women want soldiers that always do what they say. xd I think the dude might be a bit lazy but not necessary bad idontgiveaf.

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    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    Fuck yolo.

    I just did stupid shit for this dumb dude:

    Guess whose dumber? Me.

    1. I shared my name, and every thing about me.
    2 I shared my pictures.
    3. I masturbated on video call
    4. I sent my pussy
    5. I sent a video masturbating

    Who won? I fuking lose. T.T i don't wanna reside on the Internet anymore
    Why didnt u send that to me jesus

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerfadder View Post
    Women want soldiers that always do what they say. xd I think the dude might be a bit lazy but not necessary bad idontgiveaf.
    I don't think he's lazy. Probably he just find it hard to find a job because he has no degree

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Why didnt u send that to me jesus
    Sorry we lack emotional connection ;p

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    Damn i think i really like this dude. No matter what i say and what i do and what i look lol he still likes me wtf, 😂😂😂

    Sometimes i just troll him and send unflattering images of myself just to test him.. But then, he still likes me wtf 🤣

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    Quote Originally Posted by idontgiveaf View Post
    Damn i think i really like this dude. No matter what i say and what i do and what i look lol he still likes me wtf, 

    Sometimes i just troll him and send unflattering images of myself just to test him.. But then, he still likes me wtf 藍
    True love, then. Most guys will drop a girl if she looks too weird or acts too crazy.

    So it’s either true love, or you’re holding his dog hostage.

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    True love confirmed boyz. Btw Adam hows ur search for tru lov goin

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    True love confirmed boyz. Btw Adam hows ur search for tru lov goin
    Not so good, @Number 9 large.

    I’m looking for a woman who is ESI, sp/sx, intelligent, secure, lives near me, is not already married, is in a fairly narrow age group and whom I find attractive and who also likes me.
    When you multiply together the percentages of each of those qualities in the population, you find that there are about 40 women who qualify in a major metropolitan area of about 250,000 people. And they are introverts who don’t make friends easily and tend to stay home when they’re not out spending a month’s salary on clothes.

    So, it’s not going very well......

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Not so good, @Number 9 large.

    I’m looking for a woman who is ESI, sp/sx, intelligent, secure, lives near me, is not already married, is in a fairly narrow age group and whom I find attractive and who also likes me.
    When you multiply together the percentages of each of those qualities in the population, you find that there are about 40 women who qualify in a major metropolitan area of about 250,000 people. And they are introverts who don’t make friends easily and tend to stay home when they’re not out spending a month’s salary on clothes.

    So, it’s not going very well......
    Sounds like my dual

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    The course of true love rarely runs true.

    It is full of twists and turns, setbacks and disasters.

    But I’ll tell you one thing. The sooner you know what you’re looking for, the more likely you are to find it. By age 40, almost all the Secures are gone and the ones who are left are almost universally not capable of being in a relationship. The only exceptions are widows (!) and Secures who finally exited a bad marriage.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 08-31-2018 at 11:24 AM.

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