Open-ness..... hmm not sure. On paper I would like High Open ness a lot better, irl I am probably drawn more to people with Low. Not really sure though.

Conscientiousness.... More into people that are chillax/spur of the moment and don't plan so much. As long as it doesn't go too overboard. The other way would feel like I was dating my mom. Ugh. I love her but YUCK.

Extroversion.... usually more into other introverts actually. Contrary to what some ppl have thought about me on this forum I don't usually trust 'life of the party' people and they are really douche-y to me and I don't really feel that compatible with them. I like affection tho.

Agreeableness... that is the cateogry where both of those descriptions sound horrible to me and I would be really turned off by both those types so somebody that is more in the middle would be great.

Neuroticism ... prefer low I guess as long as they weren't too dense. This is where I think opposites would probably attract better.