Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
That's interesting. Yes, the high conscientiousness has the most noticeably different bone structure compared to others. I actually don't like it, I think his jaw is too large and his browbone is too prominent. But you liked that one better than the others. We have different impressions

There's subtle differences (well, at least to me, and to some other responders on this thread). But not everyone sees faces in the same degree of detail. Some people even can't tell any faces apart (imagine what living with that must be like ) and there's a sliding scale between those cases and strong facial recognition. Faces actually have such tiny differences that human brains are wired to be extra-sensitive to faces, particularly. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to tell each other apart.

But anyways, we may not see the images in the same detail.
I meant on the female and male ones. People with better bones just look better to me than fleshy squishy people in terms of my idealized version of what a person should look like. I can't even imagine being sexually or romantically attracted to a composite image even if that's what people are usually trying (and sometimes failing) to go for. If it's an actual person there are too many factors besides just face structure determining how someone looks and "your face structure looks like a composite for Big 5 Conscientiousness, baby!" is not a pickup line used by anyone ever.