Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
Hm, yeah that theory makes sense to me.
Nice that you enjoyed my tiny lecture.

Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
Mm-hm, but it's like, you're being 'disagreeable' because you're sticking to the version of the facts exactly as you see it, not sparing other people's feelings.
I'd not call it "version of facts", but rather my interpretation of the information I gathered.

Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
Or at least, that's how I perceive it (thinking of people like Jordan Peterson, for instance, who I like listening to a lot).
I can't see Jordan Peterson as LII, because he use a lot of , more than

Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
Yeah, that's probably accurate. I don't like having a rigid schedule imposed on me. I'm comfortable living when things are unpredictable and disorganized...stereotypical irrational type behavior, maybe?
Of course, as a SEI type you don't like much.
I might use , but i'm not aware of using it, and I don't have good control of

Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
Ohh I see, you like to spend time thinking and exploring different topics more than acting out an organized lifestyle?
I try to find a proper balance between both of them.

Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
Ohh sorry you can't see her very often then :/ Hopefully you'll find some other ESEs to hang out with more often, if you haven't already. Thanks, also
The problem is that ESE might be the type of my soulmaid, but definitly not the type of my mindmate.
Thank you.

Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
Um, I thought that the Big 5 trait of emotional stability basically just rated how strongly you tend to feel your emotions in stressful situations, and that seems like something that would correlate with high/low feeling in Socionics.
Feeling is a rational function in the theory of C.G. Jung, but emotions itself are not rational.
But emotions are the foundation of feeling judgement.