Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
Here is a collection of facial composites taken from this paper on the correlation between Big 5 traits and appearance. The results did find that people were able to accurately rate agreeableness, extraversion, and (for men) emotional stability just from looking at a person's face.

For these first two images (one for women, one for men), I hid the text labeling the traits. This way you can pick which ones you find least/most attractive without any previous bias. Each pair of faces displays both extreme sides of a Big 5 trait. So for instance, one of the faces on top displays a high extraversion score, with the one directly below it displaying a low extraversion score (or introversion).


What results did you get?! Go ahead and share them, if you like

When I first saw them, I covered the trait descriptions with my fingers so I could test myself. The men's faces I found most attractive were the high aggreeableness, low conscientiousness, high emotional stability, and high openness, with a very slight preference for high extraversion. I thought this was pretty neat, because those were the behavior traits I already thought I would be attracted to.
For men:

Most attractive: High Extraversion with its liveliness and fun/entertaining energy. Most influential on my instincts in terms of attractiveness.
Then High Agreeableness was also obviously attractive with it being just really nice, less exciting than the High Extraversion one though.
Low Emotional Stability was attractive-exciting some too even if I sensed this kind of person would be a bit more trouble than the High version. I think I was attracted to it being not so even emotionally? Some stimulation there lol. It would be more attractive than High Agreeableness if it were not for sensing the bit of trouble too. Haha idk if the bad kind of trouble though.
High Conscientiousness was not exciting but acceptable fine, while Low Conscientiousness was exciting hence attractive somewhat but also untrustable, so that was a turn-off, would not easily pick it for a long term relationship unless they prove themselves I guess. Contradictory here with my instincts... liking it but also warning me with the rational decision (picking the trustable one) winning out in the end if necessary.
And I picked Low Openness quite strongly over High Openness. High Openness was just a bit alien for some reason, and just too neutral too. Low Openness was comfortably relatable and trust inducing.
Btw, least attractive here is Low Agreeableness overall (toooo much like me, I don't seek this in men), and then low Openness. The rest are okay.

I guess in order: High Extraversion > High Agreeableness > Low Emotional Stability > Low Openness > whatever Conscientiousness (short-term relationship: Low, long-term relationship: High).

In Socionics, as far as the correlations check out, a limbic SEE or ESE if going with the rational mind. But I think, emotionally stable ESE would be too boringly nice so not that one.

For women:

I pretty much like all of High Extraversion. High Agreeableness, High Conscientiousness and High Openness, all are nice positive fun attractive trustable. The High Emotional Stability one is also pretty ok. I really instinctually did NOT prefer the Low Emotional Stability and Low Openness ones here, funnily enough, when compared to their High opposites. Low Openness isn't too bad on its own tho', it's familiar with me looking like it too and same for Low Extraversion. Then Low Agreeableness looks too much like me, god, lol, I don't mind that one as much though, familiar and easy to deal with for me. Low Conscientiousness is not as controversial as with the men, it's not too bad, she could actually be interesting. Low Extraversion one is kind of neutral.

In order: High Extraversion = High Agreeableness = High Conscientiousness = High Openness > High Emotional Stability

In Socionics, an emotionally stable EIE.

Also, before checking the key, but after I picked my preferences, I tried to guess which pair of faces is which Big 5, I got 3 of them right and mixed up Agreeableness and Extraversion, I suppose that's understandable because Extraversion bundles positive emotionality with it so it could seem pretty agreeable-ish to me with that.

The women matching my Big 5 test results also very much look like me lol (very low Agreeableness and similarly very low Openness, low Extraversion, mid-high Conscientiousness, pretty high Emotional Stability).

So whatever it is for Socionics correlations... @Xaiviay I hope I gave you enough of a datapoint.