Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
Yeah no kidding. Probably those women are Ni-egos xP
or / and either seeking or valuing, I think.
I doubt that the vast majority of alpha SF type people are attracted to disagreeable people.
And alpha SF people are more agreeable than alpha NT people, I guess. Sometimes I can be shockingly disagreeable in debates... when my thinking preference takes over.

Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
Hahaha hey, I scored 0% on conscientiousness in the last Big 5 test I took I'd be insulting myself if I thought all low-conscientious people were that way.
Low conscientiousness because the own comfort zone is so comfortable?
My conscientiousness is low because I spend too much time with observing and generating contextual connections... means a lot of time in my head and thinking.
It's easier for me to switch between five different topics in one minute than to stay focused on just one task for hours.

Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
Yup, I've seen what you mean with how hospitable ESEs are, very generous and likeable! Well gosh, I envy you.
Thank you. My aunt has her own family and I see her only once in a while.

Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
I wish I had some Alpha NTs around me while growing up But, there's still the possibility of finding a dual, one day
I wish you luck.

Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
Well, the two faces that appealed to me the most were high openness and high emotional stability. Seems like that bears some similarity to Ne/Ti egos, maybe?
Openness is losely related to intuition. Emotional stability is not related to cognitive functions, afaik.