Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
I see different expressions but having a different expression doesn't make you a different person. The low emotional stability, low openness, and high agreeableness ones look physically ill to me based on their expressions and I think that's super unattractive. I don't think the composites quite look like real people though because they're too blurry. The High Agreeableness and Low Agreeableness males and High Conscientiousness and Low Conscientiousness females look the most different to me and the rest are distinguishable but still too annoyingly similar for my poor brain.
No one is saying that facial features are the only factors in what makes a person attractive, if that's what you're disagreeing with. 'Having a different expression doesn't make you a different person' actually yeah, it seems to indicate that you are different person. Appearances don't just exist in a vaccuum. There's plenty of science out there finding that people are suprisingly accurate on their character judgements, just from looking at physical appearances. VI on this website is living proof that there's similar facial expressions between similar types of people. The paper in the OP is another example.