Here is a collection of facial composites taken from this paper on the correlation between Big 5 traits and appearance. The results did find that people were able to accurately rate agreeableness, extraversion, and (for men) emotional stability just from looking at a person's face.

For these first two images (one for women, one for men), I hid the text labeling the traits. This way you can pick which ones you find least/most attractive without any previous bias. Each pair of faces displays both extreme sides of a Big 5 trait. So for instance, one of the faces on top displays a high extraversion score, with the one directly below it displaying a low extraversion score (or introversion).

Now, here's the images with the descriptions showing so you can see which of the traits are associated with each facial composite:


What results did you get?! Go ahead and share them, if you like

When I first saw them, I covered the trait descriptions with my fingers so I could test myself. The men's faces I found most attractive were the high aggreeableness, low conscientiousness, high emotional stability, and high openness, with a very slight preference for high extraversion. I thought this was pretty neat, because those were the behavior traits I already thought I would be attracted to.