Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
yeah I think you see that same kind of amerocentrism in socionics itself where there's a 16 way split in hollywood incorporating an almost even distribution of all the types. people don't realize the full possible scope of human and cultural difference present in the world. when people say the earth is flat [1], its more like we can flatten out any dimension of human experience in order to focus on others, so you have this kind of flattering of humanitarian aspects in order to facilitate a social expansion (to entertain eachother on forums, necessitates a flattening of world view to keep things upbeat and accessible). in essence socionics points out how every type flattens something, and then you can see people expanding or compressing certain elements in how they go about behaving. its sort of the E! Hollywood version of world politics and psychology once certain types make it their conversation subject. you see this happen over and over, but in virtue of relative numbers, at that particular place, it seems like perhaps this is the way the world really is, but its just a bubble, and that's precisely the point. this principle of how social life can distort reality happens top to bottom and can be leveled at any rung of abstraction
I hit like for this above part...
interestingly enough this roving group subjectivity becomes sufficient to call some people "overly subjective" when they don't present things properly pre-digested for social acceptance, and then socionics is in turn used against them, in order to label it symptomatic of a "polr" of some kind. that socionics has been corrupted top to bottom never occurs to them, because this is what it was made to do! the limits of comprehensible reality are thus rubber stamped by socionics and both socionics and the world itself retreats into this bubble of social niceties, cliches, stereotypes, and gossip

[1] imagine an ancient person who lives their life as if its geometrically flat, for their time and place it may not facilitate their ends one whit to believe otherwise, hence the earth is flat as a psychological feature of their worldview, because they focus their psychic energy on other domains. they can compress that "issue" with no loss to their other aims, in fact it may even promote them by making things simple. it is a revelation to realize everyone does this with respect to something and it does not instantly make them "wrong" but neither does it make their other focus instantly "correct" because it can leverage its strong sides to bulldoze anyone who might break out the aforementioned ignored element
Then this one apeared... it happens too often with you Bert... xD
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Seriously though, I think the idea of expanding or compressing is interesting. It could sound similar to valuing, but value means next to nothing to me, while expansion and compression have sense.
Interpretation is a bitch. -w-b