Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
yeah I'm not sure of their correct typings, and less sure about the ISTx, he scored ISTP in MBTI but I've always thought that was off, he was more TiSe, more organized, methodical, and more risk seeking, opportunity taking than an ISTP. He's too well mannered and gossipy to be an ISTp, but maybe my ideas are just a bit off. agreed tho, that Ne seeking makes sense for what I said, but then, I was vague, I don't know what happened to him exactly, something like panic attacks, diagnosis was "maybe it's stress", and he couldn't figure out where that stress was coming from, so probably it had something to do with a feeling of underestimation/frustration in his workplace, and at the same time knowing that there's best out and time is ticking and it's better to figure out what to do with one's life... but I'm guessing here.

I'm pretty confident in the ESI typings instead, more or less, and even there, they too could fit in some Si qualities, sure, and Ne seeking would solve all in a moment, but we can't just attribute stress motives to Si types. My ESI sister got a heart checking device to test her daily pressure at 22, that was not from indulging in Si, more probably in overdoing Se; the other ESI is living a life he doesn't want to live because of some medical conditions that have an effect on his psyche, so yeah, there's that... possibilities can even be a source of stress when placed badly, perhaps.
I wasn't trying to say that only Si types can have stress. I was just commenting on the Ne part.