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Thread: ILE and analysis vs IEE and people

  1. #41
    Danali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Based on avatar I might gravitate towards IEE.

    What do you think about drama in life general? Something to life for and arrange or just to keep it steady. SLI's if I have understood right have problems with it.
    My instant answer was that it was something to live for, because it gets everyone excited, then i thought about it and realised it actually keeps things steady because its always happening and we decide if we engage in it or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    Imagination. How your imagination works?
    Its still a mystery to me lol.

    I mainly think about people or theories about the world.

    People. - “this person done this therefore i think they have this problem”, “i wonder if they’re really as close as they want people to seem”, “I bet that person has anxiety.” My hunches and analyses of people are always right.

    I also tend to think about the quality of the conversations I have and what would make them better.

    I also tend to think about how i can influence the conversation next time and how i want to present myself next time, or how i want a relationship to develop next time.

    I go over conversations again and again, to “feel” them again.

    I pick up on subtle conflicts and who doesn’t/does like whom.

    I also think about how i felt after the conversation and then i usually wonder about what that person was thinking of me while i was talking to them.

    Theories - they can be about people but its usually about the world at large. I analyse people living in this system at large and how that impacts of the individual, I also tend to wonder how things came to be on a social level. For example, recently i was thinking about why women are allowed to play with sexuality but men aren’t.

    Another example, what would the world be like if ownership wasn’t possible, but money was still available.

    I need to understand the deeper meaning of everything, I’m usually the person that says “what the person really mean was (insert my hunch)

    usually people will hear something “weird”and just settle I need to understand why its weird, what was really meant and what was the intention.

    I usually tend to think about what people “are like” and what mental characteristics do they have? This could range from what would make them angry to, are they the kind of people to put on a facade.

    why do they act that why?, what caused them to behave in that manner?

    what category do they fall in? (By this i mean everyone more or less is a stereotype and falls into a category, people hate to accept this but its true. E.g you see a girl with blue hair and a fringe above her eyebrows and a septum piercing, you can instantly tell about her from politics to music tastes to social hierarchy)

    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    and based on previous how much drama it has?)
    I tend to end up in a lot of drama, more so silent drama.

    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    any transformative experiences?
    Studying sociology and economics I learnt so much about the world and people, it made me think about everything we hear and see differently.

    moving to the country from the city, worst experience of my life, i learnt so much about myself and that people project their perception of you, on to you which skews everything.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheUltimateEmcee View Post
    You have always come off EIE to me Danali, superficial impression though as we've never interacted.
    Interesting, what lead you to that conclusion ?

  3. #43
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danali View Post
    Interesting, what lead you to that conclusion ?
    Well, based on what you write, you seem pretty aware of how others perceive you (), and how this perception by others affects you in terms of how you view yourself(). You also seem to value competition () over internally pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. Your choice of avatars seem pretty EIE, or at least beta, not that I'm a fan of typing people through their choice of avatars, but it contributed to my impression so I think I should mention it.

    Just an impression though.

    Do you think it is accurate or no?
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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheUltimateEmcee View Post
    Well, based on what you write, you seem pretty aware of how others perceive you (), and how this perception by others affects you in terms of how you view yourself(). You also seem to value competition () over internally pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. Your choice of avatars seem pretty EIE, or at least beta, not that I'm a fan of typing people through their choice of avatars, but it contributed to my impression so I think I should mention it.

    Just an impression though.

    Do you think it is accurate or no?
    Defo, I know how others perceive me in terms of relationships and likeness. I also put myself in their shoes to see how they would see me if that makes sense.
    Now that you've said that it made me think about how I try and change people's perception of me and how I would want them to view me in comparison with how I view myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheUltimateEmcee View Post
    You also seem to value competition () over internally pleasant and relaxing atmosphere.
    Now that is interesting, how did you figure that out ?? You're right though. I really enjoy competition, I do really enjoy relaxing atmospheres, however, I think it would get a bit boring over time.

    I feel like I can't distinguish these things reading through the profiles, its all a big blur. they all sound the same to me.

  5. #45
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danali View Post
    Defo, I know how others perceive me in terms of relationships and likeness. I also put myself in their shoes to see how they would see me if that makes sense.
    Now that you've said that it made me think about how I try and change people's perception of me and how I would want them to view me in comparison with how I view myself.
    Would you say there is a split between how you view yourself and how you want others to view you?

    Now that is interesting, how did you figure that out ?? You're right though. I really enjoy competition, I do really enjoy relaxing atmospheres, however, I think it would get a bit boring over time.
    Lucky guess, lol. Seriously though, I don't actually know how I figured it out - it's just a general vibe I got that got me thinking you probably enjoy competition, at least up to a point.

    I enjoy competition too, I think it can even be good for improving what you do and to get people motivated. I feel the same way about relaxing environments btw, I enjoy them and they can be good for resting but after a while they get boring.

    I feel like I can't distinguish these things reading through the profiles, its all a big blur. they all sound the same to me.
    I would say this is probably because you don't yourself well enough - it took me years to figure out I valued and for instance, though and was much easier. What I do is I just read the descriptions then try to see if they apply to me. Alot of times, when I read the descriptions, I just don't know if they fit or not, at least large parts of them.
    Last edited by Ave; 11-12-2018 at 07:57 PM.
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  6. #46
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    @Danali To solely associate ILE with analysis and IEE with people would be a faulty approach. In general: Does having insufficient quantifiable information make decision-making very difficult for you (ILE)? Do you prefer that your decisions and opinions be very black and white with no grey areas (ILE)? Can you feel fairly comfortable dealing with and or living in chaos (IEE)? Are you OK with no final decisions being made (IEE)? Do you feel deep down that your conduct and values are what others should adopt (IEE). Do you tend to feel that you're plans or strategies are superior (ILE)? Do you tend to think mostly in relative (IEE) or absolute (ILE) terms. In your decision-making, do you sometimes fail to include side-effects or related issues (ILE), or actual key facts (IEE)? Although they can operate in both pastures, they do tend to prefer opposite sides of the fence.

    a.k.a. I/O

  7. #47
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    As i've come to understand
    is the function concerned about public opinion, it focuses on what everyone else thinks without thinking for themselves.

    Well yeah, at the purest core Te is all about externalities in motion and being a basic bitch that copies the 'mass public thinking' on something is logically the fastest way to get all the moving external parts running in the direction that you want. It comes off as uncouth and primitive/misguided to Ti valuers. It's not so much that it is even 'concerned' with public opinion (that is all more a Fe/Fi/Ne issue) , just that public opinion is often the best & least resistant way to sell their product. You know I think you just hit on why a lot of so-called IEIs are actually IEEs instead and are typed incorrectly. And what people think they are getting mad at for a Beta-ism is actually a Delta-ism.

    My ILE friend talks in a really weirdly harsh 'bad tone' voice too but for some reason it never really bothered me, probably cause I like his Te demonstrative so much. I just easily forgave it, I objectively thought 'that was really prickly wow' sometimes, but I still always felt comfortable to be alone with him/in the same room/talking about whatever.

    Also even though he has Fi polr he's so nice to me sometimes ugh, he stood up for me once in public in front everybody and it was so genuine and sweet. Well... I mean as 'nice' as a thinking type can get, but it was pretty great and meant a lot to me. <3 As a Fe valuer it simply means a lot to me when people are just nice and gay like that... it's the expression that's great, I don't need to feel them deep within my being while psychologically deconstructing them to death like a hateful retard. He doesn't do this too much either or go overboard with it in a way that feels condescending to me either. If I were an ESI I suppose I would always find this patronizing and childish/stupid but I'm not a gamma.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    @Danali To solely associate ILE with analysis and IEE with people would be a faulty approach. In general: Does having insufficient quantifiable information make decision-making very difficult for you (ILE)? Do you prefer that your decisions and opinions be very black and white with no grey areas (ILE)? Can you feel fairly comfortable dealing with and or living in chaos (IEE)? Are you OK with no final decisions being made (IEE)? Do you feel deep down that your conduct and values are what others should adopt (IEE). Do you tend to feel that you're plans or strategies are superior (ILE)? Do you tend to think mostly in relative (IEE) or absolute (ILE) terms. In your decision-making, do you sometimes fail to include side-effects or related issues (ILE), or actual key facts (IEE)? Although they can operate in both pastures, they do tend to prefer opposite sides of the fence.

    a.k.a. I/O
    Idk, in irl it’s too much of a mixed bag with these to even comment like this.

  9. #49
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    I think at least ethical checks out OK, clearly. Intuition over sensing. The focus seems extraverted. EIE or IEE.

    Just because there seems to be more societal trends than psychological evaluation I'm inclined to say EIE (in which I'm not sure of).

    IEE is probably wants to attain some sort of balance in life while EIE wants to find firm rock solid base for their thoughts.
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  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheUltimateEmcee View Post
    Would you say there is a split between how you view yourself and how you want others to view you?
    Subconsciously there is, I don't think I mean to but I end up overemphasising some parts of my personality with certain people, as a result that person views me from that perspective.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheUltimateEmcee View Post
    Lucky guess, lol. Seriously though, I don't actually know how I figured it out - it's just a general vibe I got that got me thinking you probably enjoy competition, at least up to a point.

    I enjoy competition too, I think it can even be good for improving what you do and to get people motivated. I feel the same way about relaxing environments btw, I enjoy them and they can be good for resting but after a while they get boring.
    I really enjoy non serious competition in a good atmosphere e.g. group activities/challenges, whereas serious competition gives me anxiety.

  11. #51

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    @Danali I think IEE.

    You just talk about how you analyse people in a very NeFi way, I've known IEEs talk about it like that. Analyses about how people work and how they detect that. Also, you pay attention to impacts on the individual, that's NeFi not more "collectivist" FeNi. Mental characteristics of people sounds Ne too. With the stereotypes etc too. Silent drama rather than openly emotional drama. You have these IEE topics about gender/sexuality, and these whatifs about what the world would be like.

    Also you devalue Se, you really don't like serious competition or conflict. Non-serious competition is what even Se PoLRs apparently do enjoy... as long as it's not serious lol

    You asked earlier how Ti suggestive manifests, do you have any specific questions on this.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danali View Post
    This is essentially a way for me to distinguish between the two types as I have come to a point where I can't decide between the two.

    So, I've gone through a long history of trying to figure out my type and I have narrowed it down to Dominant. But, I just can't seem to figure out if I use or in the creative position.

    The reasons I'm considering ILE is because of that fact that I do create internal logical systems and think about things which I need to share with others, whether its a new perspective on something I've found or something I've thought about. For me the primary importance is understanding why things are the way they are. For example, someone may do something "weird" as deemed by the public, however, my main concern is why they done it? what could have led up to it ? did someone else trigger it ?. As i've come to understand is the function concerned about public opinion, it focuses on what everyone else thinks without thinking for themselves. I always weigh up my own opinion with public opinion, I will formulate my own understanding then search what others think about the matter and from a very objective stance try and figure out what the difference, why they don't align and which is better (mine usually is). When I understand something I need to explain it, criticise it, compare it and improve it, its definitely an ongoing processes, it needs to be debate-proof and withstand any outside criticism. I love to debate, especially those ones where everyone has a different opinion and this ties into why I listen to everything and anything because it just adds to my explanations and views.

    As for IEE, i'm very nice upon meeting, i understand social rules, and i get what i have to do. (ILE apparently have a really bad reputation for being unaware and rude in social situations) I'm also very easy to get along with, at least to my knowledge I think people feel comfortable around me, I give everyone a listening ear and can get on their level so too speak. But I've also noticed people tend to confide in me about personal issues. I also "get" people very well from a distance, I usually call people "theories" because essentially everyone has their own view, the public perception and, my perception so when I stand back and analyse someone, I just get why they act a certain way, this links into the fact I'm good at reading people e.g. upon meeting some people I can just get vibes and feelings about who's trustworthy, who isnt, who likes to gossip ... and so on, When i analyse people I'm watching and listening to everything, I can piece together what kind of person they are. I also tend to make personal judgements about things I like and dislike, my feelings towards people also tend to change, one minute I can look forward to seeing someone, then when I really think I about it I can change my mind.

    tbh I just don't know anymore so feel free to ask any follow-up questions, I'm very interested in what everyone has to say about me.

    I will be adding more information when I remember.
    There's a key difference. I believe anything *can* be debate proof, and thus don't bother making it debate proof, because people can be lead to believe anything given a good campaign. I just worry about whether I think it is valid given the information available.

    Also my answer for a person being weird is that people are allowed to be weird. Nothing is stopping them. The laws of society can only go so far to prevent devience, if it even tries. As to why you'd want to be deviant, I don't know, that's personal. I don't really like speculating on things, so my answer would usually be stopped at the above.

    Lastly, while you can use vibes to guess someone's personality, I really dispise that, mainly because I have a hard time doing it. However, I do see the merit in looking at the person, listening to them, and then speculating based on the information given. It's honestly the same thing, I just don't call it vibes, and use concrete information to decide rather than feelings, like in hot reading, which I may or may not be good at. For example, if I see the person's hair is messy, then obviously their hair is messy because it is not neat. Therefore they don't care that their hair is not neat, they don't know that their hair is not neat, or their hair was messed up sometime doing something. Or other. I never forget the other section. The idea being that if these things are true, then you can assume certain things about the person. Like I generally at least attempt to type with perfect capitalization, and am pretty good at it, so I'm paying attention to my capitalization. Now, I don't usually automatically attatch these things to stuff without observational data to compare it with.

    As stated, my feelings are generally considered irrelevant to the whole deal, and I consider them a personal thing. For example, if I have a hatred towards religious people, and I see a religious icon on someone, I will tend to put said person in a group. As such, I don't do it. However, a great example of what I do is that I have had a lot of language arts teachers. Two of them had phobias, and one of them had made me throw out an apple I was going to save until latter. That, some other stuff, and knowing what kind of job a language arts teacher is, especially at my school, I came to the conclusion that a lot of language arts teachers are neurotic or whatever trait I have in mind. Then I contrasted it with a teacher who was an avid skydiver. I further contrasted it with a group of teachers who were quite pessimistic. Because I determine my emotions are internal, I can use that to estimate other's reactions to stimuli, (the word fits) assuming other people react in a relatively similar way to me. Because I percieved the actions of a certain group of teachers threatening, and because other students agree, I can say two things. First, these two teachers are both similar in that they both exibit similar traits. Second, if one seems threatening, then the other probably does as well. Now my explenation to this is that the one teacher is a doctor in language arts. So, yeah. Again, when judging someone else, I use facts, and when judging myself, I use emotions which count as facts if you consider that "I feel sad now" is a concrete occurance.

    Lastly, when using this it is very useful to deal with people in the solo. It's because that you can learn what people's habits are, and then use prior knowlege of habits to estimate later action. The con to this is that, for example, my mother, who has not really used butter before decides to suddenly use it can confuse me. Similarily, when my brother decides he doesn't like a thing anymore, I also get confused, making me a stupid gift giver. Oh, you don't collect t-shirts anymore... (He now collects pants and hoodies, and from specific brands) My brother likes books and classic movies, so I got him farenheight 451 for christmas. Don't think he was expecting that.

    As to you, I don't know, you don't seem very obtuse, you've come up with theory, so that means you can/are willing to come up with theory, even if it doesn't conform to my accepted definitions. I would revise your type to something Te focused though, because Te is not public opinion, but rather efficiency. Introverted ethics, I don't get, yet I also do, it's essentially intense feelings of passion. Introverted intuition is also a good fit, as you've meantioned deliberating on this over a long time, which is more introverted intuition. And yes, I'm reading off definitions and comparing them to yours because I want to clarify differences between them and my potentially unreliable source of definitions. (I don't know what people use here). Again, I'd say Te/Ni or Ni/Te. I wouldn't know if your introverted or extroverted, but yeah.

    To be fair, I haven't read page 2, because I clicked quick reply and typed this up first, but whatever.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

  13. #53
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    Page 2 response. Just skip the above if necessary. I do write a lot at times when I am trying to be thorough, and I do format things poorly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Danali View Post
    Defo, I know how others perceive me in terms of relationships and likeness. I also put myself in their shoes to see how they would see me if that makes sense.
    Now that you've said that it made me think about how I try and change people's perception of me and how I would want them to view me in comparison with how I view myself.

    Now that is interesting, how did you figure that out ?? You're right though. I really enjoy competition, I do really enjoy relaxing atmospheres, however, I think it would get a bit boring over time.

    I feel like I can't distinguish these things reading through the profiles, its all a big blur. they all sound the same to me.
    Probably cold reading. Most people are interested in some kind of competition, thus it is safe to ask that question. No offence, the person is probably doing it accidentally. Now, the real hard thing to do is to guess what kind of competition. If you can do that, I'm satisfied you did it legitimately.

    For evidence, who here absolutely, positively, does not enjoy any kind of competition? Although there is probably that one person, I doubt he is here.

    Also accurate speculation on personal traits is something I've been trying to develop. My question is how? My expected response is "I don't know", because of the statement that you don't know how your imagination works.

    "I feel like I can't distinguish these things reading through the profiles, its all a big blur. they all sound the same to me."

    Implies either a form of information intolerance or that you aren't retaining the information when you read it. To be fair, a lot of it is pretty esoteric.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

  14. #54

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    IEE for sure. I love how the OP says 'well these parts of EIE don't fit' an a certain Ti-master extraordinaire responds with 'don't believe your lying brain, ur def EIE.'

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