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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Lol sp-last chaos... Looks like you do have strong Si if you don't actually feel stressed out by any of this bc that means you are able to deal with your bodily sensations without a problem.

    I relate to some of this btw but I'm not like this THIS much. Maybe I'm sx/sp over sx/so after all...
    lmao You may just be better at being an adult than I am. If that explains it, then awesome, because so many of the strong-Si type descriptions I saw sound all orderly, and then I look at the mess around me like "well shit..."

    It's also ofc that you are a guy, so you'll be less tidy than women about some of this stuff lol.

    I'm personally not housewife material either but still, a tiny bit more focused on these matters than you.
    lol any amount more focused on these things than me is an improvement. I feel like if an SEI wound up married to me she'd probably turn homicidal inside of a month.

    But I beat you at chaos at one point, I pack for travel the absolute last minute.
    lmao you're a braver woman than I. The only time I stress this kind of thing is when I start trying to remember if I'm forgetting anything I need at a client, or might be leaving in a hotel room, so I end up going over it all like 3-4 times and still end up forgetting something in the hotel 25% of the time.

    And I can sleep on the floor just fine too yeah, or in broad daylight etc. I attribute that to good Si in my case because I just know how to adjust my body with the circumstances + the circumstances too ofc if needed.
    So that's what strong unconscious Si without primary SP looks like lol. I had been associating it with really having your shit together and making all of your spaces homey and comfy as they can be.

    Well that's an option too but I prefer to stick to more realistic scenarios lol
    Psh, "realistic." Have fun with that while I'm gonna be killing the other team in Martian resource wars, sucker

    The definition of progress is another long and deep topic.

    Yeah, fighting, it's animating and whatnot, and I think we deeply agree on that part again lol, but I prefer it to have a truly good point if it's really about giving a lot for something, such as my life, and it should be the best solution as well. If it's just about finding a way to fight, I can see other ways to do that than doing it in war.
    I can see that, absolutely, and I don't really disagree lol. I might just have a smaller scope in what I require for "a truly good point." "For my people" has always been enough of a truly good point for me. I wouldn't endorse fighting/war for its own sake, but even the shittiest wars yield some of the most inspiring expressions or demonstrations of φιλία and passion.

    America in revolution, that was an interesting image for sure. Is it really that close to being that?
    In a Schmitt-ian sense, yes, unfortunately. When people start acting on it, I don't know, because it's been sitting at a low boil for about 8 years, now. 2024 will be an interesting year because that's Trump's term limit hits, and the Left has been getting extremely rabidly racialized and illiberal in their desires. The ability for dissent to subsist is no longer acceptable to them, and they're getting more violent about it.

    Yeah I was asking rhetorical questions Your commitment orientation is very Ni HA btw in the way you put it, idk why you didn't relate to the descriptions
    Oh cool lol that was an aspect that hadn't occurred to me. I definitely did relate to it, but I also related to the description of suggestive Ni from your link so I was on the fence. I'll chalk that up to being hard to make finer distinctions between things you're bad at. My concept of Ni was focused on explicit consistency and the "time" orientation that keeps coming up in other descriptions

    Anyway yes I find commitment impressive too like that. I just do not want it to go over the other extreme with it becoming a brainwashing issue when the goal is not actually all that good or sensible or even worse than that.

    So for example for the example of the Brazilians, yeah, you can give a good statement by that kind of commitment, but I can't say I would necessarily prioritize making that statement over other goals if I have them in life, it depends if the other goals I find even better. (And yes they can still be goals for other people too, so it's not simply about being 100% self-centred, not at all.)
    Yeah absolutely. A unity of a good cause and total commitment would be the ideal without a doubt.

    The last link of yours there, yeah, I was gonna call it a touchy-feely link lol, so anyway sure that's a valid thing too. But do it in a way that it really ends up at the best possible results (i.e. best of all implementable ones) overall.
    lol yup I agree again with only a slight alteration, I'm okay with "good enough" results =P. I think our biggest difference is really just on where that line is drawn and maybe a bit of an aesthetic difference. You're much more sensible and pragmatic about this question where I'm very much a romantic about it .

    Lol I didn't really think about the type, just that bit seemed like it. I read the texts you posted here, I think all I can say is just that the writer is definitely a Ti/Fe type and yeah could be "EIE seeking tone" or "Fe seeking tone". If it really was about elaborating on fundamental principles, that's either Ti or Ni but it does sound more Ti than anything.
    Yeah I only know his writings as a philosopher (nothing personal or candid) so I doubt I could say more than that he's a Beta and maybe ST. I just know that most of his conclusions I came to on my own, independently, in less thorough and clear language. Eventually I read some of his stuff and my reaction was "oh my God. I'm home!" lol

    I don't think it'd ever get too "uncomfortable or intolerable" for me lol
    Challenge accepted lol

    It's actually weird with Socionics

    I only find it an acceptable framework for myself if I integrate it with some other contexts of systems but then yeah it seems to really offer things in terms of what its model is about that I have not seen anywhere else and that says a lot because I majored in cognitive psychology so I do have a background somewhat in other psychology theories.
    Nice, you probably have some pretty good criticisms as well beyond some of the peripheral speculative stuff. The intertype relation stuff strikes me as the most interesting (go figure, if sx/so), since it's more applicable and experiential than anything in MBTI which is basically just "Okay, you're an INFP. I guess you like to do magic mushrooms, walk around barefoot, and skip shaving your armpits" or "you're an INTJ, so you're a wannabe James Bond villain with short-man syndrome."

    Lol again that's so familiar to me, about the wandering part. Uhm, I was never strongly part of any "cliques", but otherwise yeah, nothing really made sense beyond a point. (I also didn't worry about constrictions or burdens but that's beside the point, just being precise here lol.)
    Hey be as precise as you like lol it's cool that someone else can relate to a good about of this stuff for once

    Yeah, since we are in your type thread, I'll say that that pretty much excludes N types (as for the LIE suggestion you asked about).
    Which is hysterical because for basically any MBTI forum "smart" default just means "NT" lmao and of course "deep" means "NF"
    Last edited by Sisyphean; 08-03-2018 at 02:22 AM.
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  2. #82

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    (Sorry I did not have time for a couple of days)

    Quote Originally Posted by 1INT Vault Dweller View Post
    lmao You may just be better at being an adult than I am. If that explains it, then awesome, because so many of the strong-Si type descriptions I saw sound all orderly, and then I look at the mess around me like "well shit..."

    lol any amount more focused on these things than me is an improvement. I feel like if an SEI wound up married to me she'd probably turn homicidal inside of a month.
    Lol, right.

    lmao you're a braver woman than I. The only time I stress this kind of thing is when I start trying to remember if I'm forgetting anything I need at a client, or might be leaving in a hotel room, so I end up going over it all like 3-4 times and still end up forgetting something in the hotel 25% of the time.
    Ahh it doesn't need that much courage =) I have a few little tricks as methods to ensure I don't forget stuff

    So that's what strong unconscious Si without primary SP looks like lol. I had been associating it with really having your shit together and making all of your spaces homey and comfy as they can be.
    Yep that's what it looks like =P

    Psh, "realistic." Have fun with that while I'm gonna be killing the other team in Martian resource wars, sucker
    Yeah I'm having fun in actual tangible reality

    I can see that, absolutely, and I don't really disagree lol. I might just have a smaller scope in what I require for "a truly good point." "For my people" has always been enough of a truly good point for me. I wouldn't endorse fighting/war for its own sake, but even the shittiest wars yield some of the most inspiring expressions or demonstrations of φιλία and passion.
    I see, I seem a bit less strongly motivated by this umm, Fe stuff? I mean I can be, but if I see no good / constructive end result then I lose interest. That for me is true in general too.

    In a Schmitt-ian sense, yes, unfortunately. When people start acting on it, I don't know, because it's been sitting at a low boil for about 8 years, now. 2024 will be an interesting year because that's Trump's term limit hits, and the Left has been getting extremely rabidly racialized and illiberal in their desires. The ability for dissent to subsist is no longer acceptable to them, and they're getting more violent about it.

    Oh cool lol that was an aspect that hadn't occurred to me. I definitely did relate to it, but I also related to the description of suggestive Ni from your link so I was on the fence. I'll chalk that up to being hard to make finer distinctions between things you're bad at. My concept of Ni was focused on explicit consistency and the "time" orientation that keeps coming up in other descriptions
    Yeah, it's harder to differentiate between similarly strong or similarly weak functions. For me too I related to both descs both for HA/DS functions (Ni/Fe) originally and it took a while (more self-observation etc) before I could see which one really fit me more consistently and especially, more concretely.

    Yeah absolutely. A unity of a good cause and total commitment would be the ideal without a doubt.

    lol yup I agree again with only a slight alteration, I'm okay with "good enough" results =P. I think our biggest difference is really just on where that line is drawn and maybe a bit of an aesthetic difference. You're much more sensible and pragmatic about this question where I'm very much a romantic about it .
    Yeah, well "implementable" means it works in practice so in that sense it's also just "good enough"... but yes you are more, um romantic about it. Maybe the age difference

    Yeah I only know his writings as a philosopher (nothing personal or candid) so I doubt I could say more than that he's a Beta and maybe ST. I just know that most of his conclusions I came to on my own, independently, in less thorough and clear language. Eventually I read some of his stuff and my reaction was "oh my God. I'm home!" lol
    Hm yeha interesting, sorry no idea on typing still though.

    Challenge accepted lol

    Nice, you probably have some pretty good criticisms as well beyond some of the peripheral speculative stuff. The intertype relation stuff strikes me as the most interesting (go figure, if sx/so), since it's more applicable and experiential than anything in MBTI which is basically just "Okay, you're an INFP. I guess you like to do magic mushrooms, walk around barefoot, and skip shaving your armpits" or "you're an INTJ, so you're a wannabe James Bond villain with short-man syndrome."
    Yeah, criticisms I do have of the speculative stuff.

    As for intertype relations, I think most of it is speculative nuance too, lol, the most basic relations seem robust enough tho' (duality, conflictor/superego, maybe the other intraquadra stuff too).

    Hey be as precise as you like lol it's cool that someone else can relate to a good about of this stuff for once

    Which is hysterical because for basically any MBTI forum "smart" default just means "NT" lmao and of course "deep" means "NF"
    For the stereotypical "understanding" of it yeah

  3. #83
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    Oof, sorry about that slow response. Been traveling for work for the last month and spending a lot of time doing some deep soul-searching.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    (Sorry I did not have time for a couple of days)
    No sweat lol. My work is getting into its busy season so I'll be pretty slow for the next few months, as well, most likely.

    Yeah I'm having fun in actual tangible reality
    Give it time and tangible reality will catch up with me lmao

    I see, I seem a bit less strongly motivated by this umm, Fe stuff? I mean I can be, but if I see no good / constructive end result then I lose interest. That for me is true in general too.
    Yeah, I'm not so sure it's typology related, and more an effect of where I am personally. Or maybe those are one and the same. Who knows lol

    Yeah, it's harder to differentiate between similarly strong or similarly weak functions. For me too I related to both descs both for HA/DS functions (Ni/Fe) originally and it took a while (more self-observation etc) before I could see which one really fit me more consistently and especially, more concretely.
    That makes a lot of sense. All things in due time.

    Yeah, well "implementable" means it works in practice so in that sense it's also just "good enough"... but yes you are more, um romantic about it. Maybe the age difference
    lol doubtless that's true, also maybe partly the gender difference.

    Yeah, criticisms I do have of the speculative stuff.

    As for intertype relations, I think most of it is speculative nuance too, lol, the most basic relations seem robust enough tho' (duality, conflictor/superego, maybe the other intraquadra stuff too).
    Yeah the conflictor & superego definitely seem extremely on the money as far as I can tell. Explains a great deal about some past relationships that turned extremely sour very quickly lol

    For the stereotypical "understanding" of it yeah
    lol well I'm content to be a big ol' "shallow" and "dumb" ST lmao. I have about a billion times more fun than the self-satisfied "deep" Deltas.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    Oof, sorry about that slow response. Been traveling for work for the last month and spending a lot of time doing some deep soul-searching.
    Slowest ever response here. I'm still busy too, will be busy for a long time actually, but got a little time this evening.

    Yeah, I'm not so sure it's typology related, and more an effect of where I am personally. Or maybe those are one and the same. Who knows lol
    Maybe the E6?

    Yeah the conflictor & superego definitely seem extremely on the money as far as I can tell. Explains a great deal about some past relationships that turned extremely sour very quickly lol
    Ahem, EII or IEE?

    I just want to add, I still have the same opinions as before about how I see you, but if you are sure on your new typing, that's all cool by me, too. So I'm not going to bring that up, unless you want to analyse anything about it.

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Slowest ever response here. I'm still busy too, will be busy for a long time actually, but got a little time this evening.
    lmao she lives. That's no worries from me, as I can sympathize after a couple months of 70 hour weeks and travel.

    Maybe the E6?
    Or Fe Hidden Agenda? rofl Hell if I know with some of these things

    Ahem, EII or IEE?
    I seem to clash the hardest and fastest with EIIs, at least the women. A lot of "you can't say that" and "that's mean." I had a friend for a while that typed INFJ in MBTI that I'm relatively certain is an EII and crass jokes, swearing, and teasing never once sat right for her and we got into a LOT of very heated fights about it until we just parted ways because it was too much fucking stress for me to handle.

    I just want to add, I still have the same opinions as before about how I see you, but if you are sure on your new typing, that's all cool by me, too. So I'm not going to bring that up, unless you want to analyse anything about it.
    Hey, I'm down for any observations you got lol. I have very little concept of how I come across to others and you have been at this longer than me. By and large I operate by trying to make a catalogue of impressions I get from identified types or clear examples of functions/IEs to which I compare and contrast other things. So if "this feels like that" or "this doesn't vibe like that in this way" is just how I try to color things or feel them out through negative space.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    lmao she lives. That's no worries from me, as I can sympathize after a couple months of 70 hour weeks and travel.]
    Nice, any particular goal with that amount of workaholism?

    Or Fe Hidden Agenda? rofl Hell if I know with some of these things

    I seem to clash the hardest and fastest with EIIs, at least the women. A lot of "you can't say that" and "that's mean." I had a friend for a while that typed INFJ in MBTI that I'm relatively certain is an EII and crass jokes, swearing, and teasing never once sat right for her and we got into a LOT of very heated fights about it until we just parted ways because it was too much fucking stress for me to handle.
    Hmm, I've yet to see EIIs (the ones I've known) get into very heated fights lol, do you mean she actually got loud and had the actual stamina to tolerate the fighting? Without breaking down eventually crying or sulking lol

    I do have a problem with some EIIs myself, but it's entirely different - their guilt trippy or otherwise really negative and heavy Fi just gets traumatic lol.

    (I mean heavy to me. They still sound really light otherwise and not at all heavy in a physical way, it's more emotional to me. I have way less trouble with the Fi of ESIs in comparison)

    And it doesn't even have to be criticism towards me is the fun thing.

    Hey, I'm down for any observations you got lol. I have very little concept of how I come across to others and you have been at this longer than me. By and large I operate by trying to make a catalogue of impressions I get from identified types or clear examples of functions/IEs to which I compare and contrast other things. So if "this feels like that" or "this doesn't vibe like that in this way" is just how I try to color things or feel them out through negative space.
    OK, sure, if I see anything that looks like it relates to type, I'll let you know.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Nice, any particular goal with that amount of workaholism?
    lol apart from survival I was trying to meet my assigned charge hour goal for the year that my consultancy assigns to each of us. Our slow season is in the beginning of the year so almost immediately we're all at a deficit and have to play catch up being double or triple-booked for the last 4 months.

    It helped pass the time though. Been going through a job application that's taken going on a full year now with a hell of a lot of waiting.

    Oi lmao speak up if you have an opinion

    Hmm, I've yet to see EIIs (the ones I've known) get into very heated fights lol, do you mean she actually got loud and had the actual stamina to tolerate the fighting?
    loud was only at her most hysterical after things had escalated (or disintegrated?) into theatrics. Prior to that it was always a lot of silent treatment, judgementally excusing herself from a chat, passive aggressive quips, text messages that would include a semi-subtle barb that she both did and didn't want a response to. Vexing shit until I got tired or she got out of control.

    I do have a problem with some EIIs myself, but it's entirely different - their guilt trippy or otherwise really negative and heavy Fi just gets traumatic lol.
    Oooooooh yeah. Her default mode seemed like ethical pressuring and it was tiring to say the least.

    OK, sure, if I see anything that looks like it relates to type, I'll let you know.
    sweet lol I'll keep an eye out
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    lol apart from survival I was trying to meet my assigned charge hour goal for the year that my consultancy assigns to each of us. Our slow season is in the beginning of the year so almost immediately we're all at a deficit and have to play catch up being double or triple-booked for the last 4 months.

    It helped pass the time though. Been going through a job application that's taken going on a full year now with a hell of a lot of waiting.

    Oi lmao speak up if you have an opinion
    Lol not anything definite enough beyond "oh E6 + Fe together kind of clicks". HA or not, it's a good question how the E6 affects things in that area: i.e. would it mean more openness emotionally.

    loud was only at her most hysterical after things had escalated (or disintegrated?) into theatrics. Prior to that it was always a lot of silent treatment, judgementally excusing herself from a chat, passive aggressive quips, text messages that would include a semi-subtle barb that she both did and didn't want a response to. Vexing shit until I got tired or she got out of control.
    Ooh, ok I've known that kind of EII too - I once asked her directly to do something (wasn't even for me, was for the sake of someone else), and the way she responded lol, sounds like this one. I ended up never talking to her again.

    Oooooooh yeah. Her default mode seemed like ethical pressuring and it was tiring to say the least.
    How about when they just really open up to you about their deep needlessly guilty or other crappy negative feelz to you?

    (I hope no EII is reading this thread now.)

    sweet lol I'll keep an eye out

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Lol not anything definite enough beyond "oh E6 + Fe together kind of clicks". HA or not, it's a good question how the E6 affects things in that area: i.e. would it mean more openness emotionally.
    He's Enneagram 6 + Sx/So, Counterphobic. Thus, he's very selective. He can absorb Fe energy in short bursts and feel energized for a period of time, but in terms of openness in an intimacy or "willing to share emotions" sense, that's reserved for very specific friends.

    I'll allow him to speak for himself of course, but over the past half year we've learned a great deal more about Socionics - Functional Dimensionality, Bukalov's Signage, Reinen's Dichotomies, more stuff on IR, Functional Semantics, and just generally improved on IE placement Model A understanding. The gist is that Ni suggestive, Fi PoLR, Fe HA, Si ignoring, and so forth all became clear (particularly Fi PoLR and Ni Suggestive).

    I was also personally acquainted with the EII in question. She was passive aggressive, ethically pressuring, cold-shouldering (silent treatment), and typically left in a huff and puff, always finger waving and policing him. As Oppai said, she typed INFJ in MBTI, yet when the three of us were together, her and I were starkly different, only superficially similar.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post

    Lol not anything definite enough beyond "oh E6 + Fe together kind of clicks". HA or not, it's a good question how the E6 affects things in that area: i.e. would it mean more openness emotionally.
    lol awesome. I still need to read more enneagram. Still basically just going on what 3 people on here have said for the most part.

    Ooh, ok I've known that kind of EII too - I once asked her directly to do something (wasn't even for me, was for the sake of someone else), and the way she responded lol, sounds like this one. I ended up never talking to her again.
    Yeah...I haven't spoken to her in going on 4 years. I wish her well and she's a kind person, but I know that if I reconnected with her shit would start flaring up almost immediately again. oil and vinegar, except with a lot of hurtful remarks thrown in.

    How about when they just really open up to you about their deep needlessly guilty or other crappy negative feelz to you?

    (I hope no EII is reading this thread now.)
    rofl thinking about it made my ass clench and made me squirm like someone dropped something gross down the back of my shirt.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luminous Lynx View Post
    He's Enneagram 6 + Sx/So, Counterphobic. Thus, he's very selective. He can absorb Fe energy in short bursts and feel energized for a period of time, but in terms of openness in an intimacy or "willing to share emotions" sense, that's reserved for very specific friends.

    I'll allow him to speak for himself of course, but over the past half year we've learned a great deal more about Socionics - Functional Dimensionality, Bukalov's Signage, Reinen's Dichotomies, more stuff on IR, Functional Semantics, and just generally improved on IE placement Model A understanding. The gist is that Ni suggestive, Fi PoLR, Fe HA, Si ignoring, and so forth all became clear (particularly Fi PoLR and Ni Suggestive).

    I was also personally acquainted with the EII in question. She was passive aggressive, ethically pressuring, cold-shouldering (silent treatment), and typically left in a huff and puff, always finger waving and policing him. As Oppai said, she typed INFJ in MBTI, yet when the three of us were together, her and I were starkly different, only superficially similar.
    Ah, yeah like I said I know that kind of EII, the one I'm thinking of actually knew MBTI and typed as INFJ, no joke.

    As for the Fe part, I'm much the same way like you described that. I do see that as Fe dual seeking rather than Fe HA, really, but that's my view of things. To explain, the bits on the short bursts and on being low on openness to share that's what I see as having lower emotional energy than if Fe was the Mobilising function, so fitting Dual seeking more (for both aspects), and introversion (for the latter aspect). As far as the latter relates to Fe information specifically, I mean (rather than just Fi).

    Where I mentioned E6 I meant he still has a bit more openness compared to me and I thought that can be chalked up to E6. Maybe it's also the long-term close and intense friendship with you as an Fe ego as well

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    Default OA SOLTI-160 Test Results

    Interesting test but it seems to be at least somewhat confounded by subtypes. Result says SLE but comparing which functions are weaker than "standard" and stronger than "standard" as well as the dichotomies tells an interesting story.

    SLE scored under standard
    LSI score far outside standard
    Logical valued over Sensing
    Sensing less valued than standard
    Rational valued instead of irrational
    Decisive far above standard
    More serious than standard
    Obstinate instead of yielding (absolutely true)
    Questioning instead of declaring (surprising since I don't think of myself as questioning)
    Essentially neither positive nor negative

    Si negative score instead of positive
    Ni half the negative score of normal
    Ne equally negative scored with Ni
    Ti far above "normal"
    Te above "normal"
    Fi less negative than normal
    Fe marginally less negative than normal
    Attached Files Attached Files
    "I would rather be ashes than dust"

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    you extraversion score is really high for a LSI...
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    you extraversion score is really high for a LSI...
    Yeah I'm not sure what's going on there lmao I've been told since I got here I have stronger Fe than typical LSI's, but at the same time I'm pretty sure I have weaker Se than SLE's
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    I think you could be SLE-Ti Oppai. You have more Te and Ti and rationality than average SLE according your results. That would point out in Ti subtype. Hence the confusion between LSI or SLE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cody View Post
    I think you could be SLE-Ti Oppai. You have more Te and Ti and rationality than average SLE according your results. That would point out in Ti subtype. Hence the confusion between LSI or SLE.
    Interesting you say that cause another test has given me LSI-Ti twice with months apart. A self-type LSI-Se says Se seems more on/off rather than omnipresent for me as a contrast with the impression self-typed SLEs give. I generally leave the door 15-20% open on which at any given time since I seem to come down in the middle on many dichotomies just by self-assessment from descriptions.
    Last edited by Sisyphean; 01-25-2019 at 06:07 PM.
    "I would rather be ashes than dust"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    Interesting you saw that cause another test has given me LSI-Ti twice with months apart. A self-type LSI-Se says Se seems more on/off rather than omnipresent for me as a contrast with the impression self-typed SLEs give. I generally leave the door 15-20% open on which at any given time since I seem to come down in the middle on many dichotomies just by self-assessment from descriptions.
    the test from

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cody View Post
    the test from
    Yup that’s the one
    "I would rather be ashes than dust"

    "Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked."

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    My guess is SLE. You remind me of their discrete nature.
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  20. #100
    IQ over 150 vesstheastralsilky's Avatar
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    You & as said before @sbbds all seem like Delta STs to me maybe LSE-Si's.

    Remember I follow functional dynamics and original functional definitions more than profiles or Mr. G who would likely peg you as LSI.
    Last edited by vesstheastralsilky; 01-26-2019 at 08:19 PM.
    ~* astralsilky

    Each essence is a separate glass,
    Through which Sun of Being’s Light is passed,
    Each tinted fragment sparkles with the Sun,
    A thousand colors, but the Light is One.

    Jami, 15th c. Persian Poet

    Post types & fully individuated before 2012 ...

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    Didn't want to make a new thread so here is the questionnaire from @thehotelambush

    The Extended Questionnaire v0.2

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?

    Penetration Testing/Red Teaming/Information Security Consulting. I came to do it through the Edward Snowden leaks making me aware that there's a line of work in legal hacking and thought it sounded cool as shit so I did it. I like getting to take over client networks, beat their defensive teams, and say "I win." I hate having to badger client contacts into moving and doing their jobs, writing reports, and having to spend hours poking at a website trying to find the 1 thing that works.

    What are your values, and why?

    Be loyal to your friends, family, and people. Apart from doing your duty to God nothing else matters in this life.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

    This forum, following the news, talking about philosophy and theology with friends, watching humanities analysis videos on youtube

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?

    I like when it's laid back and fun with a lot of shit-talking and banter with an occasional serious talk about what's fucked up and needs fixing or what something means

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?

    A place to mostly relax and have fun, and a partner in achieving things that actually matter

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?

    Only two real conflicts recently, snapping at someone trying to crawl around in my head and dig into my personal history and the other being just an irreconcilable clash of values. The latter happens on a regular basis as I don't give people many options for the former.

    How would your friends describe you?

    A loyal and lovable asshole with a clear personal sense of right and wrong

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    That I'm determined, above average intelligence, and have a clear sense of what I want and what I think is right. I like all of the above.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?

    Poor imagination/creativity. I get locked into tunnel-vision very frequently and hate having to step out of that. I'm also pretty bad at communication with people I'm not particularly invested in. Both of these are criticisms I receive and dislike about myself.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?

    I manage my work and accomplishing my goals and identifying what matters to me pretty well. I would like help in the social sphere on all fronts

    What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?

    Paperwork, meetings, badgering client contacts to do their jobs so I'm able to do mine, cleaning/housekeeping, being asked to explain and justify disparate preferences or assumptions. Winning, laughing with a group of friends or friendly acquaintances, finding meaning and purpose in something

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

    Do my current job on a scale with greater impact than a credit union's NCUA audit, find a wife and start a family, and settle in a community I can identify with and call my own. Came to have them because the latter 2 I've always wanted and the former from realizing that small-to-medium clients get boring

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?

    Bushcraft and funding the people that can fix problems in society

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?

    Inappropriate jokes, self-effacing jokes/clumsiness/scatterbrained-nesss, wanting other people to relax and have a good time. Things that annoy me are getting hung up about what's appropriate in a social situation, caring a lot about procedure, getting hung up on or hectoring over something offending someone

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

    I don't. I'll do them if I have to, and will avoid them if I can

    How do you behave around strangers?

    I ignore them mostly. If they're a client contact or employee I behave stiffly and properly. If they're strangers at a dinner table I'll gauge them to see if they're fun or a tightass

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

    If it's someone I don't really care about or if it's a subject I really care about I can try to win at all costs including personal attacks and torpedo'ing a friendly relationship with the other person. If it's someone I value or wanted to be on good terms with I tend to fall-back and consider that person an enemy and avoid them if possible.

    What is one common misconception that people have about things? Explain why it is wrong.

    That nationalism and exclusion is necessarily hateful or antagonistic and that discernment is criticism

    What did you do last Friday?

    Went to work, got through meetings. Went home and listened to music, watched some youtube videos, browsed twitter, and checked the forum. Exciting stuff.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?

    The biggest accomplishment I have that I am allowed to talk about, after getting this career, was talking over a bank's network with a phone call.

    What is something you regret?

    Telling my USMC recruiters to fuck off when I realized they fraudulently filled out my paperwork, instead of getting it fixed and going through with it all.

    Who do you admire, and why?

    People that can affect change and inspire people. A collection of central Europeans in the early 20th century.

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?

    Been concerned about how a very long drawn out job application process will play out.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?

    Traditionalist (pre-Vatican 2) Catholic, bordering on Sedevacantist. Because it's true, and because the aesthetics are top tier

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?

    Right-wing Nationalist, because the most precious possession you have is your own people. I place great importance on my politics.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?

    Passing interest in independent subcontracting work but I hate sales and I hate all the paperwork

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?

    I prefer mostly solo work in a group setting with people you can joke around with without having to worry about HR wrapping you on the knuckles. I look for a chance to do cool shit and have fun with people

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?

    History, because I like learning about the events and understanding the narrative of past goings on

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?

    If you signed up for something then don't try to shirk the costs, implications, and responsibilities that come with it. You made your bed, now lay in it.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?

    The last vacation I had where I traveled, instead of just taking time off, I went to England. Traveled around to the usual tourist shit and a lot of small towns. Yeah I liked it, I like seeing quaint small towns from the places my family came from.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?

    A socially anxious shut-in that was terrified of people. Not socially anxious anymore and people are a mixed back but can be pretty great when you click.

    What was your high school experience like?

    A lot of just waiting to get out, trolling teachers, and arguing with people to upset them

    Talk about a significant event from your life.

    I took my USMC recruiters' words about integrity to heart and demanded that they correct my paperwork that they falsified even if it would hamper my options, and when they tried to talk me about of it for 3 hours I walked out on them and went back to college.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?

    I like the idea of kids raising them in a whole and engaged community. Kids in actuality today are getting screwed up pretty bad early on and are developing a lot of hard to like traits

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    Instilling the awareness to make good decisions with regards to long-term consequences, and the fortitude to say no to teachers and peers that will try to steer them wrong.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    Yes. The cause was a month of lazy troublesome clients and my reaction was to find a new job opportunity and immediately apply

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    I don't see people as a whole. I see them as multiple wholes. People aren't allowed to identify as any sort of group and advocate for their interest outside of materialistic brand consumption.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?

    I attack the problem harder.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?

    Pretty apathetic about leadership. I like solitary work in a group setting.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?

    Somewhat often. Indecision, wasting my time, over-emphasis on materialistic concerns

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?

    I took over my client's network.

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?

    It took 15 hours to take over my client's network

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?

    To suffer well for the benefit of your people unto your end, and as a process of developing personal virtues.

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?

    St Petersburg. Was the only capital I've been to that didn't feel like every other major city.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?

    I get a monthly haircut, fast for spiritual and health reasons, wear a dress shirt and slacks for work, wear a casual collared button-down and chinos or jeans everywhere else

    Do you like surprises?

    Pretty apathetic to surprises.
    "I would rather be ashes than dust"

    "Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked."

  22. #102
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    Questionnaire answers do suggest Beta.

  23. #103
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    I think SLE >>> LSI.

    You have a ridiculous humour vibe that is Uncle Buck-esque. That’s very Ne role.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    My guess is SLE. You remind me of their discrete nature.
    I'm interested, how do you see SLE more (or less?) discrete than LSI? Or different in what way in terms of discreteness?

    Quote Originally Posted by vesstheastralsilky View Post
    You & as said before @sbbds all seem like Delta STs to me maybe LSE-Si's.

    Remember I follow functional dynamics and original functional definitions more than profiles or Mr. G who would likely peg you as LSI.
    Loool Delta ST for these people

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I'm interested, how do you see SLE more (or less?) discrete than LSI? Or different in what way in terms of discreteness?
    I don't really hear LSI's calling a or b without considering boundaries (as in while "thinking on their feet"). [I tend to put those discrete things on rest. For example discrete math is clearly my least favorite area.]
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    I don't really hear LSI's calling a or b without considering boundaries (as in while "thinking on their feet"). [I tend to put those discrete things on rest. For example discrete math is clearly my least favorite area.]
    Since you mentioned it Discrete Mathematics was actually the only math class I ever really enjoyed a lot lol but I have a sneaking suspicion that just a decisive vs judicious thing
    "I would rather be ashes than dust"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    Interesting test but it seems to be at least somewhat confounded by subtypes. Result says SLE but comparing which functions are weaker than "standard" and stronger than "standard" as well as the dichotomies tells an interesting story.
    I score on that test by dichotomies as (i)STj, where the "i" is barely existing over the midline (barely over zero).

    The reinin traits are useless lol.

    Si negative score instead of positive
    Ni half the negative score of normal
    Ne equally negative scored with Ni
    Ti far above "normal"
    Te above "normal"
    Fi less negative than normal
    Fe marginally less negative than normal
    Lol you sound pretty similar to me, again (with a difference for Fe and Si, Fe is lower for me and Si is higher but not terribly high for an LSI).

    Your new questionnaire answers are consistent with these test results too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    Interesting you say that cause another test has given me LSI-Ti twice with months apart. A self-type LSI-Se says Se seems more on/off rather than omnipresent for me as a contrast with the impression self-typed SLEs give. I generally leave the door 15-20% open on which at any given time since I seem to come down in the middle on many dichotomies just by self-assessment from descriptions.
    Yah these tests only go that far.

    I'll give a little analysis of your new questionnaire, far from exhaustive tho'.

    But first I'll also answer another post of yours

    Yeah I'm not sure what's going on there lmao I've been told since I got here I have stronger Fe than typical LSI's, but at the same time I'm pretty sure I have weaker Se than SLE's
    Now what I think would be useful is if you fleshed out in everyday words as to what it means "have stronger Fe than typical LSI'".

    Weaker Se, I think I know what you mean there, about your dislike of excessive materialism. Or anything else you had in mind here?

    Random q from earlier stuff, you said "As for me when I stopped trying to pidgeonhole what I should believe or support into another person's framework and said "fuck it" it came as a huge relief and made a lot of topics a lot more fun."

    How did that happen btw, that you stopped?

    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    I hate having to badger client contacts into moving and doing their jobs, writing reports, and having to spend hours poking at a website trying to find the 1 thing that works.
    Haha, because you need the zen state to do the patient poking for hours? (Or?)

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?

    Only two real conflicts recently, snapping at someone trying to crawl around in my head and dig into my personal history and the other being just an irreconcilable clash of values. The latter happens on a regular basis as I don't give people many options for the former.
    I can see why you relate to Obstinate as far as the description for that trait goes lol

    How would your friends describe you?

    A loyal and lovable asshole with a clear personal sense of right and wrong
    I do think this theme of you paying attention to what's right and wrong is strong and consistent.

    It's one of the main things that keeps me focused on LSI>SLE for you. It being far more characteristic of a Ti lead type (or Ij in general).

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?

    Poor imagination/creativity. I get locked into tunnel-vision very frequently and hate having to step out of that. I'm also pretty bad at communication with people I'm not particularly invested in. Both of these are criticisms I receive and dislike about myself.
    And then these things also for LSI>SLE, lower Ne and Fe.

    (And yeah, I'm sure I already said that I 1000% relate to these traits.)

    1D Fe rather than 2D Fe (weaker), since you are more selective.

    What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?

    Paperwork, meetings, badgering client contacts to do their jobs so I'm able to do mine, cleaning/housekeeping, being asked to explain and justify disparate preferences or assumptions. Winning, laughing with a group of friends or friendly acquaintances, finding meaning and purpose in something
    Trouble with disparate preferences/assumptions sounds Ne PoLR/Rational/Ti

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

    If it's someone I don't really care about or if it's a subject I really care about I can try to win at all costs including personal attacks and torpedo'ing a friendly relationship with the other person. If it's someone I value or wanted to be on good terms with I tend to fall-back and consider that person an enemy and avoid them if possible.
    I see this as far more Fe DS than Fe HA. Fe HA would be less black and white and less passive with managing the manifestations of the relationship. Fe HA basically can try and use emotional expressions and explicitly affirmative/etc Fe talks rather than just cut them off in a black and white way emotionally.

    The black and white attitude emotionally and the passivity in terms of emotional "manipulation" of the relationship applies even if there is effort made to repair the relationship (say if it was an important enough relationship etc).

    And of course Fe HA can also cut people off but you really just wrote about passive avoidance and black-white judging.

    What is one common misconception that people have about things? Explain why it is wrong.

    That nationalism and exclusion is necessarily hateful or antagonistic and that discernment is criticism
    Great point re: discernment

    Who do you admire, and why?

    People that can affect change and inspire people.
    Say more on this.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?

    I prefer mostly solo work in a group setting with people you can joke around with without having to worry about HR wrapping you on the knuckles. I look for a chance to do cool shit and have fun with people
    Rather introverted answer.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?

    History, because I like learning about the events and understanding the narrative of past goings on
    Seems like a bit of an actively independent use of Ni. I have the same btw lol (tho' history for me wasn't my fav. This actually makes me feel like you have stronger Ni than I do lol. Not hard to achieve that accomplishment tho'... )

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?

    If you signed up for something then don't try to shirk the costs, implications, and responsibilities that come with it. You made your bed, now lay in it.
    Again hell yeah

    I don't want to strictly link this on its own to type because other things affect sense of responsibility too, but you do seem way more consistently focused on duties than any Exxp would be. It's an approach most natural for Ixxjs.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?

    A socially anxious shut-in that was terrified of people. Not socially anxious anymore and people are a mixed back but can be pretty great when you click.
    Quite strong indication of introversion. I.e. your default response to stress was with an introverted, not an extraverted orientation. Ofcourse big stress I'm sure can affect extraverted types to the degree of turning introverted-ish. But I get the sense that for you it's the default approach.

    Talk about a significant event from your life.

    I took my USMC recruiters' words about integrity to heart and demanded that they correct my paperwork that they falsified even if it would hamper my options, and when they tried to talk me about of it for 3 hours I walked out on them and went back to college.
    You went overly conscientious there even for Ixxj lol.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    Instilling the awareness to make good decisions with regards to long-term consequences, and the fortitude to say no to teachers and peers that will try to steer them wrong.
    I see this as quite Ti/Ni>Se/Fe.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    Yes. The cause was a month of lazy troublesome clients and my reaction was to find a new job opportunity and immediately apply
    Okay just to not sound entirely monotone about your typing lol, this is Se for sure in this case (not that I'm saying this is SLE specific. Se creative is able to get impulsive and even brash too).

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    I don't see people as a whole. I see them as multiple wholes. People aren't allowed to identify as any sort of group and advocate for their interest outside of materialistic brand consumption.
    Out of curiosity, multiple wholes...?

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?

    Pretty apathetic about leadership. I like solitary work in a group setting.
    More introversion

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?

    Somewhat often. Indecision, wasting my time, over-emphasis on materialistic concerns
    Bit more Se creative than Se lead if these are the two options.

    Do you like surprises?

    Pretty apathetic to surprises.
    Not very into Ep-like change (though ofcourse Ne is better at this than Se)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    I don't really hear LSI's calling a or b without considering boundaries (as in while "thinking on their feet"). [I tend to put those discrete things on rest. For example discrete math is clearly my least favorite area.]
    Er, a or b? I'm missing context, please say more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    Since you mentioned it Discrete Mathematics was actually the only math class I ever really enjoyed a lot lol but I have a sneaking suspicion that just a decisive vs judicious thing
    I don't think the Socionics model can be used well for such fine details of cognition heh

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Er, a or b? I'm missing context, please say more.
    By not filtering things through binary logic if you will all the time. I'm not saying that they do not do it at all. I see it more flexible but then others might see it as following its own continual train of thought.

    Like this

    instead of n=1, 2, 3,...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I score on that test by dichotomies as (i)STj, where the "i" is barely existing over the midline (barely over zero).

    The reinin traits are useless lol.
    lol yeah that's what I'm starting to think, as well. I come down in the middle of so many of them when reading descriptions.

    Lol you sound pretty similar to me, again (with a difference for Fe and Si, Fe is lower for me and Si is higher but not terribly high for an LSI).

    Your new questionnaire answers are consistent with these test results too.
    That's pretty much the impression I had gotten so far lol so tat least there's that?

    Now what I think would be useful is if you fleshed out in everyday words as to what it means "have stronger Fe than typical LSI'".

    Weaker Se, I think I know what you mean there, about your dislike of excessive materialism. Or anything else you had in mind here?
    For Se: Less omnipresent and constant. Like you said, more on/off. Applied when I need it as opposed to a default mode of operation.

    For Fe: More expressive. More effort trying to get things to be laid back and have fun.

    Random q from earlier stuff, you said "As for me when I stopped trying to pidgeonhole what I should believe or support into another person's framework and said "fuck it" it came as a huge relief and made a lot of topics a lot more fun."

    How did that happen btw, that you stopped?
    Dunno how things are over there but politically in America things (while I was growing up) got sorted either into two different kinds of bundled ways of thinking. For a very long time in the ideological wilderness it was spent trying to double down and define and adhere to a more consistent "true" system from some central principles of one of those two ways of thinking. A lot of it was coming to conclusions that are dog shit and I didn't really like/agree with but bit my tongue going "Well, that's how this stupid principle plays out so I guess that's how it is." About 6 years spent going down different rabbit holes trying to force my positions into unrealistic and stupid frameworks based on abstract and unworkable principles that result in completely repellent conclusions (eg. the "non-aggression principle" leading to complete atomism and social apathy to abusive practices by people or groups, shrugging off the life expectancy falling among my people due to suicide and drug abuse because "that's not my problem," and thinking that things are necessarily better because I can buy more cheap plastic shit from china for less this year than last year).

    That stopped when I gave less of a shit about consistency and stuck more with just what I think is true or right, and had a minor realization that I was doing a lot of that ideological wandering because I wanted some sort of "us" or team to be on to struggle against the other team. A collective purpose and meaning to belong to and work for.

    Haha, because you need the zen state to do the patient poking for hours? (Or?)
    More or less, yeah. There are so many possibilities for what might work and meticulously going through each and every one makes me want to pull my hair out more each time it doesn't work. Then in the back of my mine my I know my LII or ILE co-worker would likely see the potential likely alternative almost immediately. That process of sorting through myriad potentialities is like pulling teeth.

    I do think this theme of you paying attention to what's right and wrong is strong and consistent.

    It's one of the main things that keeps me focused on LSI>SLE for you. It being far more characteristic of a Ti lead type (or Ij in general).
    lol I was getting that impression when answering the questions. I was wondering if someone was going to jump in and say ESI because of that.

    And then these things also for LSI>SLE, lower Ne and Fe.

    (And yeah, I'm sure I already said that I 1000% relate to these traits.)

    1D Fe rather than 2D Fe (weaker), since you are more selective.
    lol yeah the only time I have any creativity is within appropriate jokes. lucky me .

    Trouble with disparate preferences/assumptions sounds Ne PoLR/Rational/Ti
    Been told all my life I'm an opinionated dick lol coming to conclusions I'll argue over on a subject I've only just learned about.

    I see this as far more Fe DS than Fe HA. Fe HA would be less black and white and less passive with managing the manifestations of the relationship. Fe HA basically can try and use emotional expressions and explicitly affirmative/etc Fe talks rather than just cut them off in a black and white way emotionally.

    The black and white attitude emotionally and the passivity in terms of emotional "manipulation" of the relationship applies even if there is effort made to repair the relationship (say if it was an important enough relationship etc).

    And of course Fe HA can also cut people off but you really just wrote about passive avoidance and black-white judging.
    Gotcha, thanks for the clarification. Last time it got really bad in a case of getting nasty with someone was a person I was pretty friendly with attacking some things that mean a lot to me, in a way/perspective that is completely repulsive to me, so it turned into a couple hours of attacking each other leading to attacking him with personal private information just to shut him up. Still feel kind of bad about that. Other times it might be throwing out an idea and getting a really antagonistic response from someone I think was pretty alright, and the response is just to wash my hands, go "shit, I thought you were cool. Guess not" and cut them out.

    Great point re: discernment
    Thanks lol people that treat the very idea of exclusive definitions or valuations as innately immoral drive me up the walls.

    Say more on this.
    I love sound clips, videos, personal interactions etc. where someone can speak in a rousing and emotionally evocative way, cut through a lot of bullshit and clearly say "this is what matters, and is worth moving mountains and giving everything for." There are a lot of quotes from saints and early 20th century politicians that have that effect, and I can never get enough of it.

    Seems like a bit of an actively independent use of Ni. I have the same btw lol (tho' history for me wasn't my fav. This actually makes me feel like you have stronger Ni than I do lol. Not hard to achieve that accomplishment tho'... )
    lmao yeah I only realized it after a few college course as an (initially) history major and realized memorizing facts like dates and names and places was the last thing I was interested in. I liked learning that W led to X which led to Y because of Z

    Again hell yeah

    I don't want to strictly link this on its own to type because other things affect sense of responsibility too, but you do seem way more consistently focused on duties than any Exxp would be. It's an approach most natural for Ixxjs.
    lol yeh buddy

    Quite strong indication of introversion. I.e. your default response to stress was with an introverted, not an extraverted orientation. Ofcourse big stress I'm sure can affect extraverted types to the degree of turning introverted-ish. But I get the sense that for you it's the default approach.
    Yeah hard to say for certain cause there was a lot of bullying and boys raised by single mothers have a strong tendency towards avoidant behavior when not totally antisocial, but I'm inclined to agree with you here.

    You went overly conscientious there even for Ixxj lol.
    lmao it's not standard practice for an IxxJ to let people spend 3 hours trying to talk him/her into committing a felony against the national government?

    I see this as quite Ti/Ni>Se/Fe.
    So you're saying Se/Fe is "do fun, dumb, impulsive shit?" lol : P

    Okay just to not sound entirely monotone about your typing lol, this is Se for sure in this case (not that I'm saying this is SLE specific. Se creative is able to get impulsive and even brash too).
    Yeah it's not that often I get that fed up and impulsive but it's been known to happen when I get to the point of "I'm just so done with this shit"

    Out of curiosity, multiple wholes...?
    Going back to the references to Discrete Mathematics, if "People" = the Universe of discrete elements (people) I view people more in terms of "peoples" in separate sets and in subsets

    Say for example in the graph below the Union of all equals "People" but the "Rational" circle is instead "Asians" and then "Integers" is Chinese and "Whole" is Han Chinese and "natural" is some smaller subset. "Irrational" might just be "non-Asian people" or "Europeans" (with their own unlisted subsets) with the empty space being "non-Asian & non-European peoples."

    Talking about "people" as a single whole is not something I do. It's a set so broad to be almost meaningless, outside of a very basic taxonomic sense, where it's the assumed universe/context when talking about anything social or typological. Talking about "people as a whole" feels tautological and useless.

    But there are multiple distinct peoples where the definitions are proximate and meaningful enough to consider and address.

    Bit more Se creative than Se lead if these are the two options.
    Interesting. Is that because of the non-materialism? Because indecision is something that tends to get me screaming at traffic or getting somewhat rude and short with people.

    Not very into Ep-like change (though ofcourse Ne is better at this than Se)
    Yeah I respond well enough to surprises I think, but it's more of a reaction like "oh, okay. This is something new that I need to take care of/deal with and get back to what I was up to"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    By not filtering things through binary logic if you will all the time. I'm not saying that they do not do it at all. I see it more flexible but then others might see it as following its own continual train of thought.

    Like this

    instead of n=1, 2, 3,...
    I've never known anyone who truly just had binary logic all the time lol

    Am I following you though, 1st example here is adding extra math or boundaries or whatever you meant, which is necessary to be a proper LSI in your opinion? And second one is SLE discreteness or?

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    @Oppai Anschluss I'll respond to the rest soon

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I've never known anyone who truly just had binary logic all the time lol

    Am I following you though, 1st example here is adding extra math or boundaries or whatever you meant, which is necessary to be a proper LSI in your opinion? And second one is SLE discreteness or?
    LSI seems to weight things much more within boundaries than SLE but of course SLE has to do it to some extent. The actual quality of it depends on the individual.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    LSI seems to weight things much more within boundaries than SLE but of course SLE has to do it to some extent. The actual quality of it depends on the individual.
    Do you see it with me?

    I think @Oppai Anschluss definitely draws boundaries/limits a lot tho'. Have you got any example, say in his writings here in the thread, where you see it as just 1, 2, 3...?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Do you see it with me?

    I think @Oppai Anschluss definitely draws boundaries/limits a lot tho'. Have you got any example, say in his writings here in the thread, where you see it as just 1, 2, 3...?
    You are definitely trying to see beyond. Maybe one could say that is better Ni. When I made a thread about difference between up/down vs left/right recognition he was more fixated to actual rules of the task (which noted the time difference) than comparing relation t(left+right)/t(up+down) [which in my opinion is better metric]. That is just my subjective judgement.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    lol yeah that's what I'm starting to think, as well. I come down in the middle of so many of them when reading descriptions.
    Good, means you got no bias lol

    For Fe: More expressive. More effort trying to get things to be laid back and have fun.
    OK, that's concrete enough, and yeah, I see you like that.

    Dunno how things are over there but politically in America things (while I was growing up) got sorted either into two different kinds of bundled ways of thinking. For a very long time in the ideological wilderness it was spent trying to double down and define and adhere to a more consistent "true" system from some central principles of one of those two ways of thinking. A lot of it was coming to conclusions that are dog shit and I didn't really like/agree with but bit my tongue going "Well, that's how this stupid principle plays out so I guess that's how it is." About 6 years spent going down different rabbit holes trying to force my positions into unrealistic and stupid frameworks based on abstract and unworkable principles that result in completely repellent conclusions (eg. the "non-aggression principle" leading to complete atomism and social apathy to abusive practices by people or groups, shrugging off the life expectancy falling among my people due to suicide and drug abuse because "that's not my problem," and thinking that things are necessarily better because I can buy more cheap plastic shit from china for less this year than last year).

    That stopped when I gave less of a shit about consistency and stuck more with just what I think is true or right, and had a minor realization that I was doing a lot of that ideological wandering because I wanted some sort of "us" or team to be on to struggle against the other team. A collective purpose and meaning to belong to and work for.
    Hmm ok I was thinking of something else with the pidgeonholing, but this was interesting. Yeah it seems like everywhere I've been it's always two political sides/oppositions. Quite honestly I couldn't pick one side after a while of watching them when I eventually wanted to develop my own stance by thinking for myself lol. I try to go beyond all that I guess. I never tried to be this conscious about it as you though, with "ok this is how it plays out logically". I mean, I never tried to follow another's framework this consciously or whatever. I'm again getting the feel you got more focus on Ni lol. I think I'm simpler bc I'd just listen to instinct saying "nah this is complete bullshit", either that or tried to be very thorough "this doesn't add up atm so I'll need to do more watching and checking/sorting". But yeah, I get what you mean by rabbit holes, whenever I do try and test some system by someone else (anything from sports to Socionics), I do have to temporarily "act" as if I've "put it on" and then when it doesn't add up I run into a wall in the rabbithole lol. That is instead of just saying "ok let's just accept it if the a priori logic goes this way". I mean that's what I never did.

    Can I ask how your new overall stance is about less consistency? It seems actually more consistent to me.

    Yeah the "us" thing makes sense lol you are incredibly stereotypically Beta though lol. Maybe your sx/so adds to it too. The last sentence is really stereotypically collectivist/Fe-seeking/Ni-seeking LSI too, and I guess the soc instinct too.

    More or less, yeah. There are so many possibilities for what might work and meticulously going through each and every one makes me want to pull my hair out more each time it doesn't work. Then in the back of my mine my I know my LII or ILE co-worker would likely see the potential likely alternative almost immediately. That process of sorting through myriad potentialities is like pulling teeth.

    That's actually why I don't like the sort of job where there's too much troubleshooting to be done like that, because while I am able to adapt to things when I must, this sort of thing requires far more flexibility than what I am comfortable with (in the area of Ne yeah I guess). I'm not going to say SLEs like to get bogged down in shit either but to me this is more Ne PoLR than anything.

    lol I was getting that impression when answering the questions. I was wondering if someone was going to jump in and say ESI because of that.
    Ti is about right/wrong as much as Fi, just it's explicit (logical) and not implicit (feely).

    lol yeah the only time I have any creativity is within appropriate jokes. lucky me .
    Noticed you do have it there

    Been told all my life I'm an opinionated dick lol coming to conclusions I'll argue over on a subject I've only just learned about.
    (Same lol)

    Thanks lol people that treat the very idea of exclusive definitions or valuations as innately immoral drive me up the walls.
    Oh I meant discernment in general, not politically.

    (I personally don't have a strong opinion on nationalism like that, either way)

    I love sound clips, videos, personal interactions etc. where someone can speak in a rousing and emotionally evocative way, cut through a lot of bullshit and clearly say "this is what matters, and is worth moving mountains and giving everything for." There are a lot of quotes from saints and early 20th century politicians that have that effect, and I can never get enough of it.
    If that's not LSI/EIE then I don't know what is.

    Got some examples btw?

    lmao yeah I only realized it after a few college course as an (initially) history major and realized memorizing facts like dates and names and places was the last thing I was interested in. I liked learning that W led to X which led to Y because of Z
    For me the memorising of those facts is automatic lol but yeah that W->X->Y is what's interesting.

    Yeah hard to say for certain cause there was a lot of bullying and boys raised by single mothers have a strong tendency towards avoidant behavior when not totally antisocial, but I'm inclined to agree with you here.
    How did you fix the avoidance eventually?

    lmao it's not standard practice for an IxxJ to let people spend 3 hours trying to talk him/her into committing a felony against the national government?
    It can be for LSI (the endless arguing lol, being very principled like that.)

    So you're saying Se/Fe is "do fun, dumb, impulsive shit?" lol : P

    Yeah it's not that often I get that fed up and impulsive but it's been known to happen when I get to the point of "I'm just so done with this shit"
    Right that's what I meant.

    Going back to the references to Discrete Mathematics, if "People" = the Universe of discrete elements (people) I view people more in terms of "peoples" in separate sets and in subsets

    Say for example in the graph below the Union of all equals "People" but the "Rational" circle is instead "Asians" and then "Integers" is Chinese and "Whole" is Han Chinese and "natural" is some smaller subset. "Irrational" might just be "non-Asian people" or "Europeans" (with their own unlisted subsets) with the empty space being "non-Asian & non-European peoples."

    Talking about "people" as a single whole is not something I do. It's a set so broad to be almost meaningless, outside of a very basic taxonomic sense, where it's the assumed universe/context when talking about anything social or typological. Talking about "people as a whole" feels tautological and useless.

    But there are multiple distinct peoples where the definitions are proximate and meaningful enough to consider and address.
    I see what you mean. Thinking of people as a united whole to me actually is inspiring sometimes. For me it's other things that end up seeming meaningless and flat with me having no emotional connection to it at all either. Not sure what this depends on lol

    Interesting. Is that because of the non-materialism? Because indecision is something that tends to get me screaming at traffic or getting somewhat rude and short with people.
    Yes, that's what I meant. Issue with indecision... I would not relate that to Se's "position" here. A lot affects that, Rationality too.

    Yeah I respond well enough to surprises I think, but it's more of a reaction like "oh, okay. This is something new that I need to take care of/deal with and get back to what I was up to"
    Yeah, I get you (same)
    Last edited by Myst; 01-29-2019 at 08:15 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    You are definitely trying to see beyond. Maybe one could say that is better Ni. When I made a thread about difference between up/down vs left/right recognition he was more fixated to actual rules of the task (which noted the time difference) than comparing relation t(left+right)/t(up+down) [which in my opinion is better metric]. That is just my subjective judgement.
    Lol!, I keep feeling like he has more Ni than me. (And I'm freely willing to admit that I have pretty sucky Ni lol)

    I'm also fixated on rules of the task like that btw, anything more abstract beyond that will start to be taxing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Good, means you got no bias lol
    Hey lol that's a first

    OK, that's concrete enough, and yeah, I see you like that.
    That seems to be the consensus lol

    Hmm ok I was thinking of something else with the pidgeonholing, but this was interesting. Yeah it seems like everywhere I've been it's always two political sides/oppositions. Quite honestly I couldn't pick one side after a while of watching them when I eventually wanted to develop my own stance by thinking for myself lol. I try to go beyond all that I guess. I never tried to be this conscious about it as you though, with "ok this is how it plays out logically". I mean, I never tried to follow another's framework this consciously or whatever. I'm again getting the feel you got more focus on Ni lol. I think I'm simpler bc I'd just listen to instinct saying "nah this is complete bullshit", either that or tried to be very thorough "this doesn't add up atm so I'll need to do more watching and checking/sorting". But yeah, I get what you mean by rabbit holes, whenever I do try and test some system by someone else (anything from sports to Socionics), I do have to temporarily "act" as if I've "put it on" and then when it doesn't add up I run into a wall in the rabbithole lol. That is instead of just saying "ok let's just accept it if the a priori logic goes this way". I mean that's what I never did.

    Can I ask how your new overall stance is about less consistency? It seems actually more consistent to me.

    Yeah the "us" thing makes sense lol you are incredibly stereotypically Beta though lol. Maybe your sx/so adds to it too. The last sentence is really stereotypically collectivist/Fe-seeking/Ni-seeking LSI too, and I guess the soc instinct too.
    As far as consistency, I guess framed in a particular light it would be considered the most consistent, but I mostly meant that if a principle/idea I generally agree with has some sort of autistic and distasteful conclusion I just opt not to follow it to that far, consistency be damned in that case. The other meaning would be how in America at least all of these different ideas and frameworks often are built around an assumption of absolute universality--how it applies in one instance is how it must apply in all instances. That premise strikes me as collossally naive and stupid. My People aren't Those People.

    An example of this universalism is the American inertia to "Free Trade," that universal equal uninhibited access to the national economy--internationally--is eo ipso a generator of positive results and sacrosanct. If towns are being thrown into economic depression and total unemployment because the jobs leave for India or China then those American workers should just "get more competitive" (how is never stated, often it means similarly accepting slave wages). The notion of the American government taking policy action specifically on behalf of the economic interests of Americans simply because they're Americans, irrespective of inhibiting and market distorting effects, is anathema because it's an anti-universalist and in that way inconsistent implementation of the idea of a Market Economy.

    But as you pointed out, if reframed from a starting point of "I will do what's best for my people" it can become consistent rather than hypocritical. The accusation of hypocrisy on things like that doesn't phase me at all, anymore, I guess was the main drive of my statement.

    That's actually why I don't like the sort of job where there's too much troubleshooting to be done like that, because while I am able to adapt to things when I must, this sort of thing requires far more flexibility than what I am comfortable with (in the area of Ne yeah I guess). I'm not going to say SLEs like to get bogged down in shit either but to me this is more Ne PoLR than anything.
    Yeah that sounds exactly why I hate those parts of the job lol problems that I can't just bulldoze through.

    Ti is about right/wrong as much as Fi, just it's explicit (logical) and not implicit (feely).
    Hmm, explicit/implicit is a new way to think of it for me. I had been stuck with true/false vs morally right/wrong.

    Oh I meant discernment in general, not politically.

    (I personally don't have a strong opinion on nationalism like that, either way)
    Yeah lol I thought so as well. I meant it more in a general principle as well. The very idea of any sort of discernment between good, bad, correct, incorrect, true, and false is anathema today. It hurts people's feelings, and excludes people, ideas, and things. The mindset and implications, ontologically, always make me viscerally nearly irrationally angry.

    If that's not LSI/EIE then I don't know what is.

    Got some examples btw?
    Got a couple videos that are the first ones I could recall as being in that ballpark off the top of my head. Not trying to convert anyone (but everyone totally should : P ) but the biggest ones that come to mind are stories of Saint martyrs, a few Bible verses in those contexts, and St Louis de Montfort's prayer to Mary

    Great story with this guy st-raymond-nonnatus-pray-for-us-2.jpg

    Not a martyr but St Pius X was awesome 1-8.jpg tumblr_o1wwndWkyT1uaxri9o1_1280.jpg

    Neither martyr nor saint, but a great speaker that didn't forget what inspiration looks like sheen love hate.jpg

    "[15] I know thy works, that thou art neither cold, nor hot. I would thou wert cold, or hot.

    [16] But because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold, nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth. [17] Because thou sayest: I am rich, and made wealthy, and have need of nothing: and knowest not, that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. [18] I counsel thee to buy of me gold fire tried, that thou mayest be made rich; and mayest be clothed in white garments, and that the shame of thy nakedness may not appear; and anoint thy eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. [19] Such as I love, I rebuke and chastise. Be zealous therefore, and do penance. [20] Behold, I stand at the gate, and knock. If any man shall hear my voice, and open to me the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."

    St. Louis De Montfort's Prayer to Mary

    Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father! Hail Mary, admirable Mother of the Son! Hail Mary, faithful spouse of the Holy Ghost! Hail Mary, my dear Mother, my loving Mistress, my powerful sovereign! Hail my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul! Thou art all mine by mercy, and I am all thine by justice. But I am not yet sufficiently thine. I now give myself wholly to thee without keeping anything back for myself or others. If thou still seest in me anything which does not belong to thee, I beseech thee to take it and to make thyself the absolute Mistress of all that is mine. Destroy in me all that may be displeasing to God, root it up and bring it to nought; place and cultivate in me everything that is pleasing to thee.

    May the light of thy faith dispel the darkness of my mind; may thy profound humility take the place of my pride; may thy sublime contemplation check the distractions of my wandering imagination; may thy continuous sight of God fill my memory with His presence; may the burning love of thy heart inflame the lukewarmness of mine; may thy virtues take the place of my sins; may thy merits be my only adornment in the sight of God and make up for all that is wanting in me. Finally, dearly beloved Mother, grant, if it be possible, that I may have no other spirit but thine to know Jesus and His divine will; that I may have no other soul but thine to praise and glorify the Lord; that I may have no other heart but thine to love God with a love as pure and ardent as thine I do not ask thee for visions, revelations, sensible devotion or spiritual pleasures. It is thy privilege to see God clearly; it is thy privilege to enjoy heavenly bliss; it is thy privilege to triumph gloriously in Heaven at the right hand of thy Son and to hold absolute sway over angels, men and demons; it is thy privilege to dispose of all the gifts of God, just as thou willest.

    Such is, O heavenly Mary, the "best part," which the Lord has given thee and which shall never be taken away from thee-and this thought fills my heart with joy. As for my part here below, I wish for no other than that which was thine: to believe sincerely without spiritual pleasures; to suffer joyfully without human consolation; to die continually to myself without respite; and to work zealously and unselfishly for thee until death as the humblest of thy servants. The only grace I beg thee to obtain for me is that every day and every moment of my life I may say: Amen, so be it's all that thou didst do while on earth; Amen, so be it's all that thou art now doing in Heaven; Amen, so be it-to all that thou art doing in my soul, so that thou alone mayest fully glorify Jesus in me for time and eternity. Amen.

    First Video:

    Second Video:

    How did you fix the avoidance eventually?
    My job forces me to approach/initiate conversation with strangers on the phone and in person regularly and frequently. Some of the client engagements are specifically about starting conversations with people in order to elicit either information or physical access to the premises. Kind of a "sink or swim" thrown in the deep-end solution, but at least it worked.

    Right that's what I meant.

    I see what you mean. Thinking of people as a united whole to me actually is inspiring sometimes. For me it's other things that end up seeming meaningless and flat with me having no emotional connection to it at all either. Not sure what this depends on lol
    To clarify I don't think that "people" necessarily a functionally redundant set in every possible scenario, but that for it to be meaningful would require a considerable social set existing outside of it which poses at least a potential existential threat to make a common "humanity" exist presently, and proximately in my and other's minds contra the not-humanity of the new other, a la the process the boys in the Robber's Cave Experiment automatically engaged in once the experiment organizers were able to externally provide a common goal.

    But since antagonistic aliens aren't very likely, that's all hypothetical lol

    Yes, that's what I meant. Issue with indecision... I would not relate that to Se's "position" here. A lot affects that, Rationality too.
    I'm assuming particularly introverted Rationality, since my understanding of extroverted Rationality would have to take stock of multiple data points or sources of emotional input first.
    Last edited by Sisyphean; 01-30-2019 at 05:59 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Lol!, I keep feeling like he has more Ni than me. (And I'm freely willing to admit that I have pretty sucky Ni lol)

    I'm also fixated on rules of the task like that btw, anything more abstract beyond that will start to be taxing.
    It is usually that brief moment before implementation of the rules happens. It varies from person to person, of course.

    It is like SLE has torn reality apart while LSI is still setting rules in place. [My experience mainly comes from normalizing variety of LSI's. They supposedly have more patience explaining things.]

    Also mobilizing might get bit depleted when it is not available from external sources. I don't buy that mobilizing can be trained without external sources whatever others say since it seems to be an illusion like IEI applying dimensionalities with half integers and such.
    Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 01-30-2019 at 04:48 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    It is usually that brief moment before implementation of the rules happens. It varies from person to person, of course.

    It is like SLE has torn reality apart while LSI is still setting rules in place. [My experience mainly comes from normalizing variety of LSI's. They supposedly have more patience explaining things.]

    Also mobilizing might get bit depleted when it is not available from external sources. I don't buy that mobilizing can be trained without external sources whatever others say since it seems to be an illusion like IEI applying dimensionalities with half integers and such.
    I think I get what you mean SLE vs LSI but this is only really distinctly noticeable under the "right circumstances" for the Socionics model. The lines will blur otherwise. Next to my LSI-Ti friend, I "tear reality apart" while he's not done anything yet, especially in situations that fit my specific affinities well (this is not purely type related, Socionics can't cover such subtleties.)

    I didn't get the bit on the brief moment, please say more.

    As for the mobilising function... I can only talk about my own example, not enough data on other people for this. I've been able to "train" i.e. learn about my mobilising without having Ni egos around much, by just reading stuff etc. Unless you count that as external sources too. But sometimes I didn't need external sources even, though that would be less deliberate "training" or learning then...

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