Quote Originally Posted by 1INT Vault Dweller View Post
You may not think you can read between the lines for what isn't said, but with the exception of last night when I was drinking I had thought I was being very restrained and precise (to the point of stress) in my presentation to avoid miscommunication. So I guess my concept of restrained is skewed of you are seeing things unspoken like Myst and Squark.
I believe I read between lines, but I fall short in that one area I described, which is directly eliciting omitted information. I have to do it with what is already available unless someone like a Myst or Squark supplements. Rather than fill in a puzzle, I will make a succession of different pictures, each of them conditional, and jump from one to another to move forward, depending on which one actually goes somewhere.

I think I see what you're suggesting, and it's understandable, but "tribe" isn't a shibboleth. It was chosen specifically for its ambiguity because very very little of my ideology is codified in any way beyond "I want an 'us.'" If I was trying to hide I'd have not dropped "nationalism" in earlier posts.
If there is an us, who is them? And what if someone is neither? And if it’s nebulous and uncodified, why does Lynx think you’d be banned if we knew your political views? Feel free to consider my questions rhetorical.