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Thread: Mrrrmaid Video Typing + some questionnaire answers!

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    fka mrrrmaid SaveYourself's Avatar
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    Default Mrrrmaid Video Typing + some questionnaire answers!

    So as I explain in the video I made a 1 hour video where I answer all the questions in the questionnaire that my computer didn't save because it didn't have the memory to do so. So I answered a few of them in a 20 min video to give you an idea of my mannerisms etc. Side note: I typed as an EII but my god I didn't realise how much I fidget and move around lol

    Some questionnaire q's I didn't answer in the video but I thought were maybe useful to write out are:

    What are some recent conflicts you've been in and how to you respond to conflict and insults?
    The most recent conflict I've been in is with my mom who I generally don't like going to for advice anymore because whenever I go to her I want her to listen and talk to me about the issues but instead she goes full mom and tries to solve everything for me. Recently she went over my head and did something I asked her not to do to solve a problem for me becuase she thought it was what was best and it really bothers me because 1) I clearly asked her not to and 2) it makes me feel incompetent or like she thinks I can't handle things on my own. I respond to conflict and insult terribly. Like in this example I had a well thought out response that I just sort of flopped and I had absolutely no impact (she just thought I was sad in general rather than angry at her specifically, like I'd had a bad day or something). I very rarely get angry and find conflicts draining and tend to avoid them as much as possible. I don't like political arguments as I get too emotionally involved and worked up. I'll stand up for my friends but that's about it in terms of me confronting people.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Organisation, keeping my life in order. I touch on this in the video but for more evidence - you can see a white board behind me which is my only way of tracking what needs to be done. Without it I'm useless because my mind is so scattered. I also haven't updated it in over a week, to give you an idea of where I'm at. Often I'll meander through life making it up as I go along, hit a crisis point, suddenly have a burst of productivity where I make an excel sheet, get everything in order etc and then go back to messy normality.

    What do you think of kids?
    I generally am not into kids except in small doses. They love me though - I think because I'm a bit ridiculous and dress weird. Last christmas my cousin's kid loved me because he gave me a lego set to build and instead of following the instructions I built it all wrong (deliberately, for comic effect) and he laughed for ages and couldn't understand how I'd failed at basic instructions (and took great pride in showing me how its done - caregiver in the making?). But I couldn't deal with them daily. The idea of parenting seems terrible to me because you have them EVERYDAY and have to mould your life around them. For 20 years. And then they fuck off and complain at you for trying to help them haha.

    Any others not answered hmu and I'll answer them in video or type.

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    you seem as more expressive than EII. what mb due E and/or S
    among F types mb excluded: SEI, IEI, SEE, EII; among T types excluded: LII, LIE, all T-S
    the 1st types to think are: EIE, ESI

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    fka mrrrmaid SaveYourself's Avatar
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    lol I watched so many EII videos on here and was like "that is exactly how I speak!" as in, in my mind I am fairly monotone, few embellishments, occasional nervous fidget and small changes in expression. Then I watched the video back and I was so surprised to see how in constant motion I was and how big my hand gestures often are haha. And also how often I change my voice or expression for emphasis. My face moves way more than I thought.

    ESI doesn't seem to fit for me. I don't think I'm Se-ego and am very, very unconfrontational or judicious. Also Ne-Polr doesn't fit. I'm not that grounded and most of my friendship group conversation are based around batting around ideas, novelty and unconventionality. I've noticed a couple of (what I presume to be) S types have trouble with our conversations. Like, until about half an hour ago I was typing as Ne-ego, Se-polr so switching those makes no sense, even if I was wrongly typed.

    EIE is more likely imo - but why not IEI?

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    lol first asmr video of 16types

    (I think I move like you tbh)

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    try XEI > EII. EIE is not an option
    you rock those braces though
    Last edited by Cosmic Teapot; 07-16-2018 at 06:11 PM.

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    EII or SEI to me ( I know a SEI who looks pretty much like you but deosn't move like you and isn't as involved in the things you are into), so EII > SEI

  7. #7
    fka mrrrmaid SaveYourself's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    lol first asmr video of 16types

    (I think I move like you tbh)
    lmao yeah who knew the standard apple microphone on the headphones was so sensitive

    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmic Teapot View Post
    try XEI > EII. EIE is not an option
    you rock those braces though
    Thanks! A couple of people have said that, which is nice since being in your midtwenties with adult braces is kinda lame haha

    What would be the most clear distinctions between SEI & IEI?

    SEI I can see working because I place a lot of emphasis on aesthetics and really am adverse to conflict etc. Like my ideal group setting would probably be the alpha "let's grab a couple of beers, a couple of pals and sit in the sunshine" sorta vibe with no aim or competitiveness.

    However, I really am useless at everything concerning health and general household maintenance. It's very much aesthetic > comfort and I'm very adverse to cooking & cleaning. Like I take any excuse to eat out and if I can't do that then I'll eat crappy food that's easy to make. In the lowest points in my life mental health wise, I'd just eat cereal and noodles all day lmao. I get sick all the time and any effort to exercise lasts less than a month (though one time I had a gym buddy so had to go for like 3-4 months otherwise I'd let her down and then she moved to a different city and I've never been so glad to lose a friend to long-distance).

    IEI suits me better at first glance because I'm very dreamy, not very practical, spend a lot of time procrastinating in my own head, am very (very!) good at long-term associative memory. I secretly love drama and attention (like, I'm really socially awkward in social settings but great on a stage) and in more comfortable friendship group settings I'll happily take on doing a performance for the lols. But yeah, Se just seems so foreign to me. It's possible I don't understand it properly but I'm really turned off by a lot of the people typed SLE (i.e. Robert Downey Jr / Tony Stark). Though when I was given a kick out of the door by my ex that I talked about in the video, I generally appreciated it. I assume he was Se ego (definitely Type 8). I relate to the Se seeking in the way that I'm generally quite inactive and hesitant so could do with a mobiliser.

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    oh also I don't know how much you want to pay attention to erotic attitudes but I'm not at all a caregiver lmao (sorry @ my partners)

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    @Tallmo please explain SEI vs IEI I'm afraid I'll talk nonsense
    @Troll Nr 007 how does the cognitive style of IEI differ from SEI? (Gulenko)
    @thehotelambush what's your take on this? Do you see more Alpha or Beta?

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    lmao yeah who knew the standard apple microphone on the headphones was so sensitive

    Thanks! A couple of people have said that, which is nice since being in your midtwenties with adult braces is kinda lame haha

    What would be the most clear distinctions between SEI & IEI?

    SEI I can see working because I place a lot of emphasis on aesthetics and really am adverse to conflict etc. Like my ideal group setting would probably be the alpha "let's grab a couple of beers, a couple of pals and sit in the sunshine" sorta vibe with no aim or competitiveness.

    However, I really am useless at everything concerning health and general household maintenance. It's very much aesthetic > comfort and I'm very adverse to cooking & cleaning. Like I take any excuse to eat out and if I can't do that then I'll eat crappy food that's easy to make. In the lowest points in my life mental health wise, I'd just eat cereal and noodles all day lmao. I get sick all the time and any effort to exercise lasts less than a month (though one time I had a gym buddy so had to go for like 3-4 months otherwise I'd let her down and then she moved to a different city and I've never been so glad to lose a friend to long-distance).

    IEI suits me better at first glance because I'm very dreamy, not very practical, spend a lot of time procrastinating in my own head, am very (very!) good at long-term associative memory. I secretly love drama and attention (like, I'm really socially awkward in social settings but great on a stage) and in more comfortable friendship group settings I'll happily take on doing a performance for the lols. But yeah, Se just seems so foreign to me. It's possible I don't understand it properly but I'm really turned off by a lot of the people typed SLE (i.e. Robert Downey Jr / Tony Stark). Though when I was given a kick out of the door by my ex that I talked about in the video, I generally appreciated it. I assume he was Se ego (definitely Type 8). I relate to the Se seeking in the way that I'm generally quite inactive and hesitant so could do with a mobiliser.
    I really don't like cleaning either, and cooking is 'so-so' for me. It's pretty common for SEI to dislike anything that is associated with 'work' (the laziness is real with this type, lol *hides out of shame* ). Also it's not in my nature to eat healthy all the time, I used to just go for whatever was quick and tasted good. Nowadays it has caught up with me and I have to eat healthy, so I do.

    I'm really turned off by SLE and anybody with Se in their ego block (at least for romance-for friendships they can be cool ).

    And yes I love aesthetics, beauty, and any sort of physical pleasure.

    Overall your reasons for not being SEI actually sound like pretty typical traits for the type. Especially if your ideal setting is an 'alpha' kind of group with no aim or competitiveness, you might be SEI.

    Edit: btw you are really pretty, your makeup is on point, and like @Cosmic Teapot mentioned you're rocking those braces

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    Intuitive ethical.
    "All nations will place their hope in him."
    (Mt 12:21)

  12. #12
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    Definitely you are not EII. More likely is beta NF. I mean, I am sure it's beta NF. And EIE would be more likely. You have EIE grin.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
    I really don't like cleaning either, and cooking is 'so-so' for me. It's pretty common for SEI to dislike anything that is associated with 'work' (the laziness is real with this type, lol *hides out of shame* ). Also it's not in my nature to eat healthy all the time, I used to just go for whatever was quick and tasted good. Nowadays it has caught up with me and I have to eat healthy, so I do.

    I'm really turned off by SLE and anybody with Se in their ego block (at least for romance-for friendships they can be cool ).

    And yes I love aesthetics, beauty, and any sort of physical pleasure.

    Overall your reasons for not being SEI actually sound like pretty typical traits for the type. Especially if your ideal setting is an 'alpha' kind of group with no aim or competitiveness, you might be SEI.

    Edit: btw you are really pretty, your makeup is on point, and like @Cosmic Teapot mentioned you're rocking those braces
    Ah okay - not out of the water yet then. How do you experience Si if not in the way I listed above?
    Also, thanks!
    @crAck @falsehope with ExFJ the thing I'm getting stuck on is that I'm really socially awkward, don't tend to direct social interactions (I'm able to do so if needed, like if a friend needed a wing(wo)man) and don't put on an image to win people over. A lot of my anxiety comes from my inability to do any of these things. I've been browsing the Beta forum and the EIE is usually described as controlling, charming and like a politician with their ability to navigate the social climate. If I manipulate groups it tends to be from a place of mischief or fun rather than something grand and with little for my own gain (in terms of image, lots to gain in the form of amusement).

    Beta NF I tentatively relate to more than Alpha SF though - but this might be because I'm attached to NF after typing NFp for so long.

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    oh one of the questionnaire questions was "how do your friends see you" and there's a character in one of my friend's books that's loosely based on me and when I asked him what part of it was me he gave me an example of something his character does which illustrates the way I'd manipulate a social situation out of mischief.

    So the context is the 'me' in the story is travelling with two male companions who are escorting her somewhere but they always get into petty fights / competition. Instead of taking a lead in the situation or solving the fight she'll do something like throw a spider on them to distract them, which in turn ends the argument.

    A real life example of this would be when two people I knew were debating an issue but getting a bit too serious about it (one of them was clearly getting upset but not stopping the argument), me and my friend started to mime their hand gestures in an exaggerated way to make them look ridiculous (but never actually said what we were doing so they only noticed after we'd been doing it for a while) and they got the message that they were probably taking the debate too far. Like it's never direct involvement or confrontation, always safe, always playful, only done as a response to what's going on (never just something I'd initiate). And yeah, never to better my position or win someone over.

    though this same friend who wrote the story did say I was emotionally manipulative because I would guilt trip him about not coming out to play lol

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    What describes a type doesnt need to describe you at all. Everyone is different. The variations of general type descriptions can be huge. The problem is most of these descriptions are short and arent comprehensive. On some MBTI websites there are sometimes more detailed ones but on some there is j/p switch on some there is none and on some j/p is mixed so it can be very confusing. Also most people are ambiverts so theres no clear distinction between introvert and extrovert. I for example have extroverted socionics type yet everyone I know types me as introvert.
    Sometimes type descriptions are not describing healthy or well developed type (below the average one, focusing on the weakness), sometimes there's cultural bias. Sometimes they describe a well developed type instead (above average, genius level, or overly idealised). So there are reasons why you might not match the type description, you might be just different.
    Your way of speaking is very similar to the one of LIE women. And LIE is in many ways similar to EIE. But I would not exclude IEI, but your facial expressions point more to the EIE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    Then I watched the video back and I was so surprised to see how in constant motion I was and how big my hand gestures often are haha.
    yep. not what N-I tend to do

    > EIE is more likely imo - but why not IEI?

    the impressions are different

  17. #17
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    So what is Ni creative about the OP?

    The body language seems irrational and I get a sense of Si valuing
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Yes, I think it's strange that SEI and EIE are the two main types coming back when Si is the ego in one and PolR in the other. It would be helpful if someone could say what Si processing would look like as a lead in SEI vs as the PolR in EIE.

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    So from what I'm reading on Si-PolR, one of the things that comes up a lot is an inability to relax, always jumping on the next thing (future oriented instead of living in the present). Not being able to stay still and exist in homeostasis.

    I think I have a very hot & cold relationship to this. Like usually I'm either filling my schedule up to ridiculous levels or its completely empty. So at the end of last year I had to completely change my life because I had taken on so many activities and commitments that my mental and physical health was rapidly declining. I was doing my MA, working full time, was on a sports team that trained 3 times a week, was taking improv classes and my friend was training to be a yoga teacher so I started going to her classes because she needed people to practice on. Plus a social life, plus occasionally I'd try (fail) dating. My University experience was similar where I was on 4 different committees, had a part-time job and surprisingly, a boyfriend.

    Periods when I don't have a lot going on tend to depress me (like when I was just working full time or currently, when I'm just working on my dissertation). My mood has dropped considerably lately because I don't have a busy schedule. For some reason I never seem to have the right amount of things to do - either all or nothing. I also often have a lot of trouble with focusing on what's in front of me. I mentioned in the video that sometimes I'll leave social events to pursue an idea instead and that happens frequently - like I'll lose interest in what's going on around me and have to go chase the new thing. I'm also really conscious of over staying my welcome at events and seem to be 'done' with them sooner than other people. I thought this was an introvert thing but I saw some ExTj's discussing that as an Si-PolR thing.

    However, my general demeanour is quite relaxed, I don't really tend to worry about things (if I do, it'll be a sudden anxiety attack rather than long future tripping). I like planning stuff but am not that hellbent on making it happen (I just have a trust that it will work out). When I relax I feel like I'm waiting for something to happen but also as long as I'm sure something is going to happen, I don't mind the wait. Times like waiting in the emergency room for an undisclosed amount of time give me huge anxiety though haha.

    I think I know an SEI and an EIE irl. The SEI is more similar to me at first glance but I think he tends to dismiss things in a way that annoys me. Like something that I think is a big deal, he'll just be like "oh well". He once said he was anxious about something for a while but then just decided not to be anxious anymore??? He also uses Si waaaaaaay more than me (every time he visits a new city he google maps the best places to eat and saves them on his phone so he always knows he's close to a good snack, he spent about £60 on a blanket once, he's always creating cosy atmospheres and making food for people - I do none of this). Whereas the EIE seems a lot more active than me and more about creating opportunities for himself. He really can't wait or sit still and is always doing new things and makes it clear that you have a set amount of time to spend with him before he has something else to attend to. So on the outside I probably seem like the SEI but on the inside closer to the EIE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    So from what I'm reading on Si-PolR, one of the things that comes up a lot is an inability to relax, always jumping on the next thing (future oriented instead of living in the present). Not being able to stay still and exist in homeostasis. I think I have a very hot & cold relationship to this. Like usually I'm either filling my schedule up to ridiculous levels or its completely empty.
    *IE types have no the "inability to relax". And being J they follow plans and schedules without problems. They are not "always jumping on the next thing", as it's not P types.
    Ni types feel themselves in a events and time flow. What does not mean they can't concentrate on themselves in the present, to stop to worry about future or other problems and relax. It's more S types issue to have worries about the future or possible, as N types are more sure in it.

    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    Yes, I think it's strange that SEI and EIE are the two main types coming back when Si is the ego in one and PolR in the other.
    as the possibility
    both are Fe. you are having more chaotic nonverbal than common J what rises the chances to get P assumed, but this leads to I with Fe. for N-I, as I noticed, you are too expressive and hence higher chance to get also S

    You may use IR impressions from my bloggers to check your possible types.
    Last edited by Sol; 07-17-2018 at 10:57 AM.

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    My comment on SEI is because I know this girl who has a weird resemblance to you, same facial traits really, and you both look very feminine, with a fine taste for clothing and the use of some gestures that are cute and a bit flowery.

    Anyway, I don't think you're that same type and I don't think you're a Fe lead either. What your friend said to you, making up a story that highlights how you can be manipulative, is not conclusive and I feel like saying that anyone can be manipulative and that the things he's "accused" you of, of trying to raise the mood and to involve the people around you in joint activities, can so belong to more types, not just to Fe leads; actually I think Fe leads would be far more aware of how their wishes influence the people around them, with their words and behaviours, while to you his comments rather looked like a surprise.

    I'm starting to think you're very probably a IEE, as most of your tests say. The last things you've mentioned, that you can't help but feeling drained if you don't have 20 things going on, the sense of purpose that this activity gives you, and at the same time your difficulty to focus onto something, with a preference for withdrawing and think of something else while doing your things... well, that's Ne.

    It all makes sense ^^

  22. #22
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    i think SEI or IEE.. but i prefer SEI for you

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    haha so we're all in agreement, xxFx and not gamma.

    On being IEE, this makes the most sense to me all things considering. I feel (and act) more EP than EJ and from lurking the forum, the delta section (assuming most people there are correctly typed) feels more familiar than the beta section (assuming the same thing there). It's also a way to be NF, the most popular assumption, whilst also being Si valuing, which is the second most popular assumption.

    But also I've been watching some EIE videos and I can see the similarities with mine. John Lennon has the same inability to sit perfectly still lmao. And the ENFj stereotype is essentially me aged 17 haha - right down to being controlling, dramatic and driven. These days I'm much more lazy and mellow.

    I'll go watch some IEE and SEI videos to see how they compare. SEI feels most foreign to me tbh but I'll look into it. If anyone could point towards why they think EIE > IEE beyond just my general expressiveness that'd be helpful as well.

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    Or just a beta NF vs. delta NF side by side comparison.

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    Alright, keep in mind that these 2 types, EIE and IEE, are very similar, in fact they're called quasi identicals, so it's difficult to tell them apart because they basically behave similarly, but value different things. An IEE has an unconscious demonstrative Fe, perhaps that's what some people have seen of you. An EIE has unconscious Ne demonstrative, which I think is instead quite conscious to you, and the fact that we all see some Si in yourself is a further hint to this...

    I thought of IEE especially when you talk of the people you like to be around, competent experts that just talk of their passions, which is the stereotypical IEE/SLI duality bond. Idk why I didn't propose it yesterday, I guess I was just thinking in terms of introversion but that's a pretty telling sign.

    I don't think it's too good to compare yourself to someone else (especially in terms of physical appearance), and derive your type from that comparison. So far none could tell your type just by the video, so it's just better to stick with the functions and to the model ; )

  26. #26
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    Yeah IEE would also do, but definitely not EII.

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    I've been reading on differences between them and this is what I came up with for arguments either way -

    For EIE:
    I think I'm more Fe valuing than I thought before. I think a lot about about what people think of me and a lot of my social anxiety comes from the notion that I don't think people will like me and I fear that rejection (but also almost want to be proved right? See the experience in high school I talked about)
    I'm v aristocratic and have that 'us v them' mentality (BUT I've voiced this to friends and they have said them didn't get this impression)
    I don't know how much this is relevant but I want to be EIE more than IEE. It feels more special and competent.
    I said earlier I didn't like competitive environments but a lot of this comes from the fact that I'm very competitive and get burnt when I lose so I don't like to play unless I'm sure I can win
    With my close friends, I use Fe in the way it's described in EIE descriptions
    I have dramatic mood swings that are very clearly written on my face (BUT I once said this to one of my boyfriends and he disagreed, saying he liked me because I wasn't high maintenance)
    I spend a lot of time coming up with theories about social interactions, my place in interactions, what my purpose is and its usually quite mystical
    Se users seem to like me (and I them). See the video where I talk about the ex boyfriend I liked, and also the bit where I talked about the ex boyfriend I didn't like. (side note: one of my friends commented on the fact that I let the guy who threw the cards in that anecdote get away with saying lots of offensive shit whereas I'd usually bite a person's head off for talking like him - I think this was a Te-lead friend and an Se-lead getting away with stuff).
    I find Te conversations / concerns really boring lmao
    Dunno if this is legit, but I saw someone say betas tend to have that oscillation between hot & cold, all or nothing that I have
    I don't like being taken care of (see conflict w/ my mom I mention in the op)
    I spend a lot of time wanting to look hot af and getting compliments on this (and this goes x100 when boys are around)
    I haven't grown out of my emo phase from high school yet (jk - this isn't a serious reason)

    For IEE:
    I see myself as really scattered and not put together at all (BUT again, when I commented on this to a friend he said he disagreed)
    EP > EJ
    I often take on new projects at the spur of the moment. These usually don't interfere with the grand goal I'll have for life but I have very little follow through (most hobbies last a year, tops)
    My friendship group feels more delta than beta (BUT I like the fact that I often get the most attention whereas I wouldn't in beta groups )
    I don't have any sort of political image that I project (this could just be a negative EIE stereotype tho, and not relevant)
    I'm generally quite conflict adverse and terrible at self-motivating (Se super-ego?)
    One comparison I saw said IEEs (and I guess EPs) tend to have trouble getting started with work because they have to shift out of relax mode whereas EIE is more ready to jump in? I'm IEE in that sense.
    Si-valuing but not very good at it
    Though I admire Se-egos, I often find them draining - and even sometimes a complete turn off
    Delta feels more at home than Beta
    The amount of times I say 'like' per sentence
    What ooo said about dualising and Ne ^-^
    Oh and I type 7 in enneagram. That could possibly be incorrect but I see myself as positive outlook at the very least and my motivation & behaviour (as talked about above) is 7ish

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    @mrrrmaid Hello there! I'll explain what it's like to be Si-base best I can (probably colored by feeling, so this might not be the same for SLIs, but it might help you see if you can relate or not).

    It's like you have a hyper awareness of the way your external environment affects your internal experience. You know how you can look at a different design on a shirt and you get an essential feeling from looking at it? Maybe it's a design that encourages thinking, maybe it's bold and dramatic, maybe it's soothing, etc. And if you look at a different design, it will give you a different kind of feeling? That's the mindset I live in all the time, it's what I'm naturally focused on and sensitive to. I think everyone acknowledges the aesthetic impact of the physical world, but the difference is Si-base is most conscious of it. The subtlest changes in the physical world stand out as something to pay attention to. For instance I have perfect color vision, and I'm unusually good at creating symmetry without measuring tools. In the most basic description, Si an awareness of what looks beautiful, what looks ugly, what sounds nice, what sounds discordant, what tastes good/bad, etc. But it's also an awareness of the sort of 'good' or 'bad' you feel in response to it, that requires precise adjectives to explain. It's a subjective experience. And to my pleasant suprise, my interpretation of aesthetic qualities seems to be supported by everyone I've ever talked about it with (like I draw something with the intention to cause a certain emotional response, and then I ask my friends how the drawing makes them feel, and it turns out they react exactly as I wanted them to), so I know my Si is on point for other people, too. It's the information element I get corrected on the least, and that makes the most accurate judgements.

    I'm good at memorizing physical arrangements, too. For instance, I notice if a character in a movie is dressed a certain way from one camera angle, and then their clothing is situated differently whenever the camera switches to a different perspective. I can explain my physical sensations accurately in detail, and remember what it felt like to have them for a long time after the fact (which I guess is Si, too).

    Anyways, hope this helps! I kind of doubt you're SEI after reading more of your posts closely, since I'm seeing so much strong Fe and Ne in you. So yeah, EIE and IEE seem like the closest matches (and if you don't feel much kinship with Beta Quadra values, then yes I'm leaning towards IEE).

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    yeah Si is not my lead, based on that. I think about those things but only tangentially I guess. Most of the time I ignore my external surroundings (possibly NTR, but the other week I was talking to a woman for about 10 mins before I realised she was around 7 months pregnant lol). And when I choose to pay attention, its a fun experiment rather than something I'm tuned in to.

    Atm I'm thinking I'm just a really socially anxious IEE. I grabbed this quote off of typology central and, assuming it accurately described the way Fe works in Beta vs. Delta, I'm Delta:

    Beta NFs use Fe which gives them an access to emotional atmosphere of the surroundings, not only one is aware of how others around them feel, beta NFs can easily transform these feelings. Since Fe is mostly concerned with the positive aspects of feelings, they will try to eliminate negativism and gloom and change it to more light and pleasant atmosphere. Fe in combination with valued Se adds a special intensity to one's feelings and therefor expresion of these types can seem dramatic and theatrical, their feelings are very vibrant and present in a concrete enviroment. They value people who can express themselves openly and visibly, they like to laugh loud, talk loud and enjoy passion in their lives.
    Delta NFs on the other hand value Fi, feelings of these types are also very intense, but are rather kept inside or shared with selected individuals. Even though delta NFs are also very aware of the emotional atmosphere around them, they chose to rather concentrate on their own feelings or intimate relationship than on the feelings of the whole group. Deltas also value Si which adds an extra tenderness to their emotional life and forces them to seek harmony and peace rather than drama and fire.

    If this is the case, I think my brother is my dual

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    ^ I would be interested in seeing this as well if anyone is still up for discussing. Alternatively I could talk more about how I relate to Si based on the description given above?

    I feel like the only time I pay attention to the emotional feel of the room / the people in it more than the physical. I care about aesthetics but only in relation to looking good and having my room look good (but this is a creative exercise and once its done, its done - I don't keep reassessing and, like I mentioned, don't care about upkeep). So I'd pick a club based on the vibe of the people and wouldn't mind if it was grimey. I also will wear uncomfortable but good looking clothes over comfy stuff (I don't own any 'lazy day' clothes, for example - no onesies, pyjamas, sweat pants etc). And I'm not sentimental about throwing out stuff - i.e. the emotional connection is with the memory, and I don't need the gift/ticket stub/photograph to trigger the physical reminder of the emotion). I don't do anything to the physical environment other than clean it to make it better for other people.

    As for other people using Si around me - generally I like people taking care of the physical environment for me because I really don't notice it much. I appreciate it but also not really consciously? Like I've had arguments with housemates before because they felt like they were cleaning up after me a lot or I wasn't pulling my weight around the house. But usually I have no idea that that's going on until the argument starts. I've been thinking that I'm probably more Si-seeking than PolR though because if someone wants to take on the caregiver role I usually own up to being terrible at taking care of myself and give them full permission to help me out - and I think the arguments with housemates have started because I've expected people to that for me? So an example of this could be the friend I mentioned above, who I think is SEI, was once sad because he was going through a rough patch and couldn't afford to keep up his usual extravagant cooking routine and since I hate cooking, but had money, I offered to pay for some ingredients if he came round and made me some food. He spent most of the time in the kitchen gently poking fun at me (the lack of basic cooking supplies I had, the unhealthy nature of the food in my cupboard, the fact that I'd bought the wrong pasta) but it was always fun and never painful like I'd imagine it'd be if he was hitting my PolR. We both enjoyed the dynamic.

    I haven't looked at Ti-PolR that much yet, but based on preliminary descriptions I've read and my understanding of what Ti is, I think I'm more sensitive to Ti criticism than Si criticism.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post
    I feel like the only time I pay attention to the emotional feel of the room / the people in it more than the physical. I care about aesthetics but only in relation to looking good and having my room look good (but this is a creative exercise and once its done, its done - I don't keep reassessing and, like I mentioned, don't care about upkeep). So I'd pick a club based on the vibe of the people and wouldn't mind if it was grimey. I also will wear uncomfortable but good looking clothes over comfy stuff (I don't own any 'lazy day' clothes, for example - no onesies, pyjamas, sweat pants etc). And I'm not sentimental about throwing out stuff - i.e. the emotional connection is with the memory, and I don't need the gift/ticket stub/photograph to trigger the physical reminder of the emotion). I don't do anything to the physical environment other than clean it to make it better for other people.
    I pick things and places purely off of aesthetic preferences all the time. I'd rather enjoy a beautiful scene than a positive emotional group atmosphere, although both are desired. I own lots of comfy but not necessarily attractive clothes, which isn't necessarily typical SEI but I do like being comfortable. And come to think of it, I am often sentimental about throwing out stuff, but I've never considered that it might be Si-related? I've kept gum wrappers for years because they came from a friend and I wanted to cherish the memory of them >.> Soo...yeah, I'm pretty sure we are not the same base type!

    And based off your next paragraph, you do sound like Si is a valued IE for you, quite possibly your suggestive one, but not a hated one. In my opinion, the POLR is one of the easiest functions to be clear on because it gives you a visceral 'UGHH' reaction, so I think you'd know if Si was your POLR.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crAck View Post
    Can people who see Si valuing point it out? If it is in the video please provide timestamps.
    I can offer a few things but it will be hocus-pocus.

    Her macro movements are just irrational-looking in that I cannot predict what will come next and they move across a horizontal plane and aren’t very centrally organized, but her micro movements have a fine, liquid quality. Watch her fingertips and some of the subtle movements in her facial expressions. I associate this micro stuff with Si, ymmv.

    Ni-Se valuing is more meta and leaps from the concrete but discrete to the interpretive level, and it can take a verbal structural form like “and so ... [interpretation]. Ne-Si tends to accumulate details (Si imo) and seems to verbalize like “and then ... and then ... and ... and ...” without breaking the stream as much. I find her wordstream is more Ne-Si.

    She is cute, more cute than Beta NF. It is the kind of cute I see on the infantile-caregiver axis. Label it how you wish but Se is imo the really non-cute IE, and Si is the cute counterpart. Some beta NFs can be somewhat cute but not as much.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by crAck View Post
    It sounds like Si seeking, sure, but Si suggestive/Inferior? I'm not sure. According to Beebe/MBTI we prefer offloading what we call the PoLR to others - let others take care of it. As for PoLR, Socioncs defines it as our "blindspot" and/or what we avoid - all three things are exactly what she said.

    There is also much more sense in being more sensitive to criticism of our Inferior than our PoLR. This is simply because our Inferior is valued, but we're super weak in it - whereas the PoLR is unvalued and furthermore the description defines it as something we couldn't care less about.

    I'm still in the EIE camp myself, but I've been embarrassingly wrong before and might be here too.
    Yes I suppose this is all possible. I've never considered the POLR to be this way but it makes sense. Maybe @golden can offer some insight into how she experiences Si?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
    Yes I suppose this is all possible. I've never considered the POLR to be this way but it makes sense. Maybe @golden can offer some insight into how she experiences Si?
    Oh boy I can’t wait.

    Will get to it tomorrow.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    She is cute, more cute than Beta NF. It is the kind of cute I see on the infantile-caregiver axis. Label it how you wish but Se is imo the really non-cute IE, and Si is the cute counterpart. Some beta NFs can be somewhat cute but not as much.
    This is one of my hesitations about EIE too hahaha. They're all cooler than me and fiercer.

    One of my boyfriend once mocked me for having a "cute" image I project and I interpreted that as an aggressor-infantile mismatch.

    Looking forward to the Si-PolR description

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    So I've been reading this page to try and understand Si more and I'm getting the fact that I'm not concentrating enough on the inner physical experience rather than the outer.

    I relate to the description of it in vulnerable here:
    A typical manifestation is a lack of concern for small aesthetic details, since a greater focus is given on the opinion that, in the longer term, taking care of them is a never-ending exercise. This is also manifested in a relative lack of awareness of the immediate surroundings, as in noticing where objects may be if you don't have to deal with them particularly, and of your own physical sensations.

    and here:
    in the case of the EIE, the low focus on Si is more noticeable as a dislike for low-level practical details, such as filling up forms, signing documents, or filling tax returns.

    (this is actually a good reminder that I have two really important forms I need to fill out - one of which I might have already missed the deadline for lol)

    The Si suggestive description doesn't fit me but also is a lot shorter so idk.

    actually going over the role of IEs in the different blocks is leading me back to IEI. For example, this description of Se in suggestive is EXACTLY what I described earlier in a post, though it was interpreted as Ne-lead:
    The individual is often characterized by his inertia. If left to his own devices, he may choose to do relatively little to interact with the outside world. When he does interact with the outside world, he often finds his activities to be empty and unfulfilling. To this individual, life is often characterized by periods of stimulation. For him, however, true stimulation is often spontaneous, and interludes between periods of stimulation are often characterized by tedium, inertia, and apathy.

    I know everyone pretty much jumped on me being too expressive to be an intuitive introvert but going on model A alone, it fits best imo. Is it really ruled out to everyone else?
    Last edited by SaveYourself; 07-19-2018 at 10:08 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crAck View Post
    Don't forget to go into how you love food yo
    Si polr

    All right, I said I'd come back to this, but I must state upfront it's really difficult to do. Part of the problem is I began looking into Socionics without much awareness that Si matters could be part of a blind spot, as, well, I was more or less blind to it.

    I'm also going to say I don't think beginning with typing by polr is a great idea unless it strongly jumps out. For me it was one piece of the puzzle that began to clarify for me what might be going on. So for example with regard to @mrrrmaid's typing, I think it's best to start with trying to grasp the ego IEs, and test that out with intertype relations (limited here by others being typed correctly), and pay attention to all the information elements. This is why my first question was, Where is the Ni in mrrrmaid? As an ego function, shouldn't I get an impression of Ni at least if it is one of her ego functions? Maybe it's there and I am not seeing it for some reason, though.

    For me, I think what helped me self-type also was considering role and demonstrative. In my case, role told me a bit about what my polr likely wasn't (Te), because it just doesn't seem to bother me terribly much, I can take it in pretty well, in fact I secretly kind of like it (shhh, don't tell anyone), and I can emulate it, to such a degree that LSEs and I often agree, at times in a work context even say the same things almost at the same time as we draw similar conclusions. Meanwhile I really like Ne (role), I seem to use it quite a bit, as Model A says I don't take it very seriously, it is for fun. Lots of fun! And Fi is not pleasant to me, it is grating af, and I butt heads with Fi egos and feel a need to correct Fi. When Ne (mostly Alpha) is offered to me I take it up and when Fi is offered I feel it's beyond useless to me and I'm just like whut.

    Ok, grrrr, on to Si.

    * I do agree with homeostasis as a decent definition of Si

    * I am very poorly self-regulated

    * I cannot relax. If I'm told to relax, I tense up even more. A terrible thing is if a friend suggests something like a "spa day." What a nightmarish idea, noooooooo

    * I have sensory problems. I simply cannot adjust well to my environment. I will enter a public space (restaurant, store) and often must instantly flee, even if it means looking very rude to the employees and anyone I happen to be with. If I have to stay in the place, I get more and more stressed and things start going wrong, I become anxious and disagreeable and even incensed, quick to argue. I feel I need to defend myself against what I'm experiencing and will apply this feeling wrongly to innocent people, which is embarrassing to admit

    * I believe I learned gradually to compensate for non-Si with Se and to an extent Fe and Ti and Ne. I started out with little ability to control or alter my environment (supposedly Se), but with more maturity I developed some ways to cover for the lack of Si. To change my environment I learned things like

    ** how people use space, which is more experiential and psychological (Fe + Ni?)
    ** how energy flows in a space, mystical mumbo-jumboish (Ni?)
    ** the importance of just getting rid of stuff, or not acquiring stuff, to minimize what I must attend to and maintain (don't know if it's Se, but my ESFp dad and ESTp ex-bf did this well)
    ** systematizing my use of a space or information or possessions, hierarchically (nesting like a box within a box within ...) to gain more control of it (Ti?)
    ** visualizing in detail how I'd like a space to be, incorporating much of the above, which I was always good at but was less sure how to realize materially (Ne?)

    * I have made attempts to address the things Si seems to address, even from observing and questioning Alphas and Deltas as I was often among them, but it is not a true or complete use of Si. It also absolutely drains me to do this

    * I paradoxically grew up as one of the messiest people you will ever encounter, but I couldn't function in the mess and desperately needed help with it. I know now I can think much better in a clean, like nearly perfect, space, but I still need support with organizing and cleaning and if I don't get it I will become angry and resentful and severely drained of life force

    * As a child and young adult I struggled to put together any kind of matching or pleasing clothing, was ridiculed for it at worst, have been more gently teased about it by people who don't value Si. I have worked really hard to be able to dress better, but it is absolutely all acquired knowledge, it is based largely on social considerations, I still get it wrong, and if it isn't actually wrong I still feel it's wrong because I can't really tell. However, I am good at helping other people figure out how their clothes and designs can be improved, basically telling them how to make changes or what kind of style in general suits them best

    * I will easily push through when I should be tired, I have pushed through physical pain so that I exacerbated injuries and developed them into chronic health problems

    * I hate anything to do with health, it upsets the fuck out of me, hospitals horrify me, the first time I saw pictures of blood as a little kid I passed out, other people's blood makes me feel faint and dizzy to this day, I avoid doctors whenever possible, I neglect anything to do with health until it's unavoidable, "eating healthy" is something I learned about by studying nutrition as a science, and when I had to cook I approached cooking as a science, but people focusing on healthy stuff like "clean eating" actually evoke my contempt, I mean hell, we're all going to die someday and I'm not sure how long I really even want to live tbqh

    * I have an SEI friend from college, and though I learned a lot from her and she was cute as buttons, she would do a lot of things that made me irrationally queasy, little self-soothing gestures, lazing about in pajamas, keeping pets that made me want to commit pet murders. It looks to me like wrong wrong fetishizing of the personal sensory world, it is like being in a choking cloud, and I'm super limited in how much I can tolerate this, even though at times I feel envious of it too

    * Delta Si, especially groups of predominantly Delta people, like at occasions that incorporate food and relaxation and rejuvenation, put me on edge, even make me feel stomach-churningly disgusted

    Those are some things I think are examples of Si problems and coping strategies in myself, ymmv bc I assume polr will manifest differently in different people, and over the course of my life thus far it has evolved.

    And it took me a long time (years in some instances) to gather awareness of things of this nature.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Amazing, @golden. An amazing analysis. You and I are Si-PoLR twins.

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    wow wow wow thanks @golden!

    Uh yeah I basically don't relate to that at all.
    I'm also poorly self-regulated but from the position of being too relaxed in general anyway. Like I wouldn't hate a spa day but I don't feel the need for specified time for relaxing when I'm generally switched off any lol. I also don't push through tiredness when working (or any bad physical sensation) because I'm a big procrastinator and look for any reason to quit haha. I'm messy and am aware its bad and make occasional attempts to change it - which also backs up what I was saying about possibly being IEI because this description of how role function works is essentially how I would relate to a lot of this stuff:
    Because of this opposition, the more one gets carried away with one's base function, the more the role function is ignored or suppressed. People are generally somewhat aware of this suppression and perceive it as a personal weakness that needs to be "worked on" in order to meet other people's expectations and achieve something in society. It is typical for people to periodically work on their role function in order to correct imbalances in their life and improve their weak areas. However, these attempts are generally sporadic and are forgotten as soon as the perceived problem begins to go away and the person once again becomes carried away with their usual lifestyle which is dominated by their base function

    I.e. I occasionally 'wake up', look around at my physical environment and realise it isn't to my taste (or just a shit hole lmao) and spend an afternoon correcting it but then go back to normal. It also talks about how role function criticism is easier to accept and dismiss than vulnerable function criticism, even though its irritating to be reminded you're bad at it. This is basically how I described Si criticism a few posts back.

    The only things I relate to is the general dislike of lazing around in PJs (again, I mentioned this a few posts back), and I'm also queasy around all health things / hospitals / blood / needles. And I definitely relate to the eye rolling around healthy lifestyles. Like so many of my friends recently have quit drinking out of health concerns (which means my drinking is now also limited because I have less people to do it with) and I'm really fucking dubious of any claim that the health benefits are worth being sober for. I'm supportive to their face but always low-key like "your quest for purity is ruining my life" and I think it's a waste of time.

    And yes, any pointers to why Ni-Fe > Ne-Fi (or vice versa) would be great.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mrrrmaid View Post

    actually going over the role of IEs in the different blocks is leading me back to IEI. For example, this description of Se in suggestive is EXACTLY what I described earlier in a post, though it was interpreted as Ne-lead:

    The individual is often characterized by his inertia. If left to his own devices, he may choose to do relatively little to interact with the outside world. When he does interact with the outside world, he often finds his activities to be empty and unfulfilling. To this individual, life is often characterized by periods of stimulation. For him, however, true stimulation is often spontaneous, and interludes between periods of stimulation are often characterized by tedium, inertia, and apathy.
    I know everyone pretty much jumped on me being too expressive to be an intuitive introvert but going on model A alone, it fits best imo. Is it really ruled out to everyone else?
    No wait, this is not what I've interpreted as Ne. When you mentioned that you need some constant activity going on all the time, and your feeling drained if your schedule isn't filled with things, although you have difficulty in keeping up with them all and maintain your focus, always looking for something else-- that was Ne. And this description is different from the part I addressed as Ne.

    The thing is that introverts don't need all that stimuli from the outside, because they're well satisfied with their internal world, usually, so looking outside for constant mind stimuli is Ne instead. The fact that you can be lazy and feel outbursts of sporadic activity/inertia is a quite normal trait for the irrational types.

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