hey guys. pls halp.

my colleague is not fond of me. I think it's because I am a loud mouth with 0 filter. everyone must hear of my opinions and experiences lol. I find her very self-righteous, condescending and hypocritical and don't understand her reason for disliking me, because she's friends with people who have similar views as myself and are even more open about their views.

I believe in self improvement, I believe in accomodating to people's personalities to some degree. She believes people never change. She doesn't value my opinions so I never bother expressing myself to her anymore or giving advice. You need to do things her way, understand in the way she does or you're weird.

anyway her reasoning for not liking me is pretty irrational, she'll make excuses without really asking me questions or trying to get to know me so it makes me wonder what value of hers I'm stomping on. She'll go on and on about how different we are, when she actually knows nothing about me. She reckons I look too deep into simple things. When I talk, she judges me, when I try to make friends she stomps on my initiative. She's unnecessarily aggressive and dominant, has no problem with anyone's opinion but mine. Talks behind my back, makes passive aggressive comments to my face without really understanding the basis of what I am saying. I thought she was an idiot for a while because her retaliations had 0 to do with the point I was trying to get across, but I think she's just projecting or something.

Anyway she punished me, by making me feel excluded, weird and horrible. Then I stopped talking to her and others altogether when I was in the same room as her because I thought if she was making me feel this way I must have made her feel the same. She suddenly started being friendly and including me. Her mentality is, you either agree with me or shut up. I'm sort of mortified and repulsed.