Quote Originally Posted by kotorel View Post
To be honest I've been through all this LII/ILI (socionics) and INTP/INTJ (mbti) stuff more times than I'd enjoy. I've been actually quite active on pretty much every socionics and mbti forum for several years, constantly appearing under new names and giving descriptions of myself as though a stranger to the whole community, to ensure that whomever is typing me isn't being influenced by any kind of personal bias.
You may forget about any types you got without giving your videointerview. As it's not close to normal typing conditions.

You hoped to be typed correctly without giving visual data, what significantly reduced the possibility to get the correct type. Also this rised your possibility to fool people as it's not hard with the knowledge of the typology and with the lack of nonverbal data. Partly you could to fool unconsciously.

Try IR theory to understand your type. Type people near and analyse your impressions from them.
Your inabbility to understand own type for so long, being active on forums - rises the possibility of your F and/or P type. Asking the opinions of others when you should to know the theory good and for long, when you knew the situation with common low typing matches - also the argument for F type.