Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
But I'm going to tentatively throw out SLI as a possiblity for you, due to your focus on sensory elegance, your visualization, your idealism and perfectionism (seems reminiscent of delta quadra values to me), and your competitiveness despite disliking work.

http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...ion-(Filatova) in fact the more I'm reading over SLI, the more I'm reminded of your post. Maybe you'd like to look it over and see if it hits home?
What I found that doesn't fit me in said description:

"SLI has very good memory for colors, odors, and somatic sensations; he can easily recreate these in his mind. He may be able to recall the taste of some food years later."
I actually have a pretty bad memory of colors, odors and somatic sensations, and can't at all recreate them in my mind. This is Si, as in, sensations which the body consumes, analyzes, and stores in an internal library. My memory is strictly related to physical motion/mechanisms, not to how they "feel", but how they "work" and "interact".
I tend to have a pretty bad memory in general, as my mind has a stubborn tendency to instantly forget things which it considers "unimportant". Hence I also easily forget names, addresses, numbers, etc. But nevertheless remembers the mechanical interactions between bodies or phenomenons.

"he prefers to leisurely "relish" his experiences, timely distinguishing and separating the pleasant from the unpleasant ones"
I tend to be an all-or-nothing type of person. Either I completely abstain from something, or I overindulge in it. This goes for sports (I either do nothing, or overexert my body to the point of getting myself injured), as well as goes for food/drink (either I abstain from food/drink, or I indulge in it, which leads to pain or sickness)

P.S. I also always consider myself to be a Ti rather than a Te, and had a tendency to argue about the nature of logic and goal-setting with very template Te-people.