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    Default What's my Quadra and what's my type?

    How my imagination and creative-thinking works

    When I attempt to come up with a story or imagine a scene, my mind becomes overloaded with very detailed action-scenes, which are always focused on people, their elegance and strength of their movements, the elegance and good taste in their clothes, and the dangerous/explosive environments/situations or tools they are required to interact with.

    An important particularity of the scenes I imagine, is that, unlike the typical action thriller with big guys running around with big muscles and wearing dirty torn clothes, the characters I imagine tend to be physically clean, clever-looking, possess gentle physical traits, lean, to a degree project a "classicist" or and "aristocratic" demeanor. But regardless of their gentle shell, they always possess extremely good physical coordination, and contain an enormous amount of explosive energy inside of them, which they don't openly show or waste, but rather direct it in a concentrated form towards winning their battles, achieving their goals, or suddenly and unexpectedly punching someone in the face. They rarely smile, and almost always have a focused and/or important look and aura about them.

    I guess you could summarize both paragraphs above as: I like the image of a gentle and perfect being, walking atop the edge of a sharp blade (metaphorically speaking). Beauty and perfection must always be faced with immense danger and threats, and either be completely crushed by those challenges or confidently overcome them.

    If I would write a novel, it would absolutely have to do something about war, politics, conquest, secret societies, aristocracy, mysteries, magic, guns, and martial arts.

    Most of the dreams I have at night, in about 90-95% of cases tend to be action-oriented, with vivid imagery, lots of physical and explosive expression, lots of running, jumping-around, or fighting, or exploring new large environments while traveling at a high speed. I rarely have nightmares, as I tend to turn every monster/killer/offender in my dream into my victim, by beating him up or teasing him with my ability to easily maneuver away from his grasp.

    The music, paintings, stories that inspire me most - tend to be a combination of melancholy, realism, explosive-bombastic-epicness. Whatever I seek, want, and enjoy, always has to be "bigger than life", "devious", "challenge gods", "destroy routines", "destroy or exceed expectations", "be phenomenal".

    How I act and dress in the real life, and what's my reasoning behind doing so

    Just as the characters I imagine in my stories, I tend to try to construct a similar image of me in real life. I like elegant clothing styles, I tend to choose conservative colors and pieces of clothing (office-style is the most predominant element in my attire). But despite choosing strictness in clothing items, I choose a laid-back way of wearing those items. I prefer my office shirts to be untucked, and the sleeves to be rolled up. In part because it's more comfortable that way, in part because I want to portray a hands-on type of personality - someone who's always ready to adapt to an unexpected situation and react physically to solve it. (be it a sudden fight, a sudden emergency, or anything else). Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig gave me a lot of inspiration in developing my style, because they too, while mostly relying on elegant styles of clothing, wear that clothing in a slightly lax/laid-back/hands-on type of manner.
    The reason I choose this elegant, but slightly laid-back/messy style, is because I want to convey good tastes that are combined with flexibility and adaptability.

    My movements/gait tends to be somewhat robotic and tense. People often tell me that I should relax my shoulders and limbs more, as the excessive tension I project tends to make some people feel uncomfortable. I know how to loosen up physically and become fluid, since I spent many years of my childhood in dancing and was very successful there. But for some reason, my mind perceives the 2 ways of using my body ("fluid dancer" and "rigid tense officer") as 2 different modes of existence, and despite fully understanding them on a bodily-logical-mechanical way, prefers the rigid mode in daily life. (but can switch to fluid dancer under special conditions)

    The way I tend to react to my surroundings tends to be what I would describe as "alert" and "jumpy". I walk in a "fast" and "forceful" manner. My gestures tend to be quick and sudden. I quickly turn my head towards the object/scene of interest, and tend to give everyone and everything straight and focused stares, which at times intimidates people. Sometimes tilting my head downwards and looking at the object/person "from under my eye-brows", or alternatively tilting my head to the side, and giving a judgemental/assessing/condemning look. Probably because of this, I often received such comments as: "Why are you so serious? Did something happen", or "Why are you angry? Did I do something to you?" or "Why are you so stand-off-ish / aggressive?"
    I too, just as the imaginary characters in my imagined scenes/stories, have a lot of explosive energy boiling deep inside me, and I focus it at times as a sharp and narrow "death-ray" towards an object or person of my concern or interest. Although sometimes this energy can explode physically, and I might do something stupid as jumping, running, or kicking things (but this happens rarely)

    When I communicate I need to move my arms a lot, and do so subconsciously. The movements of my arms and hands often attempt to "draw" physical objects in the air, that explain the point I'm trying to make. If, for example, I'm talking about a paper document and their contents - while speaking, my hands will attempt to show the approximate amount of text the document had, how the paragraphs were separated, and maybe even use my finger to draw the signature of the person whomever signed those documents.

    Despite my usually serious, withdrawn, and stand-off-ish attitude and demeanor, I enjoy to joke around, to tease people, and have a tendency to laugh even at the most stupidest of jokes, or attempt to make a stupid joke myself, and then scold myself for it mentally. Sarcasm is a very common trait in my humor, and at times a bit too common. However, sometimes my jokes tend to be way too complicated, as they skip several steps in their logical progression. In such situations, it might take my conversation partners several minutes to actually figure out what I meant and react to said joke, when their mind finally walks through the several logical steps I skipped and reaches the funny part.
    I have no particular reason to joke and tease, it's just a guilty pleasure which at times shows itself under a usually passive-aggressive, serious and physically tense shell.

    I try not to be too judgemental of people, and always invent justifiable reasons as to why someone acts and should be allowed to act in a particular manner. I dislike jumping to conclusions about someone's behavior and dislike judging people for the good/bad things they do. And I get annoyed when someone tries to jump to conclusions or judge as well.
    However, despite my naturally "understanding", "accepting" and "tolerant" position towards others, I still, almost instantly, upon meeting or observing a new person, want to categorize him as a "simpleton" or as an "aristocrat." Hence, my mind "sorts" people into 2 groups in a very elitist and judgemental manner, but despite this fact, I still treat "simpletons" and "aristocrats" as equals and approach their behavior in an equally understanding and accepting manner. (but I'm nevertheless more excited about communicating with those whom I categorize as "aristocratic")

    I think I mostly prefer emotional harmony, and get easily irritated when there's conflict between different members of the group. However, just because I'm irritated by lack of emotional harmony doesn't mean I act to restore order. On the contrary, I feel "insulted" by the lack of acceptance and understanding within a group, and my usual reaction to insults tends to be cold, aggressive, challenging and stand-off-ish.
    "If you want a fight so much, fine, I'll give you a fight you'll never forget!"

    When I work or help others

    I hate work, and prefer to live in my usual routine-less, responsibility-less world, full of fantasies and experiments. But despite this, whenever I am told to work, I tend to beat everyone at it. I like to not only prove that I'm competent, talented and skilled, but must absolutely prove that I am more competent, more talented and more skilled than anyone else. Hence, even though I avoid work when nobody obliges me to work, when someone obliges me to do a job or asks for help, I'll overdo it 3-fold. Just few weeks ago, when my whole team at the office was out for holidays/volunteering, and I had to support the workload of the entire team by my lonesome self, I overexerted myself to the point of actually not just supporting, but accomplishing the work of 4 people by myself. And then got many raised eyebrows from management. (needless to say, my head hurt all evening and night after that, since I've kept it in a focused state for 8 hours straight)
    Likewise, when someone asks me to help, I feel just as obliged to meet their expectations 3-fold. Never leaving the job half-done, never fully-done, and always overdone!


    I feel ashamed, that despite my seemingly good understanding of the physical/mechanical nature of the world and of my body, I still haven't forced myself to learn to swim and drive a car. I can understand any physical skill/action in a very detailed logical way, and even duplicate and predict any physical phenomenon in my imagination. But due to my excessive level of caution towards the physical world, I tend to often abstain from doing the physical things I desire to do and would certainly enjoy to do - because I'm either too scared or too lazy to do/learn them.
    Last edited by kotorel; 07-11-2018 at 07:24 PM.

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    If you post a video, it'd be much easier to type you.

    But I'm going to tentatively throw out SLI as a possiblity for you, due to your focus on sensory elegance, your visualization, your idealism and perfectionism (seems reminiscent of delta quadra values to me), and your competitiveness despite disliking work. in fact the more I'm reading over SLI, the more I'm reminded of your post. Maybe you'd like to look it over and see if it hits home?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
    But I'm going to tentatively throw out SLI as a possiblity for you, due to your focus on sensory elegance, your visualization, your idealism and perfectionism (seems reminiscent of delta quadra values to me), and your competitiveness despite disliking work. in fact the more I'm reading over SLI, the more I'm reminded of your post. Maybe you'd like to look it over and see if it hits home?
    What I found that doesn't fit me in said description:

    "SLI has very good memory for colors, odors, and somatic sensations; he can easily recreate these in his mind. He may be able to recall the taste of some food years later."
    I actually have a pretty bad memory of colors, odors and somatic sensations, and can't at all recreate them in my mind. This is Si, as in, sensations which the body consumes, analyzes, and stores in an internal library. My memory is strictly related to physical motion/mechanisms, not to how they "feel", but how they "work" and "interact".
    I tend to have a pretty bad memory in general, as my mind has a stubborn tendency to instantly forget things which it considers "unimportant". Hence I also easily forget names, addresses, numbers, etc. But nevertheless remembers the mechanical interactions between bodies or phenomenons.

    "he prefers to leisurely "relish" his experiences, timely distinguishing and separating the pleasant from the unpleasant ones"
    I tend to be an all-or-nothing type of person. Either I completely abstain from something, or I overindulge in it. This goes for sports (I either do nothing, or overexert my body to the point of getting myself injured), as well as goes for food/drink (either I abstain from food/drink, or I indulge in it, which leads to pain or sickness)

    P.S. I also always consider myself to be a Ti rather than a Te, and had a tendency to argue about the nature of logic and goal-setting with very template Te-people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kotorel View Post
    What I found that doesn't fit me in said description:

    "SLI has very good memory for colors, odors, and somatic sensations; he can easily recreate these in his mind. He may be able to recall the taste of some food years later."
    I actually have a pretty bad memory of colors, odors and somatic sensations, and can't at all recreate them in my mind. This is Si, as in, sensations which the body consumes, analyzes, and stores in an internal library. My memory is strictly related to physical motion/mechanisms, not to how they "feel", but how they "work" and "interact".
    I tend to have a pretty bad memory in general, as my mind has a stubborn tendency to instantly forget things which it considers "unimportant". Hence I also easily forget names, addresses, numbers, etc. But nevertheless remembers the mechanical interactions between bodies or phenomenons.

    "he prefers to leisurely "relish" his experiences, timely distinguishing and separating the pleasant from the unpleasant ones"
    I tend to be an all-or-nothing type of person. Either I completely abstain from something, or I overindulge in it. This goes for sports (I either do nothing, or overexert my body to the point of getting myself injured), as well as goes for food/drink (either I abstain from food/drink, or I indulge in it, which leads to pain or sickness)

    P.S. I also always consider myself to be a Ti rather than a Te, and had a tendency to argue about the nature of logic and goal-setting with very template Te-people.
    Hmm I see what you're saying. Then I'm at a loss xD @MrsTortilla's guess of LII sounds more accurate than some, though.

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    without video there is low chance to get the correct type

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    Quote Originally Posted by Xaiviay View Post
    Hmm I see what you're saying. Then I'm at a loss xD @MrsTortilla's guess of LII sounds more accurate than some, though.
    His writing reminds me of my LII brother. The scenes he imagines are also like drawings my brother would do. They weren’t very skilled drawings but portrayed really similar characters/themes as the OP describes.
    @kotorel what do you think of LII (INTj) for your typing?

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    Quote Originally Posted by MrsTortilla View Post
    His writing reminds me of my LII brother. The scenes he imagines are also like drawings my brother would do. They weren’t very skilled drawings but portrayed really similar characters/themes as the OP describes.
    @kotorel what do you think of LII (INTj) for your typing?
    To be honest I've been through all this LII/ILI (socionics) and INTP/INTJ (mbti) stuff more times than I'd enjoy. I've been actually quite active on pretty much every socionics and mbti forum for several years, constantly appearing under new names and giving descriptions of myself as though a stranger to the whole community, to ensure that whomever is typing me isn't being influenced by any kind of personal bias.

    I've originally considered myself an intuitive based on personality tests. But let's face it, a majority of the people I talk to online end up typing as ILI's and LII's on those tests, which is illogical in terms of statistics and weird considering they actually have very different personalities in day-to-day encounters. Hence I've learned to disregard test results as at all any useful or insightful. But before this happened, I furiously defended my right to be an intuitive, and constantly met opposition, by people claiming with absolute conviction that there's no way in hell that I'm an intuitive, and that being a sensor is the only possible/obvious option for me.

    I've looked into sensors, and have been typed as an ESTP (in mbti) by some experienced members on other forums. The general description of SLE-Ti seemed to fit me, with just a few exceptions (for example, while SLE's are more fluid, I'm more robotic and physically tense).

    What doesn't sit well with all Ne/Si or Si/Ne types and me, is that rather than displaying Si, I tend to display more Se. I strive for physical expression, for creating a mess (instead of creating order), sometimes needlessly throwing things around or breaking them. I have a constant need to move around, so I often find it hard to sit or stand in one place for prolonged periods of time, and tend to either needlessly walk in circles, twist my body, flex my hands/fingers. Sometimes people just tell me to "settle the fuck down."
    My style of conversation often includes a "commanding" voice, and many get offended as they feel as though I'm constantly trying to boss them around (whereas I'm not really doing this intentionally).
    My facial expressions tend to be of 2 kinds only: either A) serious/angry or B) smug, cunning, or way-too-happy-about-himself.
    I consider myself to be well attuned to the "power-dynamics" in any group or situation, and evaluate every situation, interaction, person and object based on how much influence/effect it can cause on its social/physical environment. Whatever is powerful in its ability to induce/cause change or reform its social/physical surroundings is deemed as admirable by me.
    (P.S. I seem to relate a lot to type 8 ennaegram along with type 5 as well)

    If this fits an LII, then maybe I am one indeed.
    Last edited by kotorel; 07-12-2018 at 08:06 AM.

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    I'm going to guess Alpha Quadra, LII.

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    Sounds like devaluing Se and Fe valuing.

    So Alpha.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    Obvious Intuitive imo, imagination is your theme. Possibly ethical. Weak Se. You limit and define yourself for your weaknesses and limitations, instead of using (Ne) intuition of possibilities, so Ni I'd say.

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    It sounds kinda crazy to make a bunch of new accounts to get typed “objectively.” Because although you avoid preconceptions, you are also getting rid of all the data.

    For example, based on your initial post up there, I get no idea about you really.

    But then you jumped to telling us what type you think might fit you.

    These things do come off abrasive and short-sighted, so I guess SLE could work, as in got-no-Fi, needs-moar-Ni. But there’s just not enough info to push you into a box. Even irl it can take a while for me to decide on a type I think fits someone, and that’s with the advantage of interaction and visuals.

    So hang around a while and decide gradually on a type that makes decent sense, without getting hung up on a paragraph or two of the canned descriptions, as those are composites or examples and won’t match anyone 100 percent.

    Consider a type something you are trying on, not something you’re stuck with permanently.
    Last edited by golden; 07-12-2018 at 01:25 PM.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    We could be mental twins. Yeah, your self-description sound a lot like LII.
    Except that english isn't my native language and I'm unable to describe myself ins such an detailed way. I'd need hours to write long texts in English.

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    the not driving or swimming thing seems indicative of a 1d function. being able to drive is a norm. a strong function could flout it, but it would not cause any sort of negativity and it wouldn't be considered a genuine challenge, rather a genuine "I could do that I simply choose not to" and totally mean it and be capable of backing it up. to be sure people use the same words for cover for what they really can't do, but its not the same

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    You are definitely not ESTp @kotorel. I am 99% sure my brother is INTj and if I go function by function I can give examples that show he exhibits each in that particular way, but I think that that would have the same effect as you just reading the functions. Also, truthfully I’m not the best with logical explanation of socionics BUT I tend to be fairly good at assessing traits/descriptions of someone and relating those descriptions to people I know in real life. Therefore I can say you seem LII to me. Sorry I’m not being more helpful.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kotorel
    But due to my excessive level of caution towards the physical world, I tend to often abstain from doing the physical things I desire to do and would certainly enjoy to do - because I'm either too scared or too lazy to do/learn them.
    Why do you have so much caution and fear towards the physical world? Do you think your dreams and fantasies are trying to make up for that fear, to imagine yourself as something different than what you are? Or is it something else?

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    Quote Originally Posted by kotorel View Post
    How my imagination and creative-thinking works

    When I attempt to come up with a story or imagine a scene, my mind becomes overloaded with very detailed action-scenes, which are always focused on people, their elegance and strength of their movements, the elegance and good taste in their clothes, and the dangerous/explosive environments/situations or tools they are required to interact with.

    An important particularity of the scenes I imagine, is that, unlike the typical action thriller with big guys running around with big muscles and wearing dirty torn clothes, the characters I imagine tend to be physically clean, clever-looking, possess gentle physical traits, lean, to a degree project a "classicist" or and "aristocratic" demeanor. But regardless of their gentle shell, they always possess extremely good physical coordination, and contain an enormous amount of explosive energy inside of them, which they don't openly show or waste, but rather direct it in a concentrated form towards winning their battles, achieving their goals, or suddenly and unexpectedly punching someone in the face. They rarely smile, and almost always have a focused and/or important look and aura about them.

    I guess you could summarize both paragraphs above as: I like the image of a gentle and perfect being, walking atop the edge of a sharp blade (metaphorically speaking). Beauty and perfection must always be faced with immense danger and threats, and either be completely crushed by those challenges or confidently overcome them.

    If I would write a novel, it would absolutely have to do something about war, politics, conquest, secret societies, aristocracy, mysteries, magic, guns, and martial arts.

    Most of the dreams I have at night, in about 90-95% of cases tend to be action-oriented, with vivid imagery, lots of physical and explosive expression, lots of running, jumping-around, or fighting, or exploring new large environments while traveling at a high speed. I rarely have nightmares, as I tend to turn every monster/killer/offender in my dream into my victim, by beating him up or teasing him with my ability to easily maneuver away from his grasp.

    The music, paintings, stories that inspire me most - tend to be a combination of melancholy, realism, explosive-bombastic-epicness. Whatever I seek, want, and enjoy, always has to be "bigger than life", "devious", "challenge gods", "destroy routines", "destroy or exceed expectations", "be phenomenal".

    How I act and dress in the real life, and what's my reasoning behind doing so

    Just as the characters I imagine in my stories, I tend to try to construct a similar image of me in real life. I like elegant clothing styles, I tend to choose conservative colors and pieces of clothing (office-style is the most predominant element in my attire). But despite choosing strictness in clothing items, I choose a laid-back way of wearing those items. I prefer my office shirts to be untucked, and the sleeves to be rolled up. In part because it's more comfortable that way, in part because I want to portray a hands-on type of personality - someone who's always ready to adapt to an unexpected situation and react physically to solve it. (be it a sudden fight, a sudden emergency, or anything else). Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig gave me a lot of inspiration in developing my style, because they too, while mostly relying on elegant styles of clothing, wear that clothing in a slightly lax/laid-back/hands-on type of manner.
    The reason I choose this elegant, but slightly laid-back/messy style, is because I want to convey good tastes that are combined with flexibility and adaptability.

    My movements/gait tends to be somewhat robotic and tense. People often tell me that I should relax my shoulders and limbs more, as the excessive tension I project tends to make some people feel uncomfortable. I know how to loosen up physically and become fluid, since I spent many years of my childhood in dancing and was very successful there. But for some reason, my mind perceives the 2 ways of using my body ("fluid dancer" and "rigid tense officer") as 2 different modes of existence, and despite fully understanding them on a bodily-logical-mechanical way, prefers the rigid mode in daily life. (but can switch to fluid dancer under special conditions)

    The way I tend to react to my surroundings tends to be what I would describe as "alert" and "jumpy". I walk in a "fast" and "forceful" manner. My gestures tend to be quick and sudden. I quickly turn my head towards the object/scene of interest, and tend to give everyone and everything straight and focused stares, which at times intimidates people. Sometimes tilting my head downwards and looking at the object/person "from under my eye-brows", or alternatively tilting my head to the side, and giving a judgemental/assessing/condemning look. Probably because of this, I often received such comments as: "Why are you so serious? Did something happen", or "Why are you angry? Did I do something to you?" or "Why are you so stand-off-ish / aggressive?"
    I too, just as the imaginary characters in my imagined scenes/stories, have a lot of explosive energy boiling deep inside me, and I focus it at times as a sharp and narrow "death-ray" towards an object or person of my concern or interest. Although sometimes this energy can explode physically, and I might do something stupid as jumping, running, or kicking things (but this happens rarely)

    When I communicate I need to move my arms a lot, and do so subconsciously. The movements of my arms and hands often attempt to "draw" physical objects in the air, that explain the point I'm trying to make. If, for example, I'm talking about a paper document and their contents - while speaking, my hands will attempt to show the approximate amount of text the document had, how the paragraphs were separated, and maybe even use my finger to draw the signature of the person whomever signed those documents.

    Despite my usually serious, withdrawn, and stand-off-ish attitude and demeanor, I enjoy to joke around, to tease people, and have a tendency to laugh even at the most stupidest of jokes, or attempt to make a stupid joke myself, and then scold myself for it mentally. Sarcasm is a very common trait in my humor, and at times a bit too common. However, sometimes my jokes tend to be way too complicated, as they skip several steps in their logical progression. In such situations, it might take my conversation partners several minutes to actually figure out what I meant and react to said joke, when their mind finally walks through the several logical steps I skipped and reaches the funny part.
    I have no particular reason to joke and tease, it's just a guilty pleasure which at times shows itself under a usually passive-aggressive, serious and physically tense shell.

    I try not to be too judgemental of people, and always invent justifiable reasons as to why someone acts and should be allowed to act in a particular manner. I dislike jumping to conclusions about someone's behavior and dislike judging people for the good/bad things they do. And I get annoyed when someone tries to jump to conclusions or judge as well.
    However, despite my naturally "understanding", "accepting" and "tolerant" position towards others, I still, almost instantly, upon meeting or observing a new person, want to categorize him as a "simpleton" or as an "aristocrat." Hence, my mind "sorts" people into 2 groups in a very elitist and judgemental manner, but despite this fact, I still treat "simpletons" and "aristocrats" as equals and approach their behavior in an equally understanding and accepting manner. (but I'm nevertheless more excited about communicating with those whom I categorize as "aristocratic")

    I think I mostly prefer emotional harmony, and get easily irritated when there's conflict between different members of the group. However, just because I'm irritated by lack of emotional harmony doesn't mean I act to restore order. On the contrary, I feel "insulted" by the lack of acceptance and understanding within a group, and my usual reaction to insults tends to be cold, aggressive, challenging and stand-off-ish.
    "If you want a fight so much, fine, I'll give you a fight you'll never forget!"

    When I work or help others

    I hate work, and prefer to live in my usual routine-less, responsibility-less world, full of fantasies and experiments. But despite this, whenever I am told to work, I tend to beat everyone at it. I like to not only prove that I'm competent, talented and skilled, but must absolutely prove that I am more competent, more talented and more skilled than anyone else. Hence, even though I avoid work when nobody obliges me to work, when someone obliges me to do a job or asks for help, I'll overdo it 3-fold. Just few weeks ago, when my whole team at the office was out for holidays/volunteering, and I had to support the workload of the entire team by my lonesome self, I overexerted myself to the point of actually not just supporting, but accomplishing the work of 4 people by myself. And then got many raised eyebrows from management. (needless to say, my head hurt all evening and night after that, since I've kept it in a focused state for 8 hours straight)
    Likewise, when someone asks me to help, I feel just as obliged to meet their expectations 3-fold. Never leaving the job half-done, never fully-done, and always overdone!


    I feel ashamed, that despite my seemingly good understanding of the physical/mechanical nature of the world and of my body, I still haven't forced myself to learn to swim and drive a car. I can understand any physical skill/action in a very detailed logical way, and even duplicate and predict any physical phenomenon in my imagination. But due to my excessive level of caution towards the physical world, I tend to often abstain from doing the physical things I desire to do and would certainly enjoy to do - because I'm either too scared or too lazy to do/learn them.
    You have a well-developed imagination, and you've chosen to focus on your mental image of things to a somewhat excessive degree. This already suggests high Ni. Along with the content of your imaginations (which includes domination and action, Se themes), the stuff about projecting an image and wanting to "beat" others, having lots of internal tension and "explosive energy", and fascination with "bigger than life" things, I would suggest you are Beta NF.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    You have a well-developed imagination, and you've chosen to focus on your mental image of things to a somewhat excessive degree. This already suggests high Ni. Along with the content of your imaginations (which includes domination and action, Se themes), the stuff about projecting an image and wanting to "beat" others, having lots of internal tension and "explosive energy", and fascination with "bigger than life" things, I would suggest you are Beta NF.
    Here’s the important question as it relates to Beta NF @kotorel, how do you feel about the Smiths/Morrissey? ;-)

  18. #18
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    You seem to be Ni-Se valuing, and my initial guess would be Beta NF. You also seem a little out there, perhaps a normal questionnaire would help focus your responses into something that we could attain more information from.

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