I think that to make concepts like "freedom" and "liberty" the be-all and end-all is to miss the point. Perhaps we could say that things like freedom are emergent properties of collective rational intelligence.

I think that there will always be some people who are more powerful than you, for whatever the reason. There will always be people who wish to or can dominate and impose themselves upon you. So to counter that, we have banded together to create collective power and say "No! You can not have power over me! That is unjust!" or something like that. So concepts like freedom and liberty are really just the result of concepts like human rights, which are the results of a collective rational effort and intelligence. "Give me freedom or give me death" is an expression of that thought, but freedom is not the goal. "I will not let you violate my freedom" is another way of saying, "I do not approve of your power".

So libertarians just want to ignore the whole process, and think that things like liberty and freedom were just naturally "there" from the start and that they're God-given, inalienable rights, and take it for granted people fought for those rights, and that those rights precede freedom and liberty. Concepts like freedom and liberty emerged from those rights.