Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
Basically I think there is alot of confusion behind claiming that "government is a necessary evil". No, it is either a necessary good, or not necessary at all. Pick and choose.

I interpret this as "what we have is all good and well otherwise we wouldn't need it/have it.", or am I making it wrong?
Yes, you're interpreting it wrong.

Are you aware of the way many libertarians claim "government is a necessary evil"? They don't like government, don't even believe in it as a result, but still believe it should exist because it's the lesser of two evils between government and anarchy.

All I'm saying is that if we're going to have government we might as well strive for one we believe in. This poses alot of problems of course, like not everyone agreeing to a "social contract", the government seeming perfect on paper but having many flaws in practice (like you said).

Besides, as I wrote in my OP, this isn't meant to be some dogmatic declaration in stone. I was just re-examining my own former stance as government being a "necessary evil" since I used to beleive that. Now, I don't know what I would label myself politically and it doesn't even matter to me much. Others can label me, lol. They are free to.