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    Default My type has been thrown into question.

    I thought I was EII but I relate to most of the IEI descritpion. My MBTI is INFP FWIW.

    What is beauty? What is love?

    What is beauty? To me beauty is subjective, I can look at something and find it beautiful through the flow of it's shapes, the sharpness of someone's facial features. But I also find vulnerablity beautiful, when you can see the subtitles of someone's insides barely surface, I love that. Love to me is deep closness and understanding of two people to the point that they almost speak their own language that other's do not understand. I love is inside jokes between you and your lover, it's the certain kind of kiss you know they like, it's care for their well being but also care for their personal likes, dreams, goals and desires.

    What are your most important values?
    My faith in God. Whether that's a value or not, but my belief in God and staying true to that even in a world of opposition is of the most importance to me. Is creativity a value? I hold creativity to high regard, I'll also throw in trust and honesty, I hold trust and honesty to high regard as well. I don't like people who try to impose their will on other's as well, not sure if that is a value, but people who try to contorl others I cannot stand, I do not think people are created to be controlled by other people, because who is to say you are so "better than" that other's should submit to YOUR will.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I believe in God. The bible explains the world to me in a way that I understand life through and can see how the events in life line up well with it's explanation of life.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I think nations should be able to defend themselves if necessary. What most describe as power I do not like, force, oppression and all that, control over people, that's what most call power and I do not like it. I like power that is strong but harnessed, power that is strong but kind and grants freedom to those under it's protect. Power to me is the ability to be strong and protect but not hurt or oppress those around you. Also influence is power as well.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    God, I have opened up to complete strangers indepth once they have showed an interest or belief in God themselves. Also my friends are believers and we talk for long a long time about our beliefs and how we relate to the world around us with our beliefs, and how the world either accepts or doesn't accept our beliefs. I also talk about other wierd beliefs out there and other beliefs that oppose my own beliefs. Also MBTI, I have talked extensively long about MBTI. Also business branding, how companies are percieved by consumers and the companies themselves and how their perspectives differ. Also Art, art industry, animation, art techniques and animation techniques, video game ideas I have.

    My interests are my beliefs, art, animation. Animation and video game development. I have many video game ideas I would love to bring to life, I imagine whole world in my head a great deal and wish to flesh them out and create them for others to experience as well. I can day dream about my own creative worlds in my mind for awhile and begin to draw things out, the things I usually draw are almost never landscapes and are usually a central character my stories revolve around or a variety pf characters that can be interacted with. I usually try to improve my artistic abilities. I also am interested in understanding people, having an awareness of how everybody works so that I can speak to them in their "language" that is my main reason behind studying MBTI and typology in general. Also to try and improve efforts in romance, to understand how to smooth over conflicts i romantic relations and maximize affection and attraction towards each other, so I focus on studying duality quite a bite because of that.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

    What do you think of daily chores?
    Ignore. Stress.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I don't really read books much, the last thing I really loved on TV was Avatar last Airbender and Legend of Korra. Being plunged into this world where humans can use elemental powers and fight against each other was just the coolest thing ever. This is probably an offshoot of my interest in Dragon Ball Z as a child. Any cartoon about powers and martial arts fighting I usually fall in love with quick, but only if the action fight scenes are done very very very well. I also love action anime.

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I cried when I watched the movie wonderwoman, because this strong battle ready woman had a vulnerable moment with thia man she fell in love with. I cried because I felt like this more "masculine" woman could not have a soft side, and in the face of seeing her soft side I felt like she sort of transcended gender and I saw her ans neither a "masculine" woman or man or whatever, I just saw her as a person and that moved me so much i cired.

    I also cried when I saw a cuban family running a cuban cafe restuarant. I cried because I imagined this man had set out a goal to move to America and start a business with his family, and he had his dream come true with the most important people in his life closest to him. I cried because I compared that life that I saw an sweetly simple to my own trauma of being away for my own family and trying to make my imaginations a reality and seeing this as much more futile and impossible as compared to what this man has accomplished, and how sweet and simple his life seemed compared to my own. (< I think I repeated myself there, sorry if I did). I just as beauty in the simplicity and cried lol.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    At my church. We all feel unified in our beliefs and it really activates me to the point that I feel way more talkative than when I am around strangers. So much more talkative infact that I become a source of entertainment. It is the place I feel deep ease and comfort, and authentic. At work I am always aware there might be people who do not believe what I believe so I feel like there is a side of me that I cannot share with my environment, a HUGE side of me that is. A side of me that feels like a tether to life, unless I am surrounded by my church family, I feel slightly untethered.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I can be lazy, and I hate that about myself, I feel like I lack will power to make my dreams a reality and that is like the biggest flaw I perceive in my life, but what other's they might think I am irresponsible, not focused or a hard worker, some people (who do not know my) think I might be too quite, also I have had someone tell me to stand up for myself, I don't see it as a flaw but that person did. I just hate the fact that I am not a go-getter, I feel like people are told to be that all the time and I seriously feel that lacking in myself. I also find it hard to keep a routine or endure physical pain for too long, the routines I keep are some bad habits and past time pleasures like playing video games. Whenever I set out to do something for a long period of time I usually stop or forget to keep up the routine, like if I told myself I am going to draw everyday this week, I would forget the next day, and the day after that I might remember but tell myself what's the use I can't keep the routine up anyway and I'll just completely stop, I don't like that about myself.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Creativity, I can be really witty and funny on the stop and come up with cool ideas, I like these things about myself but people mostly see my strengths in humor with witty comments and awareness of sarcasm and being able to add to jokes and such. Also people see my drawing as a strength and they often tell me I am better than I really think that I am. Also animation, I find it easy to guess how the human body would move in reality and replicate it and I have been told my work is pretty good.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Setting easy to accomplish goals, finding out what works and being able to find EASY ways to do things, easy ways that work and have worked many times before. I HATE! HATE!HATE HATE! Hard work, I HATE when people stress me to work harder! So it is much more valuable to me if someone showed me an easier way to get my work done, not a harder way or a way that requires me to put in large amounts of effort. @Bertrand just suggested to me that I go a search up Gulenko, Aushra, Jung and all these folks to find out what EII really is. Just reading that alone I could feel the lazy resistence to do so. Sounds like too much work.

    If there was a place where all the "correct" type descriptions and pretty much everything you need to know about socionics could be found then I would rather just be pointed to that place, that would be useful.

    So yea, also structure, set deadlines, all these things are things that could help me stay on tract and accomplish my goals. In short, easy proven methods, and d set deadlines (not set by me because I can easily override them). If I had more of that in my life, life would be much better.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Yes. When I feel like I cannot escape my own bad habits to progress in life I feel like I can't to anything to change myself to become better and that I am just doomed to only ever doing what I have always done, sit around, dream, and doing nothing. I feel like sometimes I cannot survive in this world on my own. My friend has gotten me my recent job, and it sort of scares me because if it was left up to me I'm not sure I would have gotten this job and I'm not sure I can get the next job if this one goes away. I feel stuck because I am in this job that has nothing to do with my passion or what I want to do in life, I want to get out and attack my dreams but I cannot survive off that and I have bills to pay.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I love people who just exude a sense of genuineness about then, not nice just to be nice, not just happy because that's acceptable, but a deep down geniune nature that can be heard in the voice because their words sound more heavy and real. I like people who react to me and my weird ways either in a surprised way or a way that seems like they think I am funny. I like people who can be witty and understand inside jokes or jokes without much explanation. I also outgoing people, they energize me, like people who laugh loud and speak confidently. I like people who can be playful and serious, that is a nice transition, too playful and I feel like we have to learn to be serious and too serious I feel like we have to relax.

    I don't like shallow people, people who only talk about fast cars, women like they are objects, smoking weed (ugh) or alchohol, or partying all the time. or people her curse every other word, or people who make fun of religion or religious people and think they are stupid. Or people who make harsh jokes at other's expense,

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    Romance to me is to deep emotions shared between two people that are not always seen or known by others. The understanding between each other that excludes others. The closeness and quite understanding of each other, like our own secret little world. being romantic to me means really touching on personal things the person likes, not really generally liked thins but things that this person and this person alone could only like, if it was a gift to her it could not work for any other girl because they would not understand it it could only work for the girl I love ebcause I understand her likes so deeply. Sex cannot happen for me unless I am emotionally connected to and comfortable with this person. Sex with strangers is something that I don't even think I could be aroused enough to do. And sex to me is about deeply intimate emotions being expressed as physical love towards your partner, not just a physical act to me, but one of the most intimate expressions of deeply held love for a person. That's probably a foo foo way of seeing sex, but idc.

    In a partner I need someone who shares my own beliefs. Non-negotiable, I tired to date an agnostic/atheist once and it did not work, and I do not like hiding this huge pat of myself. I feel like I cannot be connected to someone truly if we do not agree one the way we see life. If you see life through the atheist lens then you also see life through a lens that says my beliefs are wrong, and that can be a major point of contention in a relationship.

    I also really need a partner who shares my sense of humor. Out of the relationships I have had, this has been a huge reason why it worked for as long as it did. Witty playful banter, shared soft laughs, laughs followed by a chest slap are just my cup of tea. Those moments of laughter shared feel like real bonding to me, without that I don't even know what a relationship is. I don't like when people think y sense of humor is corny because I feel like I just lost a major point of bonding or connection with that person, we probably won't make god friends.

    Physical attraction is also a must. I just can't lie to myself and really commit myself to someone I find no physical arousal with, makes no sense to do such a thing even though I have tried it, but it was because of a serious emotional connection.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I would try to find what my child is good at early and place them in an environment that focuses on that very early on in life, because they will be a step ahead of many people later in life and success might just come knocking on their door. That is the only concrete method I have right now for child raising, everything else I think will need to be learned on the job.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Internally I will cringe and disagree tremendously, outwardly I might become silent to avoid the rest of the conversation if it is serious enough I will start to defend my beliefs because I just cannot have someone stepping all over my beliefs like that. I usually just try to dismiss as incorrect and move on, I don't always feel the need to explain myself. I do not like talking to people about my beliefs if they disagree. My beliefs are personal and not up for scrutiny.

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I usually become friend with people of mutual interest or sense of humor. And I joke with them quite a bit in between of talking about an interesting topic, it's an interplay of jokes and opinion sharing, life events sharing, and observation sharing, or belief sharing if they share my beliefs, if not we don't even talk about it.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Quite, observing them to see if they are the kind of persona I could be myself around or parts of myself around, I do not like being in situations where I have to met strangers lol.

    But I do not relate much to the emotive expression in the IEI descprtions, I do not relate to the disciplined hard working nature of EII, or the self sacrifcing to the point of neglecting your own needs part of EII. I relate mostly to the dreamer and irresponsible nature of the IEI. the IEI description sounds like an MBTI INFP description.

    But when reading the information elements I strongly relate to these.

    Ne as Creative Function (EII, LII)

    The individual likes to apply his insights to specific situations and discussions. He grasps a generalized snapshot of the conversation capturing the essential information and then looks at how events, people, concepts, and things are related with each other. By spotting these similarities and analogies he hopes to find general trends, patterns, prevailing attitudes, universal rules and values of his environment and the people within it. He enjoys discussing different potential viewpoints and often adds new tangents to a conversation, thereby prolonging the discussion sometimes seemingly indefinitely. In conversation, he may give idealized accounts and statements and prefers to talk about things and events how then could be instead of explaining and talking about them as they already are. He does not pursue ideas or new opportunities merely for their own sake, but for their application to specific situations, questions, and issues that he is currently engaged with.

    Se as Vulnerable Function (EII, LII)

    This individual handles his needs by being prudent and farsighted. He mentally foresees which actions may be harmful or inopportune to himself and disruptive of his physical state and homeostasis. He doesn't intrude onto other people's space or territory and is easily annoyed and flustered by someone transgressing into his own space. He notices what may be perceived as violation of one's personal space, and disapproves of those who regularly act in such a way. He tries to prevent and bypass anything that would result in upsetting his own physical homeostasis and chastises people who are too rowdy, who create extra commotion or drama that directly disturbs him, or create sudden disruptions by their behavior such as playing practical jokes. Such indvidual may be verbally assertive, start or join in verbal disagreements and conflicts where he has to impose and defend his ideas, values, and opinions, but will try to avoid any direct confrontations where his physical state and continuity of his life are directly at stake. During conflict he prefers to anticipate and choose his fights carefully; for example, he may act out unusually aggressively when he knows that he has the backing of other powerful individuals. In inopportune confrontational situations, he may overreact and respond in excess, seem too confrontational and contentious, he may even flip out and go berserk, which later ruins his mood and exhausts him. At the same time he is sensitive towards any comments concerning his own volitional qualities and ability to stand up for himself and may try to prove them false in any way by masquerading the opposite qualities. Such individual often feels himself insufficient to actively track, organize, and change his environment and instead turns to others for such help. In cases of physical discomfort this individual usually patiently and stoically endures through his hardships, but if the problem is not dealt with eventually, he may flare up or have a physical and emotional break down. He is good at sharing information, teaching and instructing others, but lacks ability to physically force them to anything. The individual doesn't pay much attention to external physical qualities, his own or those of others, and may belittle conversations on this topic, considering it not be worthy of attention and that inner qualities and personal potential are more important.

    I do not relate to these though.

    Ni as Leading Function (IEI, ILI)

    As a base function, Ni generally manifests itself through a lack of direct attention to the world around oneself, and a sense of detachment or freedom from worldly affairs. This can lead to a highly developed imagination and very unique mental world, but it can also result in a great deal of laziness and apparent inactivity. Because the individual gets his or her primary information about the world through mindful simulation of events, a person with leading Ni may be able to thrive in situations where data are scarce, or where he or she lacks the usual prerequisite experience. However, this may also become a disadvantage if the person becomes overly reliant on his mental simulations while disregarding attaining actual experience in areas that interest him, turning down opportunities without trying them out which leads to boredom. The ability to transcend the axis of time and understand the cause and effect relationships that occur is also a feature, sometimes resulting in the ability to accurately predict general future trends and outcomes of certain events.

    Ne as Ignoring Function (IEI, ILI)

    The individual is aware of many possibilities and connections between different areas of knowledge and experience, but prefers to consder and talk about only the most probable ones, which he selects by connecting them with the past trends. Such individual is keenly aware of past trends and recurring cycles, and the context that they create, however, this serves to curb and the options that he considers to be viable, effective, and likely. He is able to grasp the intrinsic potential of a given even, person, or block of information, but prefers to restrict indulging such assessments in the face of understanding the latent past processes underpinning said things. When somebody is voicing alternatives that to him sound improbable and unlikely to happen, he is either dismissive or irritated by such information. Sometimes feels like others around him are busy reinventing the wheel and making statements that are nothing new in their essence.

    And definitely not this more like the opposite, I usually think large emotions in group settings are nice and all but I value the more subtle emotions between 2 people as the "real deal"

    Fi as Demonstrative Function (IEI, SEI)

    The individual is quite adept at understanding the interactions in personal bonds between two individuals, even in the absence of an obvious external emotional expression; but he is inclined to regard them as of lesser importance, and less interesting, than the broader emotional interactions in the context of a larger group. Moreover, those personal bonds are perceived as situational and dynamic rather than static.

    So yea, what's my type in socionics? I'm another stuck on the whole EII, IEI thing.
    Last edited by Lord Pixel; 06-30-2018 at 09:23 PM.

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    who even wrote those descriptions? i get the sense a lot of the wikisocion stuff is a bastardization of some kind, perhaps written to be more accessible, but it often fails in my opinion to capture the essence of socionics, and instead, especially when people start from that as that basis of their understanding, leads to more stereotypes, despite being presented as a more "technical description" because it goes by function. its illusory because its founded an a partial or biased understanding of Jung and an Aushra and is more "folk-lore" than socionics, a kind of "american school" and not nearly as rigorous as the former soviets, who are already fragmented enough. if peolpe want to go off functional descriptions they should direct rip Aushra if they want to be orthodox (sol would aprove) or even Jung would be better (hipster orthodox) or gulenko or ermak if they want a contemporary systemic approach. or if you want to go by more literary vignettes, Strat, although she uses Reinin a lot which makes her deceptively deep and difficult to understand. if the idea is the English speaking stuff is perfectly appropriate the conclusions likewise need to be kept within the scope of their authority, which means any type based on them as authorities foremost mean you're strictly in that world, i.e.: the school of being halfway between MBTI and socionics and not really with a clear foot in either: using MBTI descriptions and socionics functional descriptions and all of this, its ultimately meaningless as to what type someone is within that system because that system consists of nothing but hodgepodge assumptions and amount to nothing more than the justification and prejudice and subsequent expression of the person in question, but is so individually subjective because of all the disconnected and idiosyncratic factors as to be a mirage of a "type", invoking the words, with none of the substance; in this sense it is nothing but a parasite on the reputation of socionics because it in fact bears no connection to it except to leech off some air of authority that ultimately results in more harm to socionics than credibility to the speaker... the endstate of this process is the complete destruction of socionics and the abandonment of it by the people who did this to it, for the reason it failed them, without realizing the hand they had in the process...
    Last edited by Bertrand; 06-30-2018 at 07:43 PM.

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    you've put together such a great description of EII dealing with LIE's Ni vs LSE's Si in this post that I don't think this would have occurred to a Ni leading type. if your type is indeed IEI then your experience with and perception of LIEs would be quite different imo

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    so my understanding is it was ripped from, and from there I can't tell what their sources are but so far it seems like my theory is correct, where its just some random english speaking school of socionics, not unlike WSS. I think that is the reason for discrepancy in type, to answer your question, which is people are working with an array of fundamentally contradictory and confused source material. what is IEI in one system may very well be EII in another

    you might as well ask what your vultology type is or ask what khcs types you, since its all fundamentally on the same level. sort of post hoc organizations of someone elses work re arranged in a slightly novel way purporting itself to be true to something although its unclear what, but without any real basis in the genuine stream of thought that gave rise to the nugget of truth it leeches off of, which goes something like Kant-> Hegel -> Nietzsche ->Jung -> Aushra

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    who even wrote those descriptions? i get the sense a lot of the wikisocion stuff is a bastardization of some kind, perhaps written to be more accessible, but it often fails in my opinion to capture the essence of socionics, and instead, especially when people start from that as that basis of their understanding, leads to more stereotypes, despite being presented as a more "technical description" because it goes by function. its illusory because its founded an a partial or biased understanding of Jung and an Aushra and is more "folk-lore" than socionics, a kind of "american school" and not nearly as rigorous as the former soviets, who are already fragmented enough. if peolpe want to go off functional descriptions they should direct rip Aushra if they want to be orthodox (sol would aprove) or even Jung would be better (hipster orthodox) or gulenko or ermak if they want a contemporary systemic approach. or if you want to go by more literary vignettes, Strat, although she uses Reinin a lot which makes her deceptively deep and difficult to understand. if the idea is the English speaking stuff is perfectly appropriate the conclusions likewise need to be kept within the scope of their authority, which means any type based on them as authorities foremost mean you're strictly in that world, i.e.: the school of being halfway between MBTI and socionics and not really with a clear foot in either: using MBTI descriptions and socionics functional descriptions and all of this, its ultimately meaningless as to what type someone is within that system because that system consists of nothing but hodgepodge assumptions and amount to nothing more than the justification and prejudice and subsequent expression of the person in question, but is so individually subjective because of all the disconnected and idiosyncratic factors as to be a mirage of a "type", invoking the words, with none of the substance; in this sense it is nothing but a parasite on the reputation of socionics because it in fact bears no connection to it except to leech off some air of authority that ultimately results in more harm to socionics than credibility to the speaker... the endstate of this process is the complete destruction of socionics and the abandonment of it by the people who did this to it, for the reason it failed them, without realizing the hand they had in the process...
    Ok, well like what's the place with the good descriptions lol. Like what's the credible real description because like this is so fragmented it feels like there is no real source or something, like you gotta create your own opinion about what is real socionics from all these sources vs MBTI where everything is easily accessible less muddy.

    @slike. Thank you for the compliment. And yea I do not think I'm an Ni leading type either, but the IEI description sounds like all the things I relate to in MBTI INFP so it's left me confused.

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    model definitions > type descriptions.

    There's a great confusion around socionics' matters, mainly because there are 10+ main socionists around who don't agree with each other, say contradictory things, and develop their own independent theories on their own. So even the functions are up to interpretation as well as everything else. Technically they should be the same as those of MBTI, since they both come from Jung, but in socionics some functions are slightly changed from what Jung made of them, from this comes even more confusion.

    It makes sense that you recognize yourself in your quasi, it would be weird if that wasn't the case. It makes sense that you recognize yourself in other strong functions too, it means you're human and not a socionic's caricature.

    Now, you can go by some outdated descriptions of what a type must look like, or you can analyze yourself in relation to the world around you. What do you do more naturally?= leading function. You shouldn't compare yourself to anyone that is not you.

    An EII is not necessarily an INFJ in MBTI and MBTI INFJs are not necessarily EIIs.

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    I still have no idea why Ni cares about probabilities here... if Ni is removed from this world I sure as hell hope they have the ability to doubt themselves instead of just pretend they know what is most likely, because really that's just blind confidence and I don't feel comfortable with any of that. Sure I can make educated guesses out of nowhere but... I take nothing seriously lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    model definitions > type descriptions.

    There's a great confusion around socionics' matters, mainly because there are 10+ main socionists around who don't agree with each other, say contradictory things, and develop their own independent theories on their own. So even the functions are up to interpretation as well as everything else. Technically they should be the same as those of MBTI, since they both come from Jung, but in socionics some functions are slightly changed from what Jung made of them, from this comes even more confusion.

    It makes sense that you recognize yourself in your quasi, it would be weird if that wasn't the case. It makes sense that you recognize yourself in other strong functions too, it means you're human and not a socionic's caricature.

    Now, you can go by some outdated descriptions of what a type must look like, or you can analyze yourself in relation to the world around you. What do you do more naturally?= leading function. You shouldn't compare yourself to anyone that is not you.

    An EII is not necessarily an INFJ in MBTI and MBTI INFJs are not necessarily EIIs.

    I don't get how that works. Like my mind naturally tries to create a 1:1 transition, but maybe it's like MBTI INFP is a little of both and same for MBTI INFJ. Idk, bleh. hurts my head.

    Yes I'm glad you said pay attention to the world around me and what I do naturally, that's what I do more anyway, and that's what has confirmed most of the things I relate to in MBTI and the cognitive functions.

    Perhaps I could answer a questionaire and you could read and examine tell me what you see.


    Exactly! Blind confidence, makes no sense to me and I always hold to the possibility that I could be wrong. And yes I can make educated guesses easily but yea I do not hold to them as correct until proven they are. I doubt myself quite a bit actually.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    I don't get how that works. Like my mind naturally tries to create a 1:1 transition, but maybe it's like MBTI INFP is a little of both and same for MBTI INFJ. Idk, bleh. hurts my head.
    The only 1:1 correlation can be done by sticking to the functions, but as usual there's no guarantee for success. Some socionists recommend it, others don't. Very simply, the 2 systems are distinct and should be approached accordingly. MBTI is all about the descriptions, you recognize yourself in the descriptions and the functions are an accessory. But the reverse works for socionics, there are actually very few original (Augusta) descriptions, and they're very scarce, because its great merit is the model, aka the functions.

    Perhaps I could answer a questionaire and you could read and examine tell me what you see.

    sure, go ahead.

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    @ooo Here is my questionaire.

    What is beauty? What is love?

    What is beauty? To me beauty is subjective, I can look at something and find it beautiful through the flow of it's shapes, the sharpness of someone's facial features. But I also find vulnerablity beautiful, when you can see the subtitles of someone's insides barely surface, I love that. Love to me is deep closness and understanding of two people to the point that they almost speak their own language that other's do not understand. I love is inside jokes between you and your lover, it's the certain kind of kiss you know they like, it's care for their well being but also care for their personal likes, dreams, goals and desires.

    What are your most important values?
    My faith in God. Whether that's a value or not, but my belief in God and staying true to that even in a world of opposition is of the most importance to me. Is creativity a value? I hold creativity to high regard, I'll also throw in trust and honesty, I hold trust and honesty to high regard as well. I don't like people who try to impose their will on other's as well, not sure if that is a value, but people who try to contorl others I cannot stand, I do not think people are created to be controlled by other people, because who is to say you are so "better than" that other's should submit to YOUR will.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I believe in God. The bible explains the world to me in a way that I understand life through and can see how the events in life line up well with it's explanation of life.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I think nations should be able to defend themselves if necessary. What most describe as power I do not like, force, oppression and all that, control over people, that's what most call power and I do not like it. I like power that is strong but harnessed, power that is strong but kind and grants freedom to those under it's protect. Power to me is the ability to be strong and protect but not hurt or oppress those around you. Also influence is power as well.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    God, I have opened up to complete strangers indepth once they have showed an interest or belief in God themselves. Also my friends are believers and we talk for long a long time about our beliefs and how we relate to the world around us with our beliefs, and how the world either accepts or doesn't accept our beliefs. I also talk about other wierd beliefs out there and other beliefs that oppose my own beliefs. Also MBTI, I have talked extensively long about MBTI. Also business branding, how companies are percieved by consumers and the companies themselves and how their perspectives differ. Also Art, art industry, animation, art techniques and animation techniques, video game ideas I have.

    My interests are my beliefs, art, animation. Animation and video game development. I have many video game ideas I would love to bring to life, I imagine whole world in my head a great deal and wish to flesh them out and create them for others to experience as well. I can day dream about my own creative worlds in my mind for awhile and begin to draw things out, the things I usually draw are almost never landscapes and are usually a central character my stories revolve around or a variety pf characters that can be interacted with. I usually try to improve my artistic abilities. I also am interested in understanding people, having an awareness of how everybody works so that I can speak to them in their "language" that is my main reason behind studying MBTI and typology in general. Also to try and improve efforts in romance, to understand how to smooth over conflicts i romantic relations and maximize affection and attraction towards each other, so I focus on studying duality quite a bite because of that.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

    What do you think of daily chores?
    Ignore. Stress.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I don't really read books much, the last thing I really loved on TV was Avatar last Airbender and Legend of Korra. Being plunged into this world where humans can use elemental powers and fight against each other was just the coolest thing ever. This is probably an offshoot of my interest in Dragon Ball Z as a child. Any cartoon about powers and martial arts fighting I usually fall in love with quick, but only if the action fight scenes are done very very very well. I also love action anime.

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I cried when I watched the movie wonderwoman, because this strong battle ready woman had a vulnerable moment with thia man she fell in love with. I cried because I felt like this more "masculine" woman could not have a soft side, and in the face of seeing her soft side I felt like she sort of transcended gender and I saw her ans neither a "masculine" woman or man or whatever, I just saw her as a person and that moved me so much i cired.

    I also cried when I saw a cuban family running a cuban cafe restuarant. I cried because I imagined this man had set out a goal to move to America and start a business with his family, and he had his dream come true with the most important people in his life closest to him. I cried because I compared that life that I saw an sweetly simple to my own trauma of being away for my own family and trying to make my imaginations a reality and seeing this as much more futile and impossible as compared to what this man has accomplished, and how sweet and simple his life seemed compared to my own. (< I think I repeated myself there, sorry if I did). I just as beauty in the simplicity and cried lol.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    At my church. We all feel unified in our beliefs and it really activates me to the point that I feel way more talkative than when I am around strangers. So much more talkative infact that I become a source of entertainment. It is the place I feel deep ease and comfort, and authentic. At work I am always aware there might be people who do not believe what I believe so I feel like there is a side of me that I cannot share with my environment, a HUGE side of me that is. A side of me that feels like a tether to life, unless I am surrounded by my church family, I feel slightly untethered.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I can be lazy, and I hate that about myself, I feel like I lack will power to make my dreams a reality and that is like the biggest flaw I perceive in my life, but what other's they might think I am irresponsible, not focused or a hard worker, some people (who do not know my) think I might be too quite, also I have had someone tell me to stand up for myself, I don't see it as a flaw but that person did. I just hate the fact that I am not a go-getter, I feel like people are told to be that all the time and I seriously feel that lacking in myself. I also find it hard to keep a routine or endure physical pain for too long, the routines I keep are some bad habits and past time pleasures like playing video games. Whenever I set out to do something for a long period of time I usually stop or forget to keep up the routine, like if I told myself I am going to draw everyday this week, I would forget the next day, and the day after that I might remember but tell myself what's the use I can't keep the routine up anyway and I'll just completely stop, I don't like that about myself.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Creativity, I can be really witty and funny on the stop and come up with cool ideas, I like these things about myself but people mostly see my strengths in humor with witty comments and awareness of sarcasm and being able to add to jokes and such. Also people see my drawing as a strength and they often tell me I am better than I really think that I am. Also animation, I find it easy to guess how the human body would move in reality and replicate it and I have been told my work is pretty good.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Setting easy to accomplish goals, finding out what works and being able to find EASY ways to do things, easy ways that work and have worked many times before. I HATE! HATE!HATE HATE! Hard work, I HATE when people stress me to work harder! So it is much more valuable to me if someone showed me an easier way to get my work done, not a harder way or a way that requires me to put in large amounts of effort. @Bertrand just suggested to me that I go a search up Gulenko, Aushra, Jung and all these folks to find out what EII really is. Just reading that alone I could feel the lazy resistence to do so. Sounds like too much work.

    If there was a place where all the "correct" type descriptions and pretty much everything you need to know about socionics could be found then I would rather just be pointed to that place, that would be useful.

    So yea, also structure, set deadlines, all these things are things that could help me stay on tract and accomplish my goals. In short, easy proven methods, and d set deadlines (not set by me because I can easily override them). If I had more of that in my life, life would be much better.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Yes. When I feel like I cannot escape my own bad habits to progress in life I feel like I can't to anything to change myself to become better and that I am just doomed to only ever doing what I have always done, sit around, dream, and doing nothing. I feel like sometimes I cannot survive in this world on my own. My friend has gotten me my recent job, and it sort of scares me because if it was left up to me I'm not sure I would have gotten this job and I'm not sure I can get the next job if this one goes away. I feel stuck because I am in this job that has nothing to do with my passion or what I want to do in life, I want to get out and attack my dreams but I cannot survive off that and I have bills to pay.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I love people who just exude a sense of genuineness about then, not nice just to be nice, not just happy because that's acceptable, but a deep down geniune nature that can be heard in the voice because their words sound more heavy and real. I like people who react to me and my weird ways either in a surprised way or a way that seems like they think I am funny. I like people who can be witty and understand inside jokes or jokes without much explanation. I also outgoing people, they energize me, like people who laugh loud and speak confidently. I like people who can be playful and serious, that is a nice transition, too playful and I feel like we have to learn to be serious and too serious I feel like we have to relax.

    I don't like shallow people, people who only talk about fast cars, women like they are objects, smoking weed (ugh) or alchohol, or partying all the time. or people her curse every other word, or people who make fun of religion or religious people and think they are stupid. Or people who make harsh jokes at other's expense,

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    Romance to me is to deep emotions shared between two people that are not always seen or known by others. The understanding between each other that excludes others. The closeness and quite understanding of each other, like our own secret little world. being romantic to me means really touching on personal things the person likes, not really generally liked thins but things that this person and this person alone could only like, if it was a gift to her it could not work for any other girl because they would not understand it it could only work for the girl I love ebcause I understand her likes so deeply. Sex cannot happen for me unless I am emotionally connected to and comfortable with this person. Sex with strangers is something that I don't even think I could be aroused enough to do. And sex to me is about deeply intimate emotions being expressed as physical love towards your partner, not just a physical act to me, but one of the most intimate expressions of deeply held love for a person. That's probably a foo foo way of seeing sex, but idc.

    In a partner I need someone who shares my own beliefs. Non-negotiable, I tired to date an agnostic/atheist once and it did not work, and I do not like hiding this huge pat of myself. I feel like I cannot be connected to someone truly if we do not agree one the way we see life. If you see life through the atheist lens then you also see life through a lens that says my beliefs are wrong, and that can be a major point of contention in a relationship.

    I also really need a partner who shares my sense of humor. Out of the relationships I have had, this has been a huge reason why it worked for as long as it did. Witty playful banter, shared soft laughs, laughs followed by a chest slap are just my cup of tea. Those moments of laughter shared feel like real bonding to me, without that I don't even know what a relationship is. I don't like when people think y sense of humor is corny because I feel like I just lost a major point of bonding or connection with that person, we probably won't make god friends.

    Physical attraction is also a must. I just can't lie to myself and really commit myself to someone I find no physical arousal with, makes no sense to do such a thing even though I have tried it, but it was because of a serious emotional connection.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I would try to find what my child is good at early and place them in an environment that focuses on that very early on in life, because they will be a step ahead of many people later in life and success might just come knocking on their door. That is the only concrete method I have right now for child raising, everything else I think will need to be learned on the job.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Internally I will cringe and disagree tremendously, outwardly I might become silent to avoid the rest of the conversation if it is serious enough I will start to defend my beliefs because I just cannot have someone stepping all over my beliefs like that. I usually just try to dismiss as incorrect and move on, I don't always feel the need to explain myself. I do not like talking to people about my beliefs if they disagree. My beliefs are personal and not up for scrutiny.

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I usually become friend with people of mutual interest or sense of humor. And I joke with them quite a bit in between of talking about an interesting topic, it's an interplay of jokes and opinion sharing, life events sharing, and observation sharing, or belief sharing if they share my beliefs, if not we don't even talk about it.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Quite, observing them to see if they are the kind of persona I could be myself around or parts of myself around, I do not like being in situations where I have to met strangers lol.

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    I haven't read all your description but I get EII from you in your posts. MBTI I sometimes type as INFP too.

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    SLEs only talk about shiny fast cars and put pressure on you to actually do stuff, so are you sure this is going to work out for you, this IEI thing?
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    SLEs only talk about shiny fast cars and put pressure on you to actually do stuff, so are you sure this is going to work out for you, this IEI thing?
    Hahaaaa. Thank you for your response lol. I think I am EII, but that damn IEI description confused me, it sounds like me but in MBTI.

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    > I thought I was EII but I relate to most of the IEI descritpion.

    if you want opinions - make video the interview, so there was normal typing material

    > My MBTI is INFP

    if you was correctly typed as INFP (mistakes also happen often), then it's IEI

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    @ooo Here is my questionaire.

    Thank you a lot Lord ^^

    I admit that the first function I thought of while reading was Ni. Ni because you seem to revolve around your beliefs to a very high degree, and this can even go, as you say, at the expense of some relationships, because you're not willing to engage deeply with someone who doesn't share your beliefs. You see though, in no description of Ni it is mentioned that they have these high beliefs, because in socionics Ni= "time", while in MBTI Ni= "focus", but there's an affinity between these 2 descriptions in that they have an underlying feeling of the world that transcends the limits of matter. This seems like your case. Yes, even Fi types can have strong beliefs, but these are usually more (inter-)personal and grounded in what is an usually high amount of self-analysis and self-critic.

    The importance you attribute to joking and in finding someone with a sense of humour that matches yours is a hint to Fe, imo. There's even Fe in the fact that you feel as "one with your environment" when you're at a mass. This gathering of people, sometimes singing from the bottom of their heart, and sharing the word, seems to me like an elevated form of Fe.

    I think your searching for genuine partners, not imposing and not categorical, is more Se seeking than Te. Te types are more structured and can come off as harsher than they even realize, probably because of their Se demo; Se is instead in a more healthy and balanced state in a SLE, who won't come off as harsh or critical. Joking at someone's expense is something more Te than Se.

    Now, there are good points even to call you a EII, your role doesn't look like Si, since you just answered "No" when asked whether you like engaging in health topics, but is it Ti then? I don't see a predominant Ti over Si role. How do you approach a stranger? What attitude do you tend to have in such occasions? Role is usually what we display when we're not comfortable enough to open up at the person in front of us.

    Anyway, there's definetely a lot of Ne... and some Fi values are present all along the questionnaire.

    For now I think you might be IEI-Ni, but it's up to you to decide.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    oooh Saoirse *__*

    Tbh you look EII to me... I can see that you do appear rather well rounded, with a stronger development of T and Fe functions, but I think that's partly due to your clothing, job and the setting of the video...

    To answer to the others' suggestions, if it counts, I can relate to many things that you said, like I hate personal judgements too and oral examinations have always scared the hell out of me, but this is quite normal and I doubt it's a sign of unvalued Te, even because you seem willing to work inside a Te/Ne environment. And lol, I can't keep track of my money either, I've never cared too much of the coziness of my place too, I'm bothered by social fake niceties too... and btw I've always found economy fascinating for the same reasons you mention, and I find it such a great thing that you've chosen that field of studying, it even highlights the Te, I think.

    Your discourses are revolving around Fi and Ne anyway, the descriptions of your ideal friends/partner and the overall emphasis on the good relationships within your environment are the greatest hint to EII there.

    what subtype etc are you?!
    Ok so if I relate to this then what does that mean.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Ok so if I relate to this then what does that mean.
    It means, in order, that you have weak Te and Si and are confident in your Fi.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    It means, in order, that you have weak Te and Si and are confident in your Fi.
    So EII then? Ok, thank you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    > you have weak Te and Si and are confident in your Fi.

    So EII then? Ok, thank you.
    the said by Adam points to FN. not more
    ooo's type is IEI

    to distinguish between types with different values are good IR. also dichotomies help

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    the said by Adam points to FN. not more
    ooo's type is IEI

    to distinguish between types with different values are good IR. also dichotomies help
    I'm not familiar with all the terminology in socionics. What is FN? And is IR intertype Relations?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    I'm not familiar with all the terminology in socionics. What is FN? And is IR intertype Relations?
    FN = feeling/ethical, intuitive
    IR = intertype relations

    read Filatova's book. mb it's best in English for the starting

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    the said by Adam points to FN. not more
    ooo's type is IEI

    to distinguish between types with different values are good IR. also dichotomies help
    I'm not familiar with all the terminology in socionics. What is FN? And is IR intertype Relations?
    If you are saying try typing by IR or dual values or something then ok. I do not Dual with SLE, not even a little (I grew up with one for 13 years), the whole "irritation that cannot be seen" is exactly what I experience, and with LSE I dualize, they access my infantile subconscious (as embarassing as it is to admit) and their predictable nature is calming, my infantile antics surprised and entertain them and though they may be strict with work and sometimes being objective, it doesn't pain me as much as SLE pressure and harsh logic which I seriously do not like. I can see through LSE and understand them, while I am jut genenraly fearful of SLE.

    This is all based off of if SLE is MBTI ESTP, and LSE MBTI ESTJ. If not then vice versa.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    FN = feeling/ethical, intuitive
    IR = intertype relations

    read Filatova's book. mb it's best in English for the starting
    If filatova is EII, which they say she is, then I probably am, because her anecdotal descriptions of duals is the one that seemed easiest to follow for me and the one I appreciated the most, over Strats and or Gulenkos very objective and "boring" style. I like to read about examples of how people of the types act together, not just hear how the functions relate to each other.

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    If it makes any difference, @Lord Pixel, I thought you were clearly an EII from some of your very first posts. And I'm often accused of typing everyone who is new here as either ESI or IEI.
    Your ITR descriptions in post #24 above should be enough to lock that down.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    If it makes any difference, @Lord Pixel, I thought you were clearly an EII from some of your very first posts. And I'm often accused of typing everyone who is new here as either ESI or IEI.
    Your ITR descriptions in post #24 above should be enough to lock that down.
    Ok thank you. I feel like I sort of trying to solve a solved problem here lol. II just felt like maybe EII wasn't MBTI INFP like I thought and was MBTI INFJ and perhaps I got that wrong, or maybe it's more complicted and not a 1:1 translation. Either way, EII does fit me best I will stick with it and thank you you saw the differentiator in my post there.

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    Can confirm, @Adam Strange did type me as Beta NF within moments of joining the forum. You should be proud, really. @Lord Pixel
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feathers View Post
    Can confirm, @Adam Strange did type me as Beta NF within moments of joining the forum. You should be proud, really. @Lord Pixel
    Proud? Of what, being EII? More like relieved, because I knew I was EII, but then some posts made me confused about it, now I can escape uncomfortable confusion. I have actually been having a headache for the past few days, imagine someone who has put much time into understanding their identity, and then all of the sudden they start to see everything they have concluded was wrong, the amount of info I was trying to reconcile in my head created physical discomfort lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Proud? Of what, being EII? More like relieved, because I knew I was EII, but then some posts made me confused about it, now I can escape uncomfortable confusion. I have actually been having a headache for the past few days, imagine someone who has put much time into understanding their identity, and then all of the sudden they start to see everything they have concluded was wrong, the amount of info I was trying to reconcile in my head created physical discomfort lol.
    That's exactly how I feel when someone brings a new typing to my attention, lol. It's unnerving and awful. It's as if you were born blind and you thought that you were a weasel.
    A wizard magically grants you vision and turns out you were actually a skunk all along. Surprise!
    Now you're also a skunk with existential issues. You lived a lie.

    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feathers View Post
    That's exactly how I feel when someone brings a new typing to my attention, lol. It's unnerving and awful. It's as if you were born blind and you thought that you were a weasel.
    A wizard magically grants you vision and turns out you were actually a skunk all along. Surprise!
    Now you're also a skunk with existential issues. You lived a lie.

    This post is funny, but then it's like extra funny because I feel like this post proves I'm EII and even EII-Ne subtype. Because the way you talk is the way I talk LOL. Where were you a few days ago lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    This post is funny, but then it's like extra funny because I feel like this post proves I'm EII and even EII-Ne subtype. Because the way you talk is the way I talk LOL. Where were you a few days ago lol.

    Oh, I've been here. Just haven't been posting a bunch. And for the reasons mentioned above, I've been on a typology-detox.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feathers View Post
    Oh, I've been here. Just haven't been posting a bunch. And for the reasons mentioned above, I've been on a typology-detox.
    Yeaaaaaa, I kinda feel like I need one 2. It can be addicting.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Yeaaaaaa, I kinda feel like I need one 2. It can be addicting.
    Just don't overdo it and it'll be fine. Try not to take the negativity from some people on here too seriously either. It's a side effect of hard-socionics; It makes you lose focus on reality at times : )
    I know this is easier said than done. And if it doesn't work, you could always block this site off your internet browser like I did for a while.
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    If filatova is EII, which they say she is, then I probably am, because her anecdotal descriptions of duals is the one that seemed easiest to follow for me and the one I appreciated the most, over Strats and or Gulenkos very objective and "boring" style. I like to read about examples of how people of the types act together, not just hear how the functions relate to each other.
    It needs more to be sure in your type.
    The only good way is to type people near you and check IR effects with them. If this fits good to IR theory - your type should be correct. This process needs your knowledge of the theory and some time. It's good to use >10 people for this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    This is all based off of if SLE is MBTI ESTP, and LSE MBTI ESTJ.
    it's correct. you may also look at my bloggers' types examples

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Ok so if I relate to this then what does that mean.
    I think it means little in terms of you being EII/IEI, many types could have those traits. I didn't say those things as a basis for her being EII, because throughout her questionnaire and video I already had a sense that she could be EII; those things were more like "yeah, I can see myself in these things, they can make sense for an EII, over some logic/sensory type".

    About your type, you see, I said Ni because I didn't see that much emphasis on Fi (relationships) from your part, but then I came to consider that you're a guy and that probably guys are less prone to state easily how they feel about the people close to them, even if they're Fi (even my ESI bf is like that, but I can see how highly he considers the good relationships with the circle of people close to him, and he's definitely more active than me in that regard). This brings me to consider another thing too, which is that maybe your faith can be equated to Fi, in that you've established a relationship with the divinity that enlightens your road... IDK how that works but maybe this sort of ideal is more Fi than anything.

    Now there are other things to consider, first is that it's not recommended to compare MBTI with socion... The descriptions of the MBTI can easily fit for both quasis, I've often recognized myself in the INFJ MBTI description, while my INFJ friend recognized himself in the INFP one; my ex couldn't pick between INTP or INTJ, with his tests results alternating between those 2 types, but anyway he was a pretty clear ISTP -in MBTI-, and I really have a hard time now to decide whether he's an SLI or an LSI, while other MBTI ISTJs I know only make sense as socionics SLIs. In general extroverts are more easy to type and to convert, but that's, again, not a rule.

    It is limiting to consider Ni as time because it makes no sense. So what is Ni about? Mysticism, prophecy, following one's visions. What is Fi about? Relationships, self-analysis, following one's values. In the socionics theory, and in practice, these 2 functions are not that different in that they're both introverted and "internal", so I guess I just got stuck to the face value of what you stated, but now I can easily see how all the Ni I saw could be easily another approach to Fi, a very spiritual approach which I'm not so affine with, but that can nevertheless be related to Fi values.

    Something else to consider is that as you say, if we read the multiple descriptions of the types around (I've spent a good amount of time lately going through the new Model G, reading again some Jung and comparing to the descriptions of the functions and of the types in socion and MBTI) there's little room for clarity: once you compare the functions -according to different authors-, to the type descriptions -according to the authors-, you'll be left wondering "why is that so?".

    Perhaps it's easier than what we make of it...basically an EII is just a MBTI INFJ= a mystic with big visions and ready to put his self aside in order to reach world's empathy, but lol that's just the description of NiFe eh. Fi has little to do with any of this...and pair it with Ne! It's a mess, seriously.

    Anyway don't get down, in here we've gone infinite times about the differences between quasis, it's a reasonable concern and it assumes all the worst connotations in the light of what's around those types: the relationships with other types, the quadras, the labels... but to me all these things are BS, for the most part. If quasis are so similar, and they are, then all the conflictors and duals and terminators and pamperers are similar too.
    (I'd add other 20 things but they're technical and speculative and I'm too tired to articulate them.)

    And please forget what I said before stick with the type you feel like more, the world will keep spinning and you'll be happier than if you picked a type you didn't relate to.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    Perhaps it's easier than what we make of it...basically an EII is just a MBTI INFJ= a mystic with big visions and ready to put his self aside in order to reach world's empathy, but lol that's just the description of NiFe eh. Fi has little to do with any of this...and pair it with Ne! It's a mess, seriously.
    "MBTI INFJ" is not "mystic with big visions", but is only wrongly described in MBT due to their mistake in functional model for introverts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    I think it means little in terms of you being EII/IEI, many types could have those traits. I didn't say those things as a basis for her being EII, because throughout her questionnaire and video I already had a sense that she could be EII; those things were more like "yeah, I can see myself in these things, they can make sense for an EII, over some logic/sensory type".

    About your type, you see, I said Ni because I didn't see that much emphasis on Fi (relationships) from your part, but then I came to consider that you're a guy and that probably guys are less prone to state easily how they feel about the people close to them, even if they're Fi (even my ESI bf is like that, but I can see how highly he considers the good relationships with the circle of people close to him, and he's definitely more active than me in that regard). This brings me to consider another thing too, which is that maybe your faith can be equated to Fi, in that you've established a relationship with the divinity that enlightens your road... IDK how that works but maybe this sort of ideal is more Fi than anything.

    Now there are other things to consider, first is that it's not recommended to compare MBTI with socion... The descriptions of the MBTI can easily fit for both quasis, I've often recognized myself in the INFJ MBTI description, while my INFJ friend recognized himself in the INFP one; my ex couldn't pick between INTP or INTJ, with his tests results alternating between those 2 types, but anyway he was a pretty clear ISTP -in MBTI-, and I really have a hard time now to decide whether he's an SLI or an LSI, while other MBTI ISTJs I know only make sense as socionics SLIs. In general extroverts are more easy to type and to convert, but that's, again, not a rule.

    It is limiting to consider Ni as time because it makes no sense. So what is Ni about? Mysticism, prophecy, following one's visions. What is Fi about? Relationships, self-analysis, following one's values. In the socionics theory, and in practice, these 2 functions are not that different in that they're both introverted and "internal", so I guess I just got stuck to the face value of what you stated, but now I can easily see how all the Ni I saw could be easily another approach to Fi, a very spiritual approach which I'm not so affine with, but that can nevertheless be related to Fi values.

    Something else to consider is that as you say, if we read the multiple descriptions of the types around (I've spent a good amount of time lately going through the new Model G, reading again some Jung and comparing to the descriptions of the functions and of the types in socion and MBTI) there's little room for clarity: once you compare the functions -according to different authors-, to the type descriptions -according to the authors-, you'll be left wondering "why is that so?".

    Perhaps it's easier than what we make of it...basically an EII is just a MBTI INFJ= a mystic with big visions and ready to put his self aside in order to reach world's empathy, but lol that's just the description of NiFe eh. Fi has little to do with any of this...and pair it with Ne! It's a mess, seriously.

    Anyway don't get down, in here we've gone infinite times about the differences between quasis, it's a reasonable concern and it assumes all the worst connotations in the light of what's around those types: the relationships with other types, the quadras, the labels... but to me all these things are BS, for the most part. If quasis are so similar, and they are, then all the conflictors and duals and terminators and pamperers are similar too.
    (I'd add other 20 things but they're technical and speculative and I'm too tired to articulate them.)

    And please forget what I said before stick with the type you feel like more, the world will keep spinning and you'll be happier than if you picked a type you didn't relate to.
    Yea I notice NiFe is mystic with big visions and insight into what people are feeling but do not know what they feel themselves. Not me, mystic things are, for me. I see my beliefs as my Fi values more than a big vision. Like my own person belief and where my sense of morality comes from. And my joking nature seems to come from Ne, saying unpredictable things and also me being an Ne sub-type it seems explained there. Idk, I just don't see super Ni singular focus in me, and they say that's Ne ignoring "Ignores all the possiblties for the most probable one." That to me is actually boring and the possibilties are more interesting, and Fi demonstrative also says that you are aware of subtle bonds of between people but you don't care for them, not me, they are more real to me than big loud emotions, and Fi ignoring says virtually the same, and yea no. My feelings around personal relationships is more about a personal emotional experience and "bond" with the person more than a huge explanation I have with words, it's more felt and intimate and just simply known between the 2 people, I don't really know what else to say beyond that, beyond deeply felt bond that feels like glue between 2 people. I just like being friends with people who I can be myself around, not people who think I'm not cool for who I really am. And the Fe put yourself to the side for empathy, yea no, I am important to myself, my dreams and desires are huge things I chase after and have a hard time putting to the side for other people, it can feel selfish since they mostly serve myself, but I believe they also serve other's like me. Self analysis of my own personal values is something I do every time I mess with typology, seeing how it fits with my own values based on Christianity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Yea I notice NiFe is mystic with big visions and insight into what people are feeling but do not know what they feel themselves. Not me, mystic things are, for me. I see my beliefs as my Fi values more than a big vision. Like my own person belief and where my sense of morality comes from. And my joking nature seems to come from Ne, saying unpredictable things and also me being an Ne sub-type it seems explained there. Idk, I just don't see super Ni singular focus in me, and they say that's Ne ignoring "Ignores all the possiblties for the most probable one." That to me is actually boring and the possibilties are more interesting, and Fi demonstrative also says that you are aware of subtle bonds of between people but you don't care for them, not me, they are more real to me than big loud emotions, and Fi ignoring says virtually the same, and yea no. My feelings around personal relationships is more about a personal emotional experience and "bond" with the person more than a huge explanation I have with words, it's more felt and intimate and just simply known between the 2 people, I don't really know what else to say beyond that, beyond deeply felt bond that feels like glue between 2 people. I just like being friends with people who I can be myself around, not people who think I'm not cool for who I really am. And the Fe put yourself to the side for empathy, yea no, I am important to myself, my dreams and desires are huge things I chase after and have a hard time putting to the side for other people, it can feel selfish since they mostly serve myself, but I believe they also serve other's like me. Self analysis of my own personal values is something I do every time I mess with typology, seeing how it fits with my own values based on Christianity.
    well EII-Ne have enhanced Ni

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    well EII-Ne have enhanced Ni
    Yea but it's not valued. I experience Ni "prophecy" moments but I never trust them, they just seem interesting. It's more like I am skeptical of the moments, and then when they happen I'm like, oh damn coincedence, cool lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    Yea but it's not valued. I experience Ni "prophecy" moments but I never trust them, they just seem interesting. It's more like I am skeptical of the moments, and then when they happen I'm like, oh damn coincedence, cool lol.
    Yeah, I guess I expect one would talk of the things he finds valuable, not about random things just to fill a questionnarie... so it's interesting how the real value keeps hidden behind the things one says, because if we say something... we obviously meant smth else... it must be a Fi/EII-Ne thing )

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