Hello hello ( ;

I'm familiar with MBTI, but not with socionics. I've done some tests, I'm apparently INFj or INFp (which is normal if I'm INFP for MBTI if I understand well. I would like to have a little help to determine my type ^^

Tell me about yourself.

I would say that I’m a girl in her early twenties, but who, by appearance and behavior, somewhat immaturity, seems to be younger.

I’m this kind of weird, awkward shy withholding girl who is more often on her head, very imaginative, lost in her fantasy world, than well grounded on earth, who daydream instead of acting and doing something useful.

I’m this kind of girl who is aloof, quiet, but at the same time who try to always be nice, kind, polite gentle, warm, easy because harmony (conflicts are for me too much disagreeable, I avoid them above all !)and understanding in general are important, and also because it’s important to show to people we love our affection toward them in not being mean, disagreeable.

I’m this kind of girl who hasn’t many friends, but I'm happy with my few intimate loved ones, because I'm a true introverted and not that social. I can be distant with strangers.

I’m this kind of girl who is somewhat immature, childlike because she is avoidant, lazy, procastinative, " fun before work", disorganized (I avoid all sorts of bad things and feelings which can makes me suffer or things that I simply dislike) instead face it and trying to fix it or accept it.) And because I make decisions in using my feelings, heart, in term of « I like », « I don’t like », « good », « bad. »

I’m this kind of girl who is very sensitive, but who most of the time hide her bad feelings.

I’m this kind of girl who value authenticity, uniqueness, who wants to find her path, the goal of her life, and who sometimes feels a little bit lost.

I’m this kind of girl who is idealist, who try to stay optimist, happy, content, who believe in true love.

I’m this kind of girl who have strong values, opinions, but who doesn’t dare too much to speak them loud, but who will feel upset if someone goes against them… Generally I'm easy.

I’m this kind of girl who wants things to be soft, easy.

I'm this kind of girl who is often insecure about herself, who lack determination, motivation, and who need to be rassured on her qualities.

I'm this kind of girl who like her little routine, but who is at the same time flexible and adaptable.

I’m the typical INFP poster child in MBTI ah ah (;

*What do you do for a living and/or study and how did you come to choose or not choose that vocation and/or study?

I’m a computer graphic designer. I’ve always dreamt to have a job in which I could express my creativity, my imagination, but my parents, who are quite pragmatics and work safety oriented, always told that an artistic career was not a good idea, that it had too much risk, that my life would be a chaos because in such a career you never know what tomorrow brings… But I knew deeper that in a too pratical job I'd never be blooming. I want too feel happy in my job, money, social statu etc aren't important for me.
But unfortunately I kind of lack of determination and struggle to achieve my dreams to be a writer or illustrator. But computer designer is good too !

What are your interests and hobbies?

I love to read, to draw, to watch TV shows or movies, I'm interested in human sciences, like psychology, history.
I play theatre for hobbie, in a amator club.
I love to spend time with my family, my intimate loved ones.
Even if I'm more a indoor person I love to travel time to time or spend time in nature.

What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?

I think my childhish side, my laziness, my lack of determination, my lack of assertiveness and assurance, my laid back and indecisive side, my lack of pragmatism and logic, my somewhat sloppy side for certain things.
I dislike my lack of logic, motivation, and my too passive side.

What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

I would say my agreable, easy, adaptable, diplomatic side. I've been told to be "sunny"
Kill them with kindness !
My creativity and imagination.
My insighful and deep side.
My eloquence (even if I prefer writing I've been told to be good in speechs, thanks to the theatre I guess !)

I like my intuitive and dreamy side, my uniqueness, my authenticity, my peacefulness, my creative side, my optimism and my somewhat witty side. I like my strengh of character. I knew my values.

In what areas of your life would you like help?

I'd say work. work is a part of life in which I don't feel at ease, in which i'm akward.
I'd say help for other too: I'm compassionate, I listen when someone needs it, I give a smile, a nice remark but I don't really know how to give pratical, useful help.
I'd say logic, I'm aweful for argumenting

What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and perspectives?

I've been raised as a Catholic, but my parents aren't believer.
I'm an agnostic.
I'm interested in bouddhism. I value peace, harmony. I believe in reincarnation.

What did you do last Friday?

I was at home, I've done nothing particular during the day. In the evening my boyfriend has visited me. We have eated and we have watched a movie.

Hope it will be helpful ! Thanks a lot if you give a try ! ( :

Feel free to ask if more informations are needed !

See you !