this really depends on what we mean by moodiness. the 'bush being attuned to Fe sees moods as outward expression of emotions, which is actually somewhat antithetical to true moodiness. those outward expressions (in ethicals) are more like works in progress that the person controls rather than vice versa. usually when we think of moods we think of being under the influence of something, and that is something that affects weak Fe types the most, the fact they simply deny it to themselves doesn't make it less the case. the bottom line is you can view it either of two ways: say repressing emotion is being not-moody and say channeling emotion is being moody, or say being channeled by emotions, which is a consequence of ignoring them, is ultimately what moodiness is. for example if anyone has spent time with LII they would come to realize they're some of the moodiest motherfuckers around. just watch as they act as if they're slowly being tortured to death in any environment they're not perfectly comfortable in. that this is invisible to them is precisely the problem and why ESE is always asking people how they're doing, because they're calibrated to keep things from progressing like that. you could say ESE is moody but its just a reflection of LII