Quote Originally Posted by falsehope View Post
I value self-control and when I see people loosing it then I just ignore them because they can't bring anything sensible to the table. Like if someone is out of his mind there's no point of discussing it with him anyway until he is calm and normal.
That's reasonable. Being moody is different than being "out of your mind", anyway.

And I think in previous post I said similarly it was the same person worried about the same thing, that someone said something or just had some wrong voice tone. I think it's far too over-sensitive. I've been penalized for bad voice tone by ESI teachers in primary school and I never had idea what I was doing wrong. So this was paranoia on their side, and I am telling you here that this is just wrong and you should ignore this and don't be too paranoid because it has negative impact on your well being as well others.
If that was your point, I understand and I agree with you.