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Thread: Is Fe prone to conflict and resentment?

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Why is this about Fe and not Se?
    Because its gossip, and the ppl I've seen doing it are Ethical. I ignore if Se types do this too, honestly. The one's I've seen are ethicals Fe.
    Last edited by Faith; 06-22-2018 at 01:36 PM.

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    @Crystal No worries. I understand SLIs have a hard time understanding Fe (from experience) that's why I wrote that first post (if it's right ofcourse). Because I have noticed both EIE and ESE being hurt and shrugging it off, but they will reach that point where they turn agressive and it seems they are holding resentments but it's just a collection of past hurt feelings and they don't actually hate the person, it's just that they can't shrug it off anymore.

    What I wanted to point out the most is that it's not because of resentments! Once, I had something similar happen to me with an EIE, I thought they def disliked me after it but after some time I realized I was wrong, it's just how they act when angry.

  3. #43
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    Thanks! And no, I havent seen doing SEI what Falsehope was describing, but for example IEI and ESE (I have not too much close experience with SEI either).

    But what I was referring too in op was more like gossiping constantly about ppl they hate (ESE), or SEI taking parts or wanting to scorn ppl or seeing everything wrong with someone and criticizing their actions (openly and directly, actually someone in this thread did a good example of it) without having so much background or reason for it (at least from my own perspective).
    In this way they create groups or division (though probably that is not their intention but to direct their emotions somewhere), this in classmates and family. In certain way its like they randomly chose certain ppl (or if family they take it as natural relations) and like them and chose them to favor them and share their love with them, and others to dislike them and show contempt or personify "evil" even if the faults they name are not even in the person.

    F.e. I hate X because Y reason and therefore s/he is mean, ugly, stupid, miser, and ofc, they are always wrong and others are possibly right (ESE most like).

    In other words they take someone as scapegoat.

    For more detail, I've a SEI aunt, she's very kind hearted, very good person since my perspective, the most loving and devoted mother, and its evident that she loves me too, she's very kind, well wishing and she does it just because I'm her niece (since we rarely speak to each other).

    I know another SEI female who is like that with her family but is not like that with others that are for example family in law, though, she doesnt gossip about them, she dislike them (she has said it openly to other family members) and she is polite though, its kind of evident the differentiation and that she's prone to not agree with other that is not her own blood. ESEs do that a lot too.

    I hope that helps and its not confusing, I think they can be extremely good people, friends and parents, I've just noticed how hard is for them to accept/love/be impartial towards others once they rejected them, and how it's frequent (like for ESE) to have this kind of differentiations. Plus, as I've said, I've seen other (different) faults in Fi types or Te, Ti, Ni, etc (and I've spoke about them). I'm just asking now about Fe now.

    If you think I'm wrong or its otherwise please share it. Maybe its just how Fe works and I'm failing at see something. I'm actually very interested since I want to know what should I do about it or how it can be fixed if so. If its normal behavior or unhealthy, if I should just ignore it or should I do something about it, stuff like that.

    Thank you <3
    Last edited by Faith; 06-19-2018 at 12:12 AM.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal View Post
    What do you think and what is your experience?
    In my experience, I've had to break off my friendships with a few SEEs due to how they were setting their friends against each other to create conflict and make them pick their side, and I wouldn't take it.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    I think it is the nature of Fe to spot ethical problems the way Te spots things in motion that "don't work." in other words, they're dynamic types, which to me is a kind of "drama mongering" because they jump right into the stream before it can "finish". It seems to me static ethical types are the kind of people who can hold off for later and have a sincere discussion, wherein they've sort of staticized their principles. This is like if a dinner is going bad a Fe type might just make a scene whereas a Fi type might wait till they get home and rather than yell simply try to discuss what precisely went wrong. I think this gets complicated by Se types. So I would say the aforementioned holds true mainly when distinguishing beta from delta, where alpha and gamma are a little more blurred. Se + Fe amps up the drama, but Se + Fi can have its moments, etc. Meanwhile Fe + Si knows how to forebear (SEI), etc. its all a big intersection of many factors, but in general I would say Fe is on the "intervene" i.e.: create drama side of the house. Delta types can still flip out if they get stressed, this is more general trends and default strategies. For example like Robespierre, EII, might overreact if something really got them just right, but its their last resort coming online not their first resort
    I agree with a lot of this, speaking as an Fe type. I zero in on ethical problems, and if the problem is minor, I can get past it, or if a longstanding kind of pattern that can be solved by rethinking systemic faults. I’m good with spotting the snags and rethinking. But if the transgression is larger, yeah, drama.

    I also agree that Delta ethicals mostly keep things tamped down, from my POV. There is one who has treated me miserably, I usually find Delta Fi puts boundaries in different locations than I do, which can cause misunderstandings even if we’re on good terms.

    I have experienced Alphas holding way way back, holding things inside until they make themselves sick, even. Don’t know if anyone else has seen this.

    I’ve seen and been in a bit of gamma drama, but it’s hard for me to be objective there I think Bc my parents are / were both gamma and my perception could be off.
    Last edited by golden; 06-19-2018 at 12:06 PM.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

  6. #46
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    I think gamma can swing both ways and has to do with upbringing to some extent, i.e.: what is considered normal especially as to Ni (timing). I think ESI leans more delta and SEE more beta, as a base proposition. a lot has for them to do with who started it I'm sure, because if they feel the need to immediately defend their territory they probably will, which can be seen as escalating drama, but its not because its their preferred working environment, its just seen as necessary under the circumstances, i.e.: they're forced to resort to it... victim types would likely say the same thing but its more imagined or anticipatory, i.e.: bringing the future into the present

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal View Post
    You are completely misreading my words.

    I wasn’t offended because I like to examine personal weaknesses openly. Kinda funny how I’m not making any drama about it, rite?
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    I have experienced Alphas holding way way back, holding things inside until they make themselves sick, even. Don’t know if anyone else has seen this.
    I've seen this in Si types (Delta and Alpha) when they love someone deeply.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    I wasn’t offended because I like to examine personal weaknesses openly. Kinda funny how I’m not making any drama about it, rite?
    Yes. I've seen a lot of ppl talking bad stuff about SLIs before (and ppl in this thread too) and I havent take any of it personally either.

    Then, I've commented about faults of other types tons of times (even my own type), I even have a thread about Delta and quadra complex, so I dont know why ppl was saying that I was speaking against Fe because of Fe PoLR or something. Maybe they just have bad memory or havent even saw them. Anyway, taking personality faults as taboo in a forum created to discuss socionics seems kinda strange to me.

    One of the most useful stuff that I've got from typology is when ppl talk about type faults. It has been enlightening and healing about my own life and personality and its essential for growth, acceptance and understanding imo.

    But I guess there are ppl like that or some were just personally angry towards me because other reasons.

  10. #50
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    I don't think they're actually angry toward you, but I do like your statement about how frank talk about type faults or weaknesses has helped you. people act as if such talk can only be bad

  11. #51
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    Hi @Crystal, I was thinking more about this post.

    My guess is Fe dominant types might be more likely to notice and critique ethical mishaps, since it is their area of greatest confidence/expertise. Fe-creative types might be less inclined to be critical of these, since their use of Fe is a more flexible one anyway.

    But one idea that crossed my mind is how SEIs and IEIs can get when their Ti or Te has been 'insulted'. I'm embarassed to admit that sometimes I have trouble not holding a sort of grudge against someone who openly contradicted my logical views. I felt stupid in response to them pointing out my flawed reasoning, so in response to that I get tempted to dismiss everything about this person, rather than consider that I was wrong. In the past I used to get really cold towards this person, and I feel kinda bad now remembering how I used to act :/ As I get older I'm learning to handle it more maturely/take it less personally. So I wonder if the judgemental behavior you're noticing in some of these types has to do with them trying to defend their weaker functions.

    About Fe by itself-for me it's usually a really accepting function. It makes it easy to see why someone else would be acting/feeling/thinking the way they do in their life circumstances. I'm not usually critical of ethical mistakes in others.

    So some of what you're seeing may be Fe by itself, especially in ExEs (in my guess), and the rest could be immature defenses of weaker functions.

    Also, what @golden pointed out where alphas sometimes hold in bad feelings caused by others for way too long, that can be very true. Then you might see someone who is usually warm and considerate suddenly snap at something trivial. I tend to just tolerate the behavior of others as long as I can. After a while I learned that this is actually not helpful to me OR them, because the irritation builds up inside of me until it blows up out of proportion. My LSE ex helped me learn how to bring things up that annoy me before I reach that breaking point, so that they can be resolved diplomatically.

    And I totally agree with this!!
    One of the most useful stuff that I've got from typology is when ppl talk about type faults. It has been enlightening and healing about my own life and personality and its essential for growth, acceptance and understanding imo.
    It's helped me a lot in being less threatened or intimidated by other types, and accepting where they are coming from.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal View Post
    Because its gossip, and the ppl I've seen doing it are Ethical. I ignore if Se types do this too, honestly. The one's I've seen are ethicals.
    Aren't you also doing gossip... by talking about their behavior behind their back?

    If you are puzzled by their behavior, then... maybe just try asking them instead. You're not going to be getting any insight by asking OTHERS about it. Only they know why they do it.

    Even if this sort of thing was a "natural inclination" of the types, functions, etc, then what? You can't do anything about it, because they can't change. Again, this brings you no new insight.

    All in all, this sort of thing is mostly just a human thing. Everybody does it to a certain extent at certain times at a certain place. You're just EXPECTING to see those behaviors from certain "types". If you expect a certain behavior, then you will be bound to see it at SOME point from just about anyone, while you ignore everything else.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    Aren't you also doing gossip... by talking about their behavior behind their back?

    If you are puzzled by their behavior, then... maybe just try asking them instead.
    I did. Not working. And no, I'm not gossiping in that way since I'm not affecting those ppl with my words which is the point of my question.

    Thanks for the input, though.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    ?... gamma ... a lot has for them to do with who started it I'm sure, because if they feel the need to immediately defend their territory they probably will, which can be seen as escalating drama, but its not because its their preferred working environment, its just seen as necessary under the circumstances, i.e.: they're forced to resort to it.
    I thought this over and am pretty sure you just described my (Gamma) parents perfectly
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

  15. #55
    Feeling fucking fantastic golden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    Aren't you also doing gossip... by talking about their behavior behind their back?

    If you are puzzled by their behavior, then... maybe just try asking them instead. You're not going to be getting any insight by asking OTHERS about it. Only they know why they do it.

    Even if this sort of thing was a "natural inclination" of the types, functions, etc, then what? You can't do anything about it, because they can't change. Again, this brings you no new insight.

    All in all, this sort of thing is mostly just a human thing. Everybody does it to a certain extent at certain times at a certain place. You're just EXPECTING to see those behaviors from certain "types". If you expect a certain behavior, then you will be bound to see it at SOME point from just about anyone, while you ignore everything else.
    Hi, I’m EIE and so I think she is asking directly enough Bc there are Fe ego types here who can give feedback. I think I do make drama, and I definitely think the SLIs I’ve spent time with were ... wary of me even when they were super kind people. Just hard to connect. Thus it would have been crazily awkward for any of those people to ask me about my drama propensities.

    So I think this is a polite way for @Crystal to try to find out more about Fe.

    Oh, and I want to add, regarding conflict, I don’t mind transitory conflict, or at least I do engage in it. But long-term conflicts cause me a lot of pain.

    To inquire about Si I hardly know what I could even ask. Maybe, when I am talking to an SLI and I feel like I’m getting nothing back to work with and I can’t read them, what is going on inside them? How do they show interest? How do I tell whether they dislike me and I should slither away? Etc.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

  16. #56
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    one example only, I have a good friend ESE, I am in awe of her Fe, she is brilliant at de-escalating conflict, at making people feel loved and appreciated, at tacitly avoiding drama, at all that stuff that I simply do not have the energy to continuously do for people. She is a Harmoniser type and a 2w1.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal View Post
    Because its gossip, and the ppl I've seen doing it are Ethical. I ignore if Se types do this too, honestly. The one's I've seen are ethicals.
    ESEs are not necessarily adverse to conflict, but the kind of confrontational gossip you're talking about is far more typical of Gamma SFs (and to a lesser extent Beta NFs), to the point where I would say it is characteristic FiSe behavior. It's basically the opposite of an SEI who tries to maintain harmony with everyone and is more subdued / less impulsive or prone to hot-headedness than an ESE (creative Fe + Ignoring Se vs. leading Fe + Demonstrative Se). The way @golden describes the types fits my experience as well, with the proviso that EIEs are the most dramatic Fe ego by far. ESEs can definitely hold things back in a passive aggressive way as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    Hi, I’m EIE and so I think she is asking directly enough Bc there are Fe ego types here who can give feedback. I think I do make drama, and I definitely think the SLIs I’ve spent time with were ... wary of me even when they were super kind people. Just hard to connect. Thus it would have been crazily awkward for any of those people to ask me about my drama propensities.

    So I think this is a polite way for @Crystal to try to find out more about Fe.

    Oh, and I want to add, regarding conflict, I don’t mind transitory conflict, or at least I do engage in it. But long-term conflicts cause me a lot of pain.

    To inquire about Si I hardly know what I could even ask. Maybe, when I am talking to an SLI and I feel like I’m getting nothing back to work with and I can’t read them, what is going on inside them? How do they show interest? How do I tell whether they dislike me and I should slither away? Etc.
    Yes, well these people are not the same people as those specific people that she's asking about, even if they were the "same types". Their reasonings are going to be different, because they're completely different people. They're not the same people.

    So what we'll likely need is more context, like what kind of people are they, and in what context are they gossiping, and for what possible reasons? How else are we supposed to know why they're gossiping? Because of their "types" or "functions"?

    Somehow, people skip all this because this is a "Socionics" forum, and think that they can leave all the details out because all the types are the same... right? In a normal forum, people ask for contexts, for more information. Without any contexts, people can only make random guesses as to why, which is what people are essentially doing on this thread. Everything then becomes mere generalized assumptions. We start to assume the wrong things about people, by projecting our own understandings to them.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    ESEs are not necessarily adverse to conflict, but the kind of confrontational gossip you're talking about is far more typical of Gamma SFs (and to a lesser extent Beta NFs), to the point where I would say it is characteristic FiSe behavior. It's basically the opposite of an SEI who tries to maintain harmony with everyone and is more subdued / less impulsive or prone to hot-headedness than an ESE (creative Fe + Ignoring Se vs. leading Fe + Demonstrative Se). The way @golden describes the types fits my experience as well, with the proviso that EIEs are the most dramatic Fe ego by far. ESEs can definitely hold things back in a passive aggressive way as well.
    Thanks, I'm sure the type of the people I'm speaking about and I've had relations with SEE and Beta (I've deal with them as family, friends, coworkers etc) for comparision of behavior, the style of alpha and the rest is different, maybe I failed at explaining and detailing it.
    And yes, golden speaks about EIE primarily since its his type.

    Btw, here some info related to communication from quadra complex, the complex of closed mouth (wonder why the name) I don't think that I'm confusing types or that just Beta or Se Fi are guilty of speak about others:

    Fears and concerns arising from Alpha quadral complex.

    in Alpha Quadra there arises a fierce competition of views and opinions. Discussions, debates, arguments – these are the most wide-spread and most natural forms of approaching important issues here.

    Alpha Quadra is not distinguished by an ability to keep secrets. Here, any restrictions to disclosure are received with some discomfort. (Especially talkative in this regard is TIM ESE, Hugo: he doesn't make a secret of other people's secrets, but at the same time fears that his own confessions might be made public. Therefore, in a confidential private conversation, the ESE makes his companions promise not to reveal what he or she has told them.)

    Secretive people are not liked in the Alpha Quadra. They are not trusted, even a little bit feared – who knows what they have in their mind! (This is one root of their conflict with introverted negativists of Gamma Quadra - ESI and ILI - who are inclined to hide and not voice their private thoughts and feelings.) Another matter are those who are always overflowing with an abundance of news, sensational revelations, their own and other people's secrets – it is always interesting to talk with them and to spend time in their company.

    Talkativeness is a characteristic feature of Alpha Quadra. Debates, conversations, discussions – these are the favorite pastime here. Only try to interfere with them speaking, and you will hear: "Wait, let me talk to him – can't you see that I'm talking?!" At the same time, blocking the conversation, interrupting and interfering with other's talking doesn't require much effort from them, especially if to them the topic is interesting and relevant.

    Therefore, for Alpha Quadra it is important to defend their honor before the public and in public places, or in the press, to set up some kind of "loud" scandal, in which they are able to attract the greatest number of witnesses and sympathizers.

    The danger of being exposed and denounced further drives the forward momentum and offensive activities of Alpha Quadra. Beginning to speak, they won't stop until they draw the majority to their side.

    To drive a person into shock, into stupor by absurd arguments or false accusations, to make him go numb from surprise and indignation – are all common methods of contention here – as old as the world.
    Maybe that provide a better perspective of what I was referring to.
    Last edited by Faith; 06-19-2018 at 12:33 PM.

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    I'm not going to provide more context because a) take much time b) its personal. Then, I provided example of SEI and you are not commenting about it. The question is obviously related to socionics, to see if there is some relation in here (and we all know you don't believe in it,)otherwise I'd be to a random psychology forum, which could be also useful.

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    It takes two to tango. Fe-types aren't more prone to conflict or resentment than any other type. However, Ejs and Ips tend to rationalize in public, so to speak; their true opinions are usually revealed due to their interactive rationalization preferences, which makes it far more difficult (not impossible) to keep secrets. Imagine the amount of conflict that would be generated if everyone's true feelings and dirty laundry were all laid out on the table. Eps and Ijs simply don't show their hand as often but when they do, there's an equal amount of fur flying.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    More from quadra complex:

    All of Alpha intuitive types (ILE and LII) are "static" and "logical" – they won't miss out on their rights (-Ti) and opportunities (+Ne), neither will they go searching in their pockets for a word – they can present their opinions very powerfully and extremely impressively. They can, better than any other types in the socion, astonish and disorient by the absurdity and illogic of their opinions that to an onlooker will appear to be very convincing and reasonable. (One needs to become skilled in having conversations with them to learn how to catch them on the illogic.)

    The sensing types of Alpha Quadra are the emotional ethical "declaring" types SEI and ESE – firmly convinced of their own correctness and able to squeeze emotions (out of themselves) to the maximum. Anyone who tries to argue with them will go hoarse from shouting, if not deaf earlier from all the noise. (Out-shouting Alpha sensing types is only possible to the orthogonal to them – conflicting and neutralizing – Gamma types, and even then with varying success.)

    The "declaring" "sensing of sensations" aspect of Alpha Quadra (Si) – is crude, rough, grounding and base (in its extreme expressions), and works to their self-assertion in a dispute. They aren't shy in sensory and emotional expressions – for too much is at stake: the struggle for material resources, rights, and opportunities, that are all scarce – this is a struggle for life or death. The struggle for survival here is not a joke: Alpha "program" sensing type SEI Dumas (+Si / -Fe) won't allow himself or his children to perish, but will fight for survival until the end; if not for himself, then at least for the sake of the children – and will stop at nothing if he wants to overcome his opposition.

    The "obstinate", creative sensing, "program" ethical type ESE Hugo (-Fe / +Si) doesn't even need to be mentioned – having started screaming, the ESE won't stop until he overwhelms his enemy both morally and physically – he will instill fear into his opponent, break him by own determination and tenacity, and decisively defend his rights to the very end. The sensing aspect of Alpha +Si is a powerful weapon in a dispute, not to mention the overwhelming "declaring" aspect of ethics of emotions -Fe that blasts an opponent with heavy fire of the choicest expressions in the most fierce and gloomy tones.

    - And what about the lawyers, advocates, and witnesses? - The reader will ask.
    - It is for this that here it is preferred to set up scandals in the presence of strangers, to have more witnesses.

    The ordering mechanisms of public relations have been historically created and developed in the evolutionary, initiating Alpha Quadra – the quadra of "subjectivist" "democrats" -– and subsequently passed to the Beta Quadra – the quadra of "decisive" "subjectivists" "aristocrats", who transform subjective opinion of a person into objective reality, moving it up to a majority vote. If the majority of people (especially reputable people) tell a person that he is wrong – this means that this is the way it is, regardless of who that person might be.

    In the authoritarian Beta Quadra society of "decisive" "subjectivist" "aristocrats", the people who make up the "unjust minority" were condemned as dissenters. Those who repented and pleaded guilty were exiled to hard labor, while the unrepentant were send to "fire" and declared hardened heretics. Even if they were very good and logical in defending their point of view, all the evidence worked against them.
    Last edited by Faith; 06-19-2018 at 12:59 PM.

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    Fe types have not valued Fi with emotional comfort, meanwhile have the wish to influence by emotions. This leads to specifics how they influence.
    For Fi valued types this looks as redundant conflicting and provoking. For Fe valued mb this is seen as funny sincerity, but not an idiocy and unreasonable insulting.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal View Post
    More from quadra complex:
    A lot of Socionics theory is written like religious texts, which can be rather subject to interpretation and bias. What point are you trying to make with the particular excerpt? Or, are you just throwing it out there for everyone to gnaw on? If it's the latter, the words seem to describe a flat-earth perspective of information processing.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Fe types have not valued Fi with emotional comfort, meanwhile have the wish to influence by emotions. This leads to specifics how they influence.
    For Fi valued types this looks as redundant conflicting and provoking. For Fe valued mb this is seen as funny sincerity, but not an idiocy and unreasonable insulting.

    yeah I think Fe uses emotion as a tool and projects (in the colloquial sense) them in order to get to where they want to go (of course Fe creative is most flexible and active in this regard, but all Fe types receive this as proper to some extent), whereas emotion is more "holy" or "sacred" for Fi types, a way to express what is really there, not simply to overshoot the mark in order to achieve some goal. In other words, introverted functions are more interested in accuracy and extroverted more interested in work, which is to say Fe wants to "get the job done" with emotions, whereas Fi wants "authenticity" or complete accuracy in conveying sentiment. At the same time the reciprocal relationship means that people can more easily dismiss Fe as Fe valuing types since they see it as an "attempt" not necessarily the most accurate representation of that person. When a Fi person perceives Fe in action it can hurt them because they take the Fe more seriously sometimes than they should, they have a harder time dismissing emotions as mere hysterics. I think the stronger the Fi type the more they recognize the realm of "exceptions" and can even transcend their projections in the feeling realm and turn callous, by way of feeling, i.e.: oppose them on ethical grounds (not logical ones, which is what Te types are forced to do when confronted with opposing Fe). At the same time this entire analysis tends to view Fe through the lens of Te, which is not entirely fair, I think the foregoing applies best to ethics in the creative position (Fi included), because that is the most "workmanlike" function. 4d base Fe seems to be kind of different, although ultimately viewing the world through emotional states often means manipulating them "for their own good", rather than "for my good".. I think that in some sense captures the distinction between base/creative. Which isn't to say base Fe types are less selfish than creative Fe types, they're just selfish in a different way, as we all are

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    A lot of Socionics theory is written like religious texts, which can be rather subject to interpretation and bias. What point are you trying to make with the particular excerpt? Or, are you just throwing it out there for everyone to gnaw on? If it's the latter, the words seem to describe a flat-earth perspective of information processing.

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    we've been over this before on 16 types: earth is flat; deal with it

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    A lot of Socionics theory is written like religious texts, which can be rather subject to interpretation and bias. What point are you trying to make with the particular excerpt? Or, are you just throwing it out there for everyone to gnaw on? If it's the latter, the words seem to describe a flat-earth perspective of information processing.

    a.k.a. I/O
    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    There are sweeping statements that I have trouble with, such as: 1. All of Alpha intuitive types (ILE and LII) are "static" and "logical"; 2. The "declaring" "sensing of sensations" aspect of Alpha Quadra (Si) – is crude, rough, grounding and base; 3. The "obstinate", creative sensing, "program" ethical type ESE Hugo (-Fe / +Si) doesn't even need to be mentioned – having started screaming; and 4. created and developed in the evolutionary, initiating Alpha Quadra – the quadra of "subjectivist" "democrats". It seems to imply that certain sets of behaviours, positions and or stances are reserved for particular quadras, which isn't accurate. I think that all types can take similar stances; they just get there via different routes and display them differently. The excerpt is for the most part rather nebulous and many terms ill-defined - subject to interpretation. I would describe myself as an individual who's largely governed by scientific methodology; I'm not a subjectivist democrat, whatever that means. Note that I wouldn't reserve "scientific methodology" for a particular quadra

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    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal View Post
    More from quadra complex:
    The quadra complex material on Alphas didn’t much match what I’ve seen irl, ymmv
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    The quadra complex material on Alphas didn’t much match what I’ve seen irl, ymmv
    Not in most cases, definitely, but I think this is specifically describing alphas when defending something of life or death importance to them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    The quadra complex material on Alphas didn’t much match what I’ve seen irl, ymmv
    are you looking at it from the point of view of alpha through a gamma lens?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal View Post
    I ask this because I've seen some Fe types that seem to be always seeking to have and perpetuate in their lives some kind of conflict or controversy supported by emotions of contempt and sowing seeds of discord among people.

    What do you think and what is your experience?

    It can be too that its an unhealthy manifestation of the element ofc.

    Its not a personal attack on Fe types ofc, and it has anything to do with the forum/forum experiences but personal life experiences with Fe in family and groups. I've just see this pattern and I'm curious to know if its something common or natural for Fe types.
    This probably only applies to Fe leads, since I've known of an EIE who does those stuff. But as an Fe creative, I'm unable to identify with those. If I find myself disliking someone, I'd rather avoid them.
    I don't like wasting my emotional energy on unnecessary conflicts when I could always save up my emotional energy on more productive tasks instead.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    are you looking at it from the point of view of alpha through a gamma lens?
    Well, I'm Beta and don't know what Alphas look like to Gammas firsthand.

    I could recognize the part about a kind of intellectual combat, and also a form of illogic, which is ime that some Alphas types will state a premise--or worse, not state the premise--and spin off from it, and woe be unto you if you should happen to examine the premise and point out to them that it is too faulty to build from, lol. However, I like these people usually and can find them insightful.

    The second section, extracts:

    The sensing types of Alpha Quadra are the emotional ethical "declaring" types SEI and ESE – firmly convinced of their own correctness and able to squeeze emotions (out of themselves) to the maximum. Anyone who tries to argue with them will go hoarse from shouting, if not deaf earlier from all the noise. (Out-shouting Alpha sensing types is only possible to the orthogonal to them – conflicting and neutralizing – Gamma types, and even then with varying success.)
    I am sure that most anyone can argue and most people can get angry enough to shout, so surely Alpha SFs can. But at least in relation to me, they have not been especially loud, and they can be so focused on accentuating the upbeat that I will find out with dismay that they were hiding their pain away. Anyone can do that, but I have two Alpha SF female friends who have taken this to an extreme. Maybe they can shout at their partners and I just don't hear it since I'm not living with them?

    The "declaring" "sensing of sensations" aspect of Alpha Quadra (Si) – is crude, rough, grounding and base (in its extreme expressions), and works to their self-assertion in a dispute. They aren't shy in sensory and emotional expressions – for too much is at stake: the struggle for material resources, rights, and opportunities, that are all scarce – this is a struggle for life or death. The struggle for survival here is not a joke: Alpha "program" sensing type SEI Dumas (+Si / -Fe) won't allow himself or his children to perish, but will fight for survival until the end; if not for himself, then at least for the sake of the children – and will stop at nothing if he wants to overcome his opposition.
    This is just weird to me. Maybe I'm missing something. My impression of SEIs is not so much like this. If I think about it, I can remember some territorial behavior, some jealousy, some resentment over having to share space, and I suppose defensiveness over their habits and comforts should it seem like those could be challenged or blocked. But it just doesn't seem so extreme to me as the quoted material makes it out to be. And what parent will allow their children to perish? I have kids, don't fuck with them. Most parents I know have this instinct.

    The "obstinate", creative sensing, "program" ethical type ESE Hugo (-Fe / +Si) doesn't even need to be mentioned – having started screaming, the ESE won't stop until he overwhelms his enemy both morally and physically – he will instill fear into his opponent, break him by own determination and tenacity, and decisively defend his rights to the very end. The sensing aspect of Alpha +Si is a powerful weapon in a dispute, not to mention the overwhelming "declaring" aspect of ethics of emotions -Fe that blasts an opponent with heavy fire of the choicest expressions in the most fierce and gloomy tones."
    Hey, maybe I'm ESE after all these years!

    So to be more fair, these might be dark sides, but the descriptions don't fit the overall impression Alphas make on me. They seem distorted.
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    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    yeah of course, I feel the same way about many socionics descriptions. I think the trick is to try and squint and see it from the point of view of the writer and make an on the fly adjustment rather than expect everyone to be on exactly the same page, since if such a thing were easy we wouldn't need socionics to begin with... in the end unless there's physical measurements we can all use a ruler to look at it feels like such a thing is inevitable... in essence to ask ESI to talk like LII when describing their experience is like trying to zero out literature and replace it all with scientific observations

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    I love listening to other people gossip about others, but I don't like getting directly involved or saying shit myself. It's just fun to hear dirt on people. Dunno if this is a Fi or Fe thing with me or just a plain human thing but whatever.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mio Q View Post
    I love listening to other people gossip about others, but I don't like getting directly involved or saying shit myself. It's just fun to hear dirt on people. Dunno if this is a Fi or Fe thing with me or just a plain human thing but whatever.
    It's human nature to feel somewhat bolstered when someone has a problem that you don't and there's even potential for an addictive high; if people are in a hole, then others can get the delusion that they hold the high ground. The first inclination of a small minority would be to want to help while another select few will gloat and try to push the dagger in further, but the vast majority will avoid getting involved while at the same time thinking: "I'm in such a better place".....

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    Quote Originally Posted by squark View Post
    There are also those of us that have had enough of misery and problems and would really just rather hear about good things happening to people instead. Hearing more troubles people are having is depressing.
    Yes, the view from the bottom of the hill is usually quite different......

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    Well I make sides with everyone so by default I get caught up in the conflicts other people have.

    I'm far more forgiving and non-veangeful than most people actually, and that's why I can help create or diffuse conflicts...
    no hard feelings just soft feelings. I'm like those sociopathic seemingly friendly evil villain archetypes. I actually give little care for what people feel about eachother, I am more interested in having fun and learning about the world rather than having people as obstacles.

    And being involved too much in an Fi way means less fun.

    Conflict? Maybe.

    Resentment? No.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Crystal View Post
    Thanks, I'm sure the type of the people I'm speaking about and I've had relations with SEE and Beta (I've deal with them as family, friends, coworkers etc) for comparision of behavior, the style of alpha and the rest is different, maybe I failed at explaining and detailing it.
    And yes, golden speaks about EIE primarily since its his type.

    Btw, here some info related to communication from quadra complex, the complex of closed mouth (wonder why the name) I don't think that I'm confusing types or that just Beta or Se Fi are guilty of speak about others:

    Maybe that provide a better perspective of what I was referring to.
    It's ironic that you quote Stratiyevskaya's complexes - in my opinion she injects a lot of Se into Si valuing types' motivations. So again I can't agree with your conception of Fe here.

    (also, @golden is a woman btw)

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    It's ironic that you quote Stratiyevskaya's complexes - in my opinion she injects a lot of Se into Si valuing types' motivations. So again I can't agree with your conception of Fe here.

    (also, @golden is a woman btw)
    How is that ironic?

    What other articles are even available in the community that are nearly as detailed or informative as hers?
    [Today 07:57 AM] Raver: Life is a ride that lasts very long, but still a ride. It is a dream that we have yet to awaken from.

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